Tuesday, January 04, 2011

| | |
N-g-1 '\---iwh j, ß,-w
Fig. 26. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics (1 turntable product). l-8 cultural layer. l-7 M 1:2, 8 M I:3.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Öangali
,-Q 4!-Q.
D-W 6
, AND V8
, 12
Abb.27. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Keramik.1-5.7.9 cultural layer. 6 findings 8. 8.12 findings 3-2. 10 findings 4.
ll findings 2-1. 1-11 M L:2. 12 M L:3.
78 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Fig. 28. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. 1.4-7 cultural layers. 2 findings 3-2. 3 findings 3-1. 8 findings 3-3.
9 findings 4th M 1:2.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali
fLl,l-L@jo \i\U fa \, 4'\
\\, \-l 5
Np, q \; Ar7.Ul-6 (; fa 8
Fig. 29. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. 1.10 findings cultural layers. 4.5 findings 3-2. 1 l of findings 8.
80 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I 'Tjffi-.
Fig. 30. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. 1 findings 2-2. 2.4.\0 cultural layer. 3 findings 3-I, 5.7 findings 2-3.
6.8 Findings 3-1. 9 findings 4th M 7:2.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Öangali 81
Fig. 31. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. 1-3.6-9 cultural layers. 4 findings 3-3. 5 findings 3-1. M 1:2.
Tin of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Ceramics. l. B findings 4. 2.7 findings 3-1
M 1:2.
L, Ra]-.-J
n-/-\tt 1 \
l 1 \*.,-) iU I \\:.,/see
nn - {7"-\ll \) and \__,/4i
Fig. 32. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. 3-5 cultural layers. 6 findings 3-2.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 83
Abb.33. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. 1.6 findings 4. 2.4 cultural layers. 3.5.7 findings 3-1. M 1:2
84 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Ceramics. 1-2 findings 3-3. 3.5 cultural layers. 4 findings 2-3 l-4 M
5 M 1:3.
Fig. 34. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. 7:2,
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali
of n\l' - and the following \' * r
[\7,7 L-J gJ
Fig. 35. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. l-5.8 cultural layer. 6.7.9 findings 3-1. M 1:2.
86 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Abb.36. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. 1.2.4-6 Kulturschicht.3 findings 3-2. M1 2
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Öangali 8?
O-l'rr "i
!) V, o
\) \tt//"
of i'.
Fig. 37. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement.
, 14 I
Ceramics. 1.9 findings 3-7. 2.5 findings 3-2. 3.6- cultural layers.
4.10 findings 3-3. 13 findings 2-3. M 7:2.
\, ry ^ rr B
\'l\P7 D-ry 8
88 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Fig. 38. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. 1.6 findings 3-1. 2 findings 4. 3 findings 3-3. 4.5 cultural layers.
7 findings 3-2. M l:2.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali
, 10
Abb.39. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. 1 findings 3-1. 2-6.9.10 cultural layers. 7 findings 2-1. 8 findings 3-2.
90 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
ll I I
Abb.40. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. 1 findings 2-2. 2.4.7 cultural layer. 3 findings 3-1
6 findings 4. l-6 M 1:2, 7 M I:3.
5 findings 8
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 91
\-fi1m \) uec' %--t 2
Fig. 41. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Keramik. cultural layer. 2.10.11 findings 3-2. 5 findings 3-3
8 findings 2-1. 9 findings 3-1. M 1:2.
92 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
a\-liR \\\\Ii iI, ulj 2
Fig. 42. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. 1.9 cultural layer. 2.3.5-8 findings 3-2. 4 findings 2-3. 1-6.9 M I: 2,
7.8 M I:3.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and öangali gg
Abb.43. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. I findings 3-2. 2 findings 3-1.3.4 cultural layers. M l:2.
94 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
nl Th I Ui t ut I
tr1a V
Fig. 44. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. 1.3 findings 3-1. 2 findings 2-3. 4-7 cultural layers. M I:2.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali
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Fig. 45. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. cultural layer. 2 findings 2-1. 5.6 findings &3. B findings 4
9 findings 3-1. I m 1:3,2-10 M l:2.
96 zezeit in Mittelasi
Abb.46. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. 1.2.4 cultural layer. 3 findings 2-2. 5 findings 3-2. 6.7 findings 3-3. lfi {1:2,2.5 m 1:3.
w <-t/
Tin of the Bron
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali
1 l [ffi, [ß 2 and the following ffi@3
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and the following' B'td I fl-@ 10
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Abb.47. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. findings 3-3.3.7 findings 2- findings 3-2/6/70-12
Cultural layer. M 1:2.
9B tin of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
of lhl'---iI-/---/'A" r - - \r Ll lU; Al ItufitttqrA
) t il
; r.-r. Karnab,
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali
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Central Asia I
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and V of 4Li ('/t -' 5
" \\----? - - Li f/€ of rl-:EELY' \r ____ l __ t_*J I
Abb.50. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics. 1.4-6.10 cultural layer. 2.7.11 findings 2-1. 3 findings 3-2. B findings
3 3.9Befund3 1. M1:2.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali l0l
fr-& -
\J 11
Abb.51. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics (l-6), Steingegensuinde (7.12) and metal (B-11). 1.5-7.11.12 cultural layer.
2 findings 3-2.3.4 findings 3-1. 8.10 findings 2-1. 9 findings 58. 7 rock crystals, B.l0.l1 tin bronze, 9 arsenic coppers,
12 Breccie. 1 M 1:3, 2-5 m l:2,6-12 M 2:3.
t il e
/? r ^-r\ffiP 10
102 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
\*1 E
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20-22.24-29 cultural layers. 6.13 findings 3-2.
Silex, 2.26 white Silex, 77.2I.22 of grey Silex.
V1-J '<<_-/
R - rfffii\n 0w\)) tr=R-(\ItE\rll \-N//i \E egg 11 \H lll F1 ll 1F-i t
sH//FIF/ll f> /' uvl wL/\F/l\l
Fig. 52. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. L 5.7 1 2. 14-18.
19 findings 2-2. 23 findings 3-3. 1.3-16.18-20.23-25.27-2,3?: "".
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 103
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And the following, p t: ß/
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Fig. 53.
finding 3-3
. (iÄ.-/n € of l of € of t wr ffi 26 G27 28 + 29 <^30
Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. 1-11.13- cultural layers. Be
1- brown Silex, grater Silex, 11.24 white Silex, 13.18 black ones
Silex. M 2:3.
104 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
z ^ <4
And the following
-f.> = e - € gä t of =F:tr B LFF;:ER Te === jEF € of AC Äi; - € ==; FW-ä uW \a@ ";#
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wffü> ^.-14 3 15 \€ äR € fwfi
ffibffi0ffi {N + U zl 4 22, '^... 29
Fig. 54. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. 1.18.23 findings 2- Kultrrrschicht.
4 findings 2-3. 13 findings 12. 25 findings 3-2. of grey Silex, 3 brown Silex, 4 black Silex, 5.7 grey-brown
gebänderter Silex, 11-25 white to light grey quartz. M 2:3.
wwffi t r W yffi\
w1> 2
*> 17
Z>> 18 c> 1e <20
((, (ii
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Öangali 105
&Do" NPuo
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Re - Za '?' ll-*-S I \l-1*\F. '.s I I
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.? B'-Lt|r*-= g.,-;. {FG-; 3E
<=7 17
/aT-^\H L', \ltl L/, " fr81 \l I
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ffit18 ffil, Go,
Fig. 55. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. 1.3- cultural layer. 2 findings 4. 12.14.15 findings
2-2. 18.19 findings 8. 1-17 white to grey quartz, 18.19 grey quartzites, 20 brown, coarse sandstones. M I: 3.
106 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
/44 | "... ä l\i: &R
l [" e ,,#
h.,-.:.:; i; iis7
t\-:l-;::&".1i',&: .rtünilf#fi 2
Fig. 56. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. I findings 2-2. 2.4.7 cultural layer. 3.8 findings 3-2. 5.6 findings 2-3.
1-8Kalkstein. Ml:3.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Öangali 107
Fig. 57. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. 1.7 findings 3-2. 2 findings 2-3. 3.5 cultural layers. 4 findings 2-1.
6 findings 4. 1.2 limestone, 3-6 Aplit, 7 Qlarz. M I:3.
108 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Ir "-,------."
M, "'t\
l "1:.'t
Fig. 58. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. L 3.5.7 of cultural layer. 4 findings 3-3. 6 findings 3-2. 8 findings 1
1.3-5 Quartz, 2.6-8 quartzites. M I:3.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 109
/\<__ _ _ - _-)'
Fig. 59. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. 1 cultural layer
phibolit, 3-6 limestones.
. 2-5 findings 3-2. 6 findings 2-3. 1 granite, 2 In
M l:3.
110 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
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Abb.60. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. findings 3-2. 2.5-7.9.14.\8-20.22-25.28 cultural layers.
3.11 findings 2-1 rc.ss.17.21 findings 3-3. 13 findings 3-1. 15 findings 4.26.27 findings 2-2.7-28 limestones. 1-23
M 1.3,24-28 M2.3.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 111 f\f#iffffi wc]
ffi/, wwe
Abb.6l. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. 1-3.14.15 findings 3-3. 4.12.13 cultural layer. 5-11 findings 3-1.
1-15 limestones. M. I:3.
Z - OF _____',
rt2 tin of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
#ffi (
^s Abb.62. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. 1.2 findings 3-2 and cultural layer. 4-6 cultural layers. 1-6 limestones.
M 1:3.

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\$ \l$r7f$dr i/fu///() V c> 6 G7 G 8: e
ffiffiGffi &w of wJr' Ä \tr (\and the following \_-/) Un 11 \-/10
/1 N, ffia ffistr @@ d and the following, r tg
D 14
Fig. 63. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Steingeräte. cultural layer. 3.4.8 findings 2-2. 5 findings 3-1. 6 findings
2-1. findings 3-2. 1 dark, basic lode rock, 2-9 Aplit, 10-13.18.19 limestones, 14 more red
Ocher, 15 black pebble slates, 16.17 sandstones. M 1:3.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 113
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114 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Fr_), - =----------
Fig. 64. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. 1.4.6 cultural layer. 2.3.5 findings 3-2. 7 findings 2-2. 1.2.7 granite,
3 Aplit, 4 gneisses, 5 conglomerates, 6 limestones. 1-3.5-7 M 1:6, 4 M 1:3.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 115
Abb.65. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. 1.5 findings 3-2.2.7 cultural layers. 3 findings 4. 4.6 findings 2-3.
1.4.5 Conglomerate, 2.6.7 granite, 3 gneisses. L 3.6.7 of M 1: 3, 4.5 M I:6.
116 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Fig. 66. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. 1.2 cultural layer. 3.6.7 findings 3-2. 4 findings 4. 5 findings 2-3. 1.2
Aplit, 3.5 granites, 4 limestones, 6.7 quartz. M I: 3.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali ll7
/l \till \_ - = _l 6
Stone devices. 1.5-7 cultural layers. 2.4 findings 3-2. 3 findings 4. 8 findings 2-3
1.3-5 Qtarz, 2.6-8 Aplit. M I: 3.
Fig. 67. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement
118 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
following Abb.68. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. L.3.6Befund3 3.2Befund2 1.4.5 cultural layer. granite,
3.6quartz. Ml:3.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 119
0 ffi0.
Fig. 69. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. cultural layer. 3.4 findings 3-3. 7 findings 3-2 and cultural layer.
I sound slates, 2.7.9 Quarziq3.8 quartz, 4 limestones, 5.10 Aplit, 6 granites. M I: 3.
t20 tin of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
ffi0, (/l t
m, fig. 70. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Stone devices. 1.4 findings 3- cultural layers. 6-8 findings 3'3. I limestones,
2-10 quartz. M I:3.
Siedh, rngsarchäologische Forschun5; en in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali t27
Abb.71. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Ceramics (1a.b), bronze ingot (2) and Stcingca^cnstände (3.4).1.2. + Kuiturschicht.
3 findings 3-2 and Krrlturschicht. 1a.b turntable ceramics, 2 tin bronze, 3 limestones, 4 Breccie. 1/2/4
M i:1. 3 N, I I:2
r22 tin of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Fig. 72. Karnab, Siökonöi-Sicdlune. Stone devices. I findings 3-2. 2 findings 2-3. 3 findings 4. 1a heel from I (rlkstein,
1B wear tracks in the edge ll:rlksteinhacke, 2 groove hammers from limestone, 3 blow stones with
Dished plates from limestone. 1a.2.3 NI l:2, 1B X {I: l.
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Siediungsarchäologische researches in
The Tell of Karnab (A001) lies in that
Middle today's orresl3r (fig. 75, A), etwa2,5
km to the west of the tin beds. He
if the centre forms after him named
Settlement chamber. His Grr.rndfläche
amounts about 115x123m.
Edges are on all sides strongly by
Erosion and modern building activity disturbed
(Abb.75, B). The Tell itself has to go after statement
older villager till the beginning
of 20. Have been inhabited cent. from what
still some dilapidated clay brick constructions,
Concrete base r "rnd an intact building
The excavations in the Tell132 had this
hauptsächli che aim, his population duration
and stratigraphische sequence as well as his relation
to the neighbouring tin beds
to examine. Already with a first one
Celebration in 1995 for the preparation this
Of project was clear, that iiberwiegende
Part of the layer depositions, antique" to
medieval dated. Still had to go
of the question become followed, whether they
to the earliest settlement layers in the base
of the hill already old historically or.
could be bronze-temporal, although
the present experiences with the excavation
other sogdischer settlement hill
against it spoke. To the investigation of her
Layer result two cuts were put on
(See I and S. II). See I was on the north corner
of the Tells, in the eroded goal area (?)
a still visible fortification
(Fig. 76, A; 77), the north south was aimed
and if a surface of 5 x 4 m had. See II arr
the east corner of the Tells in the area nrodernen
Of hollow way l form (Ahh owned
76,8). His north south straightened arm,
on the edge of the Tells along, B x was 4 m,
while to the Tellinneren showing ones
West east surface 4x1, B0m enclosed. In beiclen
To cuts mrrden the layers to
Sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali
examines for the infertile ground.
Oberkante of S. I corresponded of the today's ones
Telloberfläche, during in S. II, causes
by an erosion step, the excavations
3.50 m deeper began.
On the Tell still became at first
20 cent. gesiedeltl33. The surface finding
of a timuridischen coin this also books
14 cent. It is to be gone out from the fact, that they
to the uppermost layers with this spätmittelalter-
and modern to modern settlement activity
over and over again levels and
so that were used.
There in the preserved layers kaurn
Coins or other absolutely passé findings
appeared, had to go for the linking
with existing chronology
of other sites of the discovery on analogies, in particular
of the ceramic forms, fallen back
become. The correlation with him
To Stratigraphien other places comes along
essential meaning with the absolute ones
Date of the different population periods
from Karnab to. The ceramics
was strongly fragmented, like with settlements commonly.
It let themselves to trotzCem numerous one
Forms rekonstmieren. Still
if reached the determinable and on them
Layers or findings distributed material
not from, around a statistical analysis
To carry out the good to finding, how they with Tellgrabungen
is always to be aimed. The form variety
was too big and layer or.
Findings remained often only single pieces
for the rest, sometimes even in the Tell all together
only 3 or four times met.
The settlement let itself in eight periods
(Karnab I - Karnab \|III) divide, partial
even more finely could be divided.
Besides, the development ran in both
To cuts SI and SII not absolutely immediately,
since in SII certain periods were absent
from SI.
l3r Recently also in the Schreib'r, veise t '2 Qarnab. Arlß. to the authors took T. Güglütürk, V. Nabokov and S. Reinhold in the excavations divide. The Umzeichnungen
of the findings and findings took over R. Boroffka. - To preliminary reports and Err'vähnunsen see Alimov
among other things in 1998; Parzinger 1998a; Parzineer 1998B; Parzinger 1998C; Parzinger in 2000. - For discussions and
Hinrveise owe rvir außcr to the participants in the project also S. Baratov, A. Druiinina, M. Isamiddinov,
B. Mariak, A. Najmark, SUPRA Papachristou, R. Sr.rlejmanov and L. Sverökor.
act Mündli.h. trIitteilung of older Bervohner of Karnab.
126 tins of her
Zun Srn-q.rrcR-A.PHrE
In both cuts we reached the infertile one
Ground, on which one the oldest Besiecllung
founded. It concerns in each case
around Gmbenhäuser, in the erosion layer
(Fig. 78.1; 79.2) of the being waiting one
Of limestone (fig. 79.1) eingetieft u'urden.
About that follow the real cultural layers.
In cut SI are this the depositions
the period I, consisting of floors
(Fig. 78.3) and Aufichüttungen (Äö0.
78,2.4.6-7). In cut SII it concerns
around different floors from mucky screed
(Findings II, z5) or clay brick situations (findings
II/7 and II / 9) (fig. 79,
20.28.31), with LehmpLttz Al to the sides,
sometimes to Stampflehmmauern hochsezogen
can be (fig. 79.7a. 10. 10a. 15. 1 7.27),
and intervening elevations
(Fig. 7 9, 4. 6th B. I 2-I 2N. I 1. I B-I 9. 2 I-26. 29*3 0.
While levels in cut SII apparently
became (fig. 79, and the settlement
itself only again in period \|I continued,
if a continuous development was able in SI
of the layers and also the finding property
are observed.
In cut SI period I becomes by einerr
Floor seals (fig. 7 B, B), together
with the next layer of earth
(Fig. 78.9) period II belongs. The mightier ones
Ablagerr.rngen of the period III leave
are made up in the plan of three phases, although
in the profile partially more horizons to
recognise are (fig. 78). With the findings
I/71, I / \6, I / 19, I/27-21a and I / 26*26a
if it concerns floors between derr
Walls I/70-I0a, I / 72, I / 15, I / 24, I / 29
and I / 30. In between and are higher
the layers of earth I/73-14, I/77-IB, I / 20,
I/22, I / 25 and I / 27. The whole layer package
rvird by a Planierung (fig.
78,23.28) concluded, which we as a Karnab
IV call and in the finding material
a Üb.rgur.g between the periods III
and reveals V. Leztere also is again
in the plan by farmer's Estonian tangibly, and one
changed adjustment of the buildings to
note is. Also here wr-rrden mehrer.e
Fußböclen (fig. 78,32.34. 36.4 1), wall trains
(Fig. 78,37.38.40) and in between lying ones
Layers of earth (fig. 78, he
Bronze Age in Mitte'lasien I
touches. Befun d I/+Z still becomes cliesem horizon
calculated, although it to itself possibly
around a Planierung or Auf'schüttung
trades, they the ground for the Bar.rten
of the fortress arrangement from period \rI flatten
had to go.
Period Karnab \rI is rvieder in both
To cuts well books and is able in each case in
three phases geglieclert become and in
Cut SI partially even four Fußboclenlagen
in the profile are to be observed (fig.
78,47.19.5, 66). Belong to it
the Festr.rngsmauer (fig. 78,14.67), the hall walls
(Fig. 78,15a c.46a r) and them
Abschlul3mauern of the hall (fig.
78,55a-r:.58). The wall leftovers of the findings
I/65 and I/69a B became merely in the profile
grasps. Between the floors fanderr
itself filling layers (fig. 78,
59.61.63), the partially fallen down one
Clay bricks included (findings I / 52 and
54). Here also kick for the first time Stürungen
by pits from period \IIII on (Äö0.
78,84). In cut SII fblgt on the Planierung
after period I immediately periods
Karnab \rI, clie to itself also in the plan in all
three rebuilding phases verfblgen leaves. In the profile
if it concerns screed floors (Ä0ö.
7 9, 3 7. 3 7 B. 3 9-4 I. 5 0 a. 5 3. 5 7-5 B. 6 8. 6 8 ct.), Laufhorizorrte
(Fig. 79.7 1-72), clay brick walls
(Fig. 79, and in between
recumbent Fiillschichten (fig. 79.29.
2 9 a-b. 3 5-3 6. 3 7 a. 4 6-1, 7. 5 0. 5 I - 5 2. 5 1-5, 6. 5 9. 6 I -
61. 70. 73-75. Year of construction). Rubble layers, in
If The architecture cut SII of period \|I
overlaid (fig. 79,81-87), proved to be preponderant
Ceramics, that from Karnab \rI
corresponds, however, besides, would be also found
already forms, for period \lII typically
are. From this Grr "rnd this becomes
Layer package as a crossing of period \lI
zrr \rll hetrachtet.
For period Karnab \lII were able only in
Cut SI architecture leftovers are ascertained.
Besides, it concerns rests vorr
Floors (fig. 78.7 I 73), wall foundations
of stones with mucky connection (fig. 78.70)
and filling layers (fig. 78,72.74-77.85). In
The pits II/94a fa let themselves cut SII
and IIl101 on account of her findings certainly
assign to this period, while pit
II/66a g no dating material proved
and can belong to period \4I or \4II
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Öangali 127
(Fig. 79). The Versturzschichten with clay bricks
(Fig. 79.88) and perhaps also a part
of the erosion situations (fig. 79,89-93) are rather
Period \|II to add, although they none
Ceramics delivered.
Period \{III is in cut SI by them
Pits I/78-84, I / 97 (not in the profile)
and the filling layer I / 86 represent (fig. 7B).
In cut SII findings of this time are only in
to the upper erosion layers (fig. 79.67.
95-98) books. As already mentioned, would be able
also the pit Ill66a g to this period
belong, however, she delivered no dateable one
Pnnrorn KA.nNae I
In the slices SI and SII is clie oldest ones
Period Karnab I directly in the grown one
Ground eingetieft, from hard, gelborangem
Decomposition loam under it
of recumbent limestone exists.
In the oldest Besiedlunssphase from
Cut SI (fig. B0, A-B) became in the north
the edge not exactly in the infertile ground
(Fig. 80, A1.81) dug, but they
owned two indentations. In \A / estprofil
if a base, after the south appeared
0.70 m in the space hineinragte. In one
a little younger bar "rphase iiberdeckte one
Mucky screed (fig. 80.83) the unevennesses
in the infertile ground. A round gypsum tub
(Dm 0.70 m) was close in the south profile.
To the north besides lay second rounds
Gypsum construction (Dm 0.30m). In the whole one
deeper north part of the pit house found
itself ceramics and fragments of other ones
Gypsum installations. The infertile ground
if pointed several small pits and post holes,
nevertheless, no clear Zr.rsammenhang
allowed to recognise (fig. B0, A).
In cut SII we exposed three rooms,
in the grown ground eingetieft
were (fig. B1). In her inside left
to themselves partially several floors ascertain.
From the sirdlichsten space only it became
North-east corner on an average grasps. The east wall,
possibly NNW-SSO straightened, existed
from a careful mucky disguising
(D 10-12 cm) of the intersected ground,
then on the inside with several
Cleaning layers it had been provided
(Fig. 81.10). Also the north face became
with loam dresses up, nevertheless, plaster was not
receive (fig. 81.7). On both sides of her
We observed north face in the corner
several small (Dm 4-6 cm) (post?) holes.
Directly in the corner there lay a hewn one
Granite block with square supervision, circular ones
Corners and a central hollow
(Abb.83,9). Inside of the space, in particular
in the profile (fig. 79,5.7.9; 81,5/
7/Three celebration horizons were able to do 9), documented
become. The latest one and of her
middle ones existed in each case of a Lehmziegelf'ußboden,
during oldest as one
very carefully flattened mucky screed receive
was. Few centimetres under this
Screed were found in the north-east corner
of the space both front runs (shoulder
and long bone) of a young Ovicapriden
extensively still in the anatomical one
Connection (fig. B1). A little deeper and
partial under the disguising of the north face
if became a level, rectangular hollow
(0.35 x 0.20 m) uncovered, in the other one
Long bone (Ovicapriden) close packed
had become. The infertile ground lay a few
Centimetre deeper. Beyond this space,
directly on his north-east corner, one became
nrnde hollow (Dm 0.80 m, T 0.10 m) in
the grown ground eingetieft, with
Cinder and coarse earth was filled (fig.
81,100). At a distance of 0,90-
1.20 m to the north fblgte a second one
eingetiefter rectangle space. We grasped
his southeast corner, north-east corner and northwest corner,
so that his dimensions with approx. 4.00 x
2.40 m can be given. It left
itself, wiederr.rm in the profile, only two floors
ascertain, both from fine, gl:auem
Mucky screed with strong lime admixtures
(Fig. 79,13.20). A possible third one
Floor from pink-coloured clay bricks
it was partial to recognise. Also only in
Profile was cut a fireplace
from burnt loam with more being higher
Cinder, in the south part of the space to the younger one
Mucky screed belonged. In the northern ones
Half of the east wall, they a thin one
Mucky disguising aufivies (fig. 81.17), stie
ßen we on five small post holes (Dm
5-12 cm) in the distance of approx. 0,30-0,50 m
to each other. The whole eastern side of the space
lay on a width of 0,80*0,95 m po128
Tin of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
destartig 0.10 m higher than the west part.
Along the step fanclen to itself on the stage
three other post holes (Dm 10-
12 cm, distance to each other 0,70-0,80 m) in
North south row. To the Nordlvand n'urde.
with a distance of 0.30 m to the Norclostecke,
a rectangular mucky stage
(0,70x0,40 m) built (fig. B1,99). Efiva in
Height of the middle of this stage was found
in the north face a semicircular niche
(T approx. 8 cm, B approx. 18 cm) which contained cinder.
In the north edge of the deeper west part
in this space lay a roughly hewn one
Stone block with central hollow (fig. 81.16).
In the distance of 0.70 m to the north and
about 1.15 m after \Vesten moves fänd to itself
the third eingetiefte space, r'on to him only
the southeast corner and a large part of the Südrvand
(ergrabene L 5 m) by the excavation
erfal3t could become (Ahb. 81,28.30).Enva
0.80 m to the west of the southeast corner is the Sirdwand
to Süclen on a width vorr
approx. 2.50 m more level abgeschräet, so that here
an entrance was to be supposed. Merely in
Nordprofii and.r.rrde a Lehrnestrich documented,
that of the middle pit house
resembled. Otherwise was this Raurn
dtrrch a late pit (fig. 81.66n) strongly
The Funclgut encloses big, tonne-shaped
To pot with cuff-like verclickten
To edges and at an angle zurn small ground
there to branching off drag (fig. 82,3-5;
83,3.13), how they from connections
5.-3 cent. B.C. (spätachaimenidisch/frühhellenistisch)
famously sindr3a. Also easy ones
calotte-shaped bowls, sometimes
with bright varnish stripe arn edge (fig.
B 2, 6-I 3) r
35, scarf en with eingekni ckter \AIandung
(Aöö. 82,1-2) 136, smaller pots with
gewölbtern Kdrper and hammer-like more formed
Raridlippe (fig. 83, l-41) 7, engmundige
Vessels with outside around thickened
Ränclern (fig. 83,4-5.10) "t uncl big pots
with komliziert put a tread Krasenrand
(Fig. 83.12) "'find in cliesel time Aralogien.
The ceramics are all together almost ausschlielllich
rotated with disc one. In other ones
To findings are able to do a bronze pearl (fig.
83,6), a bronze metal (Abb.83,7), meal balls
(Fig. 83.8) and clie bowl stones
(Fig. 83.9) from the pit houses from
Cut SII mentions werclen. All together looks
if this period was allowed in spätachaimenidische/
frtihhellenistische time, so in
the 4.-3 cent. B.C. are dated, without
claß a more exact beginning is possible.
PBRronE KqnNne II
The pit houses of the period I follows in
to both cuts immediately the first architecture
with wall leftovers. During in cut
SI the ceramics one! \'eiterentwicklung recognise
leaves, a part seems in cut SII
to be absent the sequence, in any case, lies from SII
nobody for the periods II V of typical
ceramic finding material before.
Hardly more in the grown ground
eingetiefi are in cut SI the constructions of her
Period Karnab II (fig. 81, A-B). In the north part
of the cut the infertile one was still found
Subsoil (fig. 81, A1). He wr-rrde along
a straight edge, in Ost-\4 "est direction
ran, a little dug away, tvobei
in \A / estrand of the cut of those bases recognizably
wat to itself frtiher after 0.70 m
The south extended. From the end of this base
if an inside wall from Stampflehm followed
t" 2.,-example Ka6anoe 1973a, fig. 11, I0-11; 13,40-41 (Afrzrsiab); Hcarrn4.lrzuoe / Cv, reür, rarroe in 1984,
Fig. 17-1 8; 20undAbb.60. on. 1.15-146 (Erkurgan).Siehcauchclie Fundeaus'föpfcrirfenr, onSaratepe2:
tr {cauH qriuü I992, bcsonders fig. 4; 5.5; 6,1.3; 7.1-3; 8.1 9.
135 Evpaxoe among other things in 1981, fig. I7,5-tj; 18,8-10 (Samarkancl); I4cauu4; 1nHoe / C, v.reür'rarroe in 1984, Abb.60 on S. I46
on top 10-11.14; on the p. 145 below B (Erkurgan); I4eaHr.rqxui.i 1992, Abb.3,16*18.23-24; 5,2-4.10-I1; 6,9-13
(Saratepc 2); llugaee in 1992, fig. 1,22-26 (Gcbiet of Termez, 4.-2 cent. of r'. Chr.).
1:t6} jyp.axc, e among other things in 1981, fig. lB, 5 (Szrmarkancl); I {c:rna4aluHoe / Cy, reär'raHoe in 1984, Abb.60 on the p. 146 r-rnterr 21
(Erkurean); Heauurlnnü in 1992, fig. 6,2.6.13-14 (Saratepc 2). tttt Ka6anou 1973a, fig. 24-26 (Afrasi:rb).
too Ku6arrou 1973a, fig. 12.21; 13,30-32 (Afrasiab); E, vp; rnou among other things in 1981, fig. 19.23 (Samarkand); Hcanar.rg-
4uuoe / Cv, reüvrason in 1984, fig. 60. on S. l45 below 22 (Erkurgan); I'Iearruqnuü 1992, fig. 9,1-2 (Saratepe
2). t'o Ku6utt, and 1973a, fig. 12,26-27; I3, 14 (Afiasiab); llluurrturra in 1974, Abb.8,9-I0 (Afiasiab).
Siecllungsarchäologische researches in the Umf'eld of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali t29
The south (B 0.30 m, L 1.90 m) (fig. B4, AB7).
The floor was flattened with a screed
(Fig. 81, A5). In the west profile some became
Stones observes (fig. 81, A1). In the south edge
of the cut was found 0.30 m to the east
from the wall end and in the possibly same ones
Place like before a gypsum tub, a round one
Hollow, carefully with yellow tone verputztwar
(Dm 0.80 m) (fig. B1, A88a). Northeast
besides two lay next rounds
Constructions from gypsum (Dm in each case approx.
0.30 m) (fig. S4, ABBb-r).In of the Nordwestekke
of the eastern space, not far from the wall beginning
on the grown ground, bumped
we on a bowl (fig. 85.3) with that
Mouth down (fig. B1, B).
The form repertoire of the ceramics (exclusively
Disc product) changed
though clearly towards Karnab I, some
Nevertheless, elements can be followed up.
Above all calotte-shaped belong to it
Bowls with short, slightly broken off one
Obertell (fig. 85,1-6) as well as those with
bent wall, now, however, with
to clear rib-like sales in
Belly layout are provided. The thickened one
Upper top bends mostly a little bit inwards,
is often provided with dark varnish, more distant
if they are able to do a set off, low one
Foot aufiveisen (fig. B5J) 140. Also oi
fene, calotte-shaped bowls with slightly set off one,
to funnel-shaped upper top are
still vorhand.en (fig. 85,12-13) 11 t. W "it" rentwickelt
if the small pots work further
with S. profile, edges not more in such a way
clearly are thickened and profile every now and then
precipitates a little more angularly, they are able
be also gefirnißt (fig. 85.7-B) '^'.
Anew there there come level bowls with more arched
Wall and set off, roughly
to horizontal edge (fig. 85,9.14) 143
as well as level forms with slightly bent inwards
The edge lip which thickens outside collar-like
(sucked. Fish bowls) (fig. 85,10.15)
or T:förmig wiped off (Ahb. 85.11)
istlaa. For the first time also there come fragments
from weitmundigen mugs or cups
with easily ausbiegender edge lip before,
sometimes show streaky polish or varnish
(Abb.86,1-3) 115. Anew are more distant
tnu ilI "-r", rro in 1969, fig. 7.26 (Samarkand, 3. Cent. V Chr.); caress, roecKaü/HeKpacoBa 7976, 32 fig. I, 6-7 (Alt-Termez,
3.-I.Jh.v. Chr.); llu4aee 1,976.73following Abb.2; flz4aee in 1978, Taf. 1,1-4 (Mirzakul-Tepe, 3.-2 cent. B.C.);
feuncoe in 1980, 103following Abb.3, I-2 (Tepe Diniston, 3.-2. Jh.r '.Chr.); Mvxaue4; raHoB among other things in 1982, fig. 1. on top
13.19 (Bucharal, 4.-2.1h. r". Chr.); trlcauug.4reHoe / C, V, reäuauoe in 1984, fig. 60. on the p. 145 below and on top (Erkurean,
3. Jh.r, '.Chr.-1. Cent. A.D.); Yc, lrattoea among other things in 1985, T:rf.95 on top on the right (Margiana, 3.-1 cent. B.C.);
Myxarue.lxaHoB among other things 198and, I48ff. Fig. 3,4-6 (Pajkend, 4.-2 cent. B.C.); llyraueHxoea in 1989, 43following
Fig. 16. on the left (Kumyikenttepe - step II, 3.-2. Jh.r '.Chr.); fln4aen in 1992, fig. 1,11.13 (area t'on of Terrnez,
4.-2 cent. r, '. Chr.). Siehc for the development of bowls, mainly späteq also Ka6aHoe 1964a.
t*t vg1. Fig. 82.9.
t42 Ku6unou 1969, fig. 3. on top (Afrasiab, 3.*1 cent. B.C.); fllnurxuna in 1969, fig. 7.70 (Samarkand,
3. Jh.vChr.); caress, roecnnü/HexpacoBa 1976, 32 fig. 1.24 - indeed, with tootsy (Alt-Termez,
3.-i. lh. r.Chr); ILl4aell L976,73f. Abb.3 below; Ilu4aee 1978, Taf.2,13 (Mirzakul-Tepe, 3.-2. fh. r '.Chr.);
Ycuanona among other things in 1985, Taf. 95 on top (Margiana, 3.-1.Jh. of r'. Chr.).
ta:r Siche {raxoHoe in 1953, Abb.20. Taf. 12,30.33*34 (horizon Kobadian II, 3.-2 cent. B.C.); lllr.ruxuna in 1969,
Fig. 7,43-45 (Samarkand, 3. Cent. of r'. Chr.); Ko3, roecxuü/HexpacoBa 1976, 32 fig. 1.12 (Alt-Termez,
3.-1 cent. of r'. Chr.); lftz4aee in 1976, 73following fig. 3. on top middle; llrzsaee in 1978, Taf. 2,15-16 (Mirzakul-Tepe,
3.-2 cent. N Chr.); Bypxr Cy, rcür, ranoe in 1984, fig. 60. on the p. 145 below uncl on top (Erkurgan, 3. Cent. V of Chr. l. Cent. A.D.).
t*n Ku6attou 1969, \bb. 3. on top (Afrasiab, 3.-1 cent. r. '. Chr.); fllumxzrla in 1969, fig. 7,38-41 (Samarkand,
3 cent. of r'. Chr.); Ko:\oecxaä / HexpacoBa 1976. 32 fig. 1.8-g (A1t-Termez, 3.-1 cent. r". Chr.); Evpaxon among other things in 1981,
Fig. 21,1-4; 23,5.7; 25,7-2 (Afiasiab/Samarkand, 3. Cent. B.C.); I4caMr.rÄÄHHos / Cy.neär, raHoe i984,
Abb.60 on the p. 145 below and on top (Erkurgan, 3. Jh.r, '.Chr. l. Cent. A.D.); llu.tnnxo in 1985, Taf. I03 below
Mite (Mirzabekkala, graeco-baktrisch); lllururiuna among other things in 1985, Taf. 132 middles on top (Erkurgan, 3.-2 cent. of r'. Chr.);
Yo, ranoea among other things in 1985, Taf.95 on top (Margiana, 3.-i. Jh.r '.Chr.); llyra.reHnoea in 1989, 43following fig. 16. on the left (Kumylkenttepe
- Step II, 3.-2 cent. B.C.); llz4aee in 1992, fig. 1,27-34 (Gebietvon Termez, 4.-2 cent. B.C.'.).
4ulr.rnc, o in 1953, Taf. 12 Nlitte {crossing of the Horizontc Kobadian II to III, 2. / l. Cent. B.C.); Heuqeea in 1969,
Fig. 5,5 (Afrasiab, the first centuries B.C.); LUaurnusa 1969, fig. 7,1.104 (Samarkand, 3. Cent. B.C.);
llu4aee 1,976.73following fig. 2*3 (Mirzakul-Tepe, 3.-2 cent. V Chr.); trlcavugguuonlCy, reüuaHoe in 1984, fig. 60. on
S. 145 below and on top (Erkurgan, 1.-3 cent. A.D. - but probably too late dates); llu, runxo in 1985, Taf. 103 on top
on the right (Mirzabekkala, Yüe-Chi-Zett - 2.-1. Jh.vChr.); Illuurxuua among other things in 1985, Taf. 133 (Erkurgan complex B,
1.-3 cent. A.D. - but rvohl zr.r dates late); Mvxave4.xaHoB among other things in 1988, 14Bff. Abb.3,22.26 (Pajkend,
130 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
bulbous pots with outside thickened edges
of the different creation which isolates
scratched Topf'er or owner's brands in
Ground level carry (Abb.85,16; 86,4.6). Particularly
typically seems the level one,
r.rmlaufende rib in the cervical beginning (fig.
86,4) 146., Finally, isr still d.as fragment
of a stock vessel with elaborately after
inside to thickened Rancl zrt mention
(Fig. 86.5). In other findings are to
call: unburnt, round web weights
with oval or rectangular Qrrerschnitt
(Fig. 87,1-2), a 4 square, easily pvramidenförmiges
Web weight (fig. 87.11,
Fragment of a lid fiir stock vessels
atrs to white, very gypsum-containing tone (fig.
87,3), an incomplete cylindrical object
of white marble (Ahh. 87.5; one
carefully polished stone object more unknown
Use (fig. 87.61, meal tubs
(Fig. 87.7), Spinnwirtel (fig. 88,6-7),
slammed round shards (fig. 8 B, B),
an iron thorn (fig. 88.9), sekrümmtes
Iron knife (fig. 88.10) 111* uncl small, rounds
Play stones with clutch plug from white one,
to gypsum-containing tone (Abh. Federal Railway, 3-5). All together
if is with the help of the ceramics a Datieruns
of these layers in the 3.-2.1h. B.C. to
Special attention earns the plastic
the period Karnab IL \Arenig expressively
if the torso fragment is bulky rvirkenden
of 4-legged animal (horse?) 148, you FIul,
and head are absent (Ahh. 88.11). As more interesting
if a completely preserved one turns out
Statuette of 9.3-cm length (fig. Federal Railway, 2; 89.3).
The hand-modeled body is cylindrical below,
with straight base and widens
itself to two lateral arm stumps. On
of the front are by this height two
small breasts right, about away
a crooked scratch line (Halsbancl?) runs.
On a short and wide neck
fblgt the level head, and the face in
to a Modellae pressed and the back of the head
level wiped off rvurde. The external one
Outline of the head is roughly square.
The face with gemndet sharp one
Chin is enclosed by the hair angularly.
The mouth is marked by a lip pair,
iiber to him one level nose follows. From
of the nasal root the eyebrows see on both sides
as small ribs henor and
bend outside down. The bad are
also by small ribs in almond form
outlines. and the external corners
a little further lie below than the internal ones.
Over the eyebrows, close under the hairline,
if are six small Knubben (from formerly
eight) in a horizontal row receive.
The hair, by a level Rippung
shown, is parted in the middle.
From there it runs in a curve after
on top, around then at the side just herunterzuführen
and in the pine area inward rolled
to end. An exact analogy to this
Statuette laid N. Avanesova before and dated
they in 1. Cent. B.C. to 1. fh. N. Chr.150.
The copy comes from an unknown one
Site of the discovery in the district of Navoi, rnöglicherweise
so even from Karnab or one
Place in the seamster! ". V. M of "3K" ris showed them to her
4.-2 cent. B.C.). See also more slender, later forms: Iln-rnnxo in 1985, Taf. I04 on top on the left
(1.-3 cent. A.D.); llvra.resxoea in 1989, 100, {bb.41,16 (Kurgantepe, pit Kr-E1, Zeitenrvende). Stubby ones
Cups, indeed, with straight edge also in Chalöajan (2.-l.-lh.r '.Chr.): llvraqcrrnoea 1,966.40following
Fig. 17. below. See for the development of the cups also Ka6anoe 1964a.
146 Iil, r-xrr "an in 1969, Abb.7,63.71 (Samarkand, 3. Jh.r '.Chr.); fcnrlcoe in 1980, I02ff. Abb.3,5 (Tepe Diniston,
3.-2 cent. V Chr.); Eypxnos among other things in 1981, fig. 21.16; 23.14 (Afrasiab/Samarkand, 3. Cent. V C-lhr.); O6c, rr, uerrr 167following Abb.2,1 (however, with handle - graves of Agal, vksaj, 2.-l. Jh.vChr.); N'Iyxave.1; +raHoe among other things in 1982,
Fig. 1. on top 7.10 (Bukhara I, 4.-2. Jh.vChr.); Nlyxar, rc4iriaHoB among other things in 1988, 148following Abb.2,13-14 (Pajkend,
4.-2. Jh.r '.Chr.); llyr-a.reuxoea19B9,43Abb. 15. S.40Mittelinks (Kumvlkenttepe-Itnrll-I, 4.-3. Jh.r.Chr).
tnt Sol.i. Knives / sickles sincl long in use: llu4aen in 1978, sheet following fig. 28. on the right Taf. 19,21-23; Map6a-
6aee 1981, 56-68, 72 Abb.3 below; Epr'rxuna in 1982, 83 Taf.37, {r.9-10; Pacnonoea in 1980, 61 Abb.36, I6. IB -
Sickles; 631fig. 41. - crooked knives; EoroMo, rol / leFrte:\bN {er in 1990, 93-106; Nikitin among other things in 1996, 42 fig. 3,1.
t*o Et*u in Bukhara since 2. Cent. of r'. Chr. famously: A4u, roe in 1983, 71 fig. 3.
t' *'Sol.h. Moclel sindvereinzeltbekannt: Merunepuc1962,68Taf.7Nr.83 (-Nleurxepuc7977, Taf.4,1); Poug2rtchenkova/
IlyraqeHxoBa 1,978.62 Abb.41; 46; Busro in 1978, 165 Abb.116. right Seitel.5; kV, urypa and
rrcxyccrrBo in 1991, Vol. 1, 89 fig. 75; 119 fig. 134; Vol. 2, 22 fig. 382.
to" Auurr. oua in 1976. 32following fig. 1.
I51 after dern inventory book in the cabinet del university of Samarkand, rvo also dic figure is still kept.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 131
Group of the mother's goddesses with the hands
on the breast to and put them aufgruncl
of stylistic considerations in general
in the cler second half of the 1st mill. B.C. untu2.
Comparably, in particular what the representation
of the hair and the face concerns,
if clie heads of some figures are over further
Dal'verzin-Tepe, the 1.-2 cent. A.D.
should belong and the dressed body
however, not hand-made, but pressed
is, and also the face differences
to our copy aufiveistl53. Ahnlichkeiten
concerning the creation of her
Eyebrows and the eyes exist außerdern
to some pieces from Afrasiab, surely
inexactly in 2. Cent. B.C. to 4. Cent. A.D.
A sharp the second document for human small plastic
if is valid the head of a figure, in the neck
has broken off (fig. Federal Railway, 1; 89.1). The face
was at the protruding places
(Chin, lips, nose, brewing) strongly verschlifTen.
The round-oval face shows tracks
of the lips, the Ansaz of the nose,
Eyes, the whole fringe of hair, the ears
and the back of the head. The eyes are
framed by almond-shaped, level ribs,
the eyeballs plastically worked out,
and the irises, with the left eye receive,
becomes through a weak scratch circle
intimatedly. Open more plastically
Circle marks the ears, in to itself below
a ring-shaped earring with lanzettförmigem
Appendage connects. The Flaarkranz
exists of a running around one in the mood
Tonn'ulst, then by Ritzungen
jointed and far hatches
became. On the back of the head is within
this ring-like verge the whole FIäche
at an angle by grid-like scratch shading
fullly. In the forehead becomes the fringe of hair
discontinuous by a headdress,
exists of three parts, in each case
by double, at an angle hatches ribs
(Strings?) are enclosed. In front existed
the headdress from two side by side
recumbent, spherical Knubben. On that
Middle of the back of the head there sits a slightly conical one
Cap, again from two at an angle
to hatched ribs is surrounded. The middle section
of the cap shows radial scratch lines. Exact ones
Analogies to this piece are up to now
not famously and also the clearly distinctive ones
Single elements (earring, headdress,
Cap) none finds Entsprechun-
Ser155, so that the fragment as the unique
Piece must be only looked and to itself
by the context probably allows to date,
the 3.-2 cent. B.C. points.
Pnnronp I (rRNae IIIa C
In cut SI let themselves the architectural Üb.rreste
the period Karnab III (fig. 90) in
three phases (Karnab IIIa, IIIb and IIIc) divide,
nevertheless, in the finding property, maybe
on account of to small quantity, not recognizably
become. Also absolute-chronologically
if is, hence, no differentiation this
To carry out phases. There it comes
Fact, that to itself several times
successive construction phases away
distributed ceramic fragments zusammensett52
M.-t.pt C in 1964; Memrcpuc1977,9ff.; Nlcn-rncpuc 1989,93-95. See also flyraqesnoea in 1962, 118following; NIeurccpnc
r53 Porrgatchenkcx.a/llyra.reHnona 1978, 35ff. / 73following, particularly Abb.40; tr4cxarcoBa / Hcxaxoe in 1978, 164
4bb.114, r9-21.
tt'o M.-r, eprc in 1962, 65following, Taf.6, Also the hairstyle with middle parting and lateral mops of hair
is not similar, rvenn also so stiffly rvie with the Stirtuette from Karnab. The spherical earring of the figures
from Samarkand may have been bought with the copy of Karnab as a rolled up lock mißr.
See also 3Ac, raecra, l in 1959. - Model for similar Figririnen from Saksanochur: ÄHreuHcnnü / Myxnr4rlnoe
1969. 167f. Abb.7.
155 to an arrangement of the earring see possibly Äureuucxuü in 1995, 20Bff. Only one head from Erkurgan,
nevertheless, is not in detail clatiert, reminds in the hair creation and with zr'vei spherical Vorsprüngcn
about del forehead to the copy from Karnab (lIIHmnuHa among other things in 1985, Taf. 138 on top on the right). Clearly
later is found \'{6fi1r paariger Kuseln (or paariger, big Lockcn?), häufis with multiple, lying one
Half moon about that or other additions with a group of heads of the 5.-B.Jh. A.D. (Meurrcepuc
In 1989, 189Financial Accounting. Abb.90-92). The headdress with two big spherical outgrowths, how he particularly in
2.-3 cent. A.D. zrus to the Gebietvon Merv is known himself (l Iyraueuxoea in 1962, fig. 16-18), distinguishes n'esentlich
from our copy.
132 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Zen left, the temporal distance very much
must have been low.
In the oldest construction phase (Karnab IIIa)
grasped cut SI apparently a court area
with trodden down run horizon
(Fig. 90, A22). In the north-east corner
Of cut a wall segment (Stampflehm) existed,
in a width of 0.70 m still
1.36 m from the east profile to the west ran
(Fig. 90, A10a). On height of the Mar.rerendes
and approx. 0.50 m to the south of it was found
the mouth of a big stock vessel,
in the ground was let. His
already in the antiquity broken edge
if one repaired with gypsum (fig. 90, A89; 95.7).
In the same escape, 0.60 m to the south of his
Of mouth edge, we bumped into one
the second Pithos of the same Forn (Abb.90, A90;
96,5). In the south profile, in the southwest corner
of the cut, there lay the rest of a fireplace
with grey cinder. In her nearness, in the west profile
and northeast of it, were found
other gypsum fragments of the repaired one
Of stock vessel.
The second construction phase of this period (Karnab
IIIb) lay a little higher. In east half
of the cut SI one existed furthermore
trodden down court surface (fig. 90,822;
91,8). The west part was by just
North south wall (B 0.30 m) from Stampflehm
and Lehmblöck "ntuu practice" r the whole one
Cut length separated (fig. 90.81 5). In
a distance of 3.10 m of the south profile
if the western space became again by
an east \Arest wall (B 0.35 m) divides
(Fig. 90,829). The both thereby to originating ones
Clear floors owned
Stampflehm (fig. 90,819.27). Merely in
southern room even other ones were found
Installations, among other things a rectangular cooker place
(Abb.90,891). The platform measured 0.90x
0.78 m and had on the north side one
U-shaped cavity of 0.60-x 0.30-m size.
The surrounding platform was plastered white
and provide with sloping grooves. In
the southwest corner of the stove arrangement shut
a low, 10-cm-wide, yellow mucky strip
in (fig. 90,820a), they an area behind
(to the south) to the stove separated (fig.
90,820). On the floor to the west
Of stove bigger fragments from were found
the stove dome r.rnd numerous shards.
In the third construction phase of this period
(Karnab IIIc) showed to themselves quite a similar one
Sitrration. The north south wall (fig. 91, A21)
let itself after the binding to the east
West wall (fig. 91, A30) not further after
The north pursue and probably did not exist
more. The latter became on a width vorr
0.60 m strengthens. The resulted one thereby
southwest space owned a Lehrr again
screed (fig. 91, A26*26n) vnd approx. 1.80 m
sudlich of the corner, at the same place like
before, a raised rectangular stove arrangement,
nevertheless, a little smaller (0,75x0,60 cm)
and differently was constructed as well as weißerr
Sound plaster aufivies (fig. 91, A92). The northern one
Now half of this stove arrangement carried one
round construction with a central one
Hollow. Eastern half of the cut SI
can be looked as a court area
The finding property corresponds - with few
Divergences - extensively to that of the preliminary ones
Period Karnab II bowls
with bent wall, clearly rib-like
Sales in the belly layout and
to turning Obertell (fig. 92.10), flattens
Bowls with set off, roughly horizontally
to very wide edge (fig. 92.6), bowls
with T:förmig to wiped off edge
(Abb.92,7), small pot with S. profile
(Fig. 92.2; 94.1) and big pots with outside
to thickened edge and level rib in
Cervical Schult.r-practices. gutrg (fig. 93.4) come
furthermore consistently before. These forms
are mostly dark gefirnißt, and
though clearly frequent as in the preliminary ones
Period Karnab II. Also Topferoder
Owner's brands (fig. 93,3-1; 91.5)
seem to appear as more often. The cups are
clearly slender, her edge bends only
very little or not at all more from,
and her feet are higher and form one
Handle (Aäö. 92,3*1) 1'7. The calotte-shaped
Bowls with turning edge and sucked.
too Si.h. to the mucky construction method BopoHuHa 1953, 1 16 following; Hu, rscerr in 1966, 202 following
tu7 fu, rr.orrou I950, 154following Taf.83,3.5-11 (Tup-chona, 2.-1. Jh.vChr.); TbpeHoxxuH i950, Abb.69. (AJiasiab IV,
2 cent. V. Chr. l. Cent. A.D.); {r, rxoHoe in 1953, Taf. 12 middles (Ubergang dcr horizons Kobadian II to III,
2./1. Jin. r: Chr.); Ka6anoe 1962, fig. 4,6-7 (Kitab, 2. Cent. of r': Chr-1. Cent. A.D.); Ka6anoe 1969, A.bb. 3. on top
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and öangali 133
Fish bowls do not seem any more'.
Dünnwandige deep mugs with are new
to gentle S. profile and level ribbing. in the neck
(Fig. 92,&rt8, drily r*undige wiile bowls
or cups with arched drag
(Fig. 92.9) 15e, small bottle-like and
slender pot (Abb.92, l) too as well as bulbous ones
Pots with thickened or briefly ausbiegendem
Edge without auseepräete cervical zone
(Fig. 93,2-3) acts. In this period meets
for the first time also hand-made ceramics, and
it to itself around round-bulbous pots with short one,
to ausbiegendem edge acts, perhaps imitations
of the at last called turntable pots
(Fig. %, 1); weireren are
weakly put a tread eimerförmise pot
with lfurubben 6bb.94,6) 'ut and round-bulbous
Pots with Page-shaped ausbieeendem
To call cervical edge area, with two
To handles can be provided (fig.
94,7) 16., Finally, would still be in forms
to add both big Vorratssefäße
(Fig. 95.7; 9t5,5), thickened edge
in this time analogies findet16a. All together
if period was allowed to do Karnab III in them
Time span of 2. / l. Cent. B.C. up to
1./2. Be to be dated Jln. A.D.
In figurative plastic an entire one remained
Statuette receive from 7.7 crn length
(4bb.95,1). The head entspricht.jener from
Period Karnab II (fig. Federal Railway, 2), istjedoch something
smaller. This would also be by the repeated one
Abformung of a model about longer ones
To explain time, and then a gradual one
Reduction entered. The body
is easier formed, and it are absent
the breasts as well as the carved semicircle line
of the piece from Karnab II. One
light corner in the pubic area would be allowed
originated from squalid passing by
is and is not so coined, that one
male gender compelling supposes
must become. Zoomorphe Darstellunsen
are represented by a handle
(Afrasiab, 3.-1 cent. B.C.); Llluurxrzna in 1974, fig. 7,1 (Afrasiab, about 2. Cent. B.C.); MaH4e, rrurrav 7g7b, 12bff. Taf.27-24 (Babaiov, 1. Cent. V. Chr.-3 cent. A.D.); llz4aee in 1976, fig. 3. on the left; llu4aee in 1978, Taf. 2, I-b (Mirzakul-
Tepe, 3.-2 cent. B.C.); MyxauesxauoB among other things in 1982, Abb.2 on top 30.43 (Bukhara III, l. Jh.v. Chr.-
1 cent. a Chr'); ÄrzreuHcxaä / Ce4on 1984, 78following Taf. 6 (Tup-chona, 2. Cent. V. Chr.-3. / 4. Cent. A.D.; ÄareraHcKzä/
Ce4on 1984, 75; 734 Taf.12,28-30 (Tulchar, 1.-2. Jh.n. Chr); llu.runxo 198B, Taf.l04 on top on the left
(1.-3. Jh.n. Chr.);: flu, runno 1,985,249, Taf.108 on the right (cräber from BabaSol l. Jh.v. Chr.*2. Jh.n. Chr.);
flro4nuu.a. 1,985.32Bff. Taf. 159middle (Chorezm, 3.-1 cent. B.C.); llyraueHnonal9B9,26Abb.5. S.22oben
on the left (Umaramintepe - Yr, t 4, l. Jh.v. Chr.-2. Jh.n. Chr.), 49following fig. 17. (Kumyikenrtepe - Kuur III,
l. Cent. V Chr. - 3. Cent. A.D.). - In Erkurgan comparable cups from the step V are represented and till them
Step VII available, so from the 1st to the 5th cent. of A.D.: trlcartulguuoe/Cy, reäuaHoe in 1984, fig. 60. on. i43-I44. They
are probably attached all together a little bit too late. The Mrinzen have to go, in any case, around approx. 100*150Jahre ä1ter passély
become; friendly communication A. Najmark. deadly Ka6a*r.ru 1962, fig. l, l (Kitab, 2nd Jh.vchr. l. Cent. n.chr.); I.Ienpacona 1974, gl Abb.2, l (cups, type A,
Kuianzeit). A similar piece in Kurgantepe, Gmbe Kr B 1 (turn of an era): llyraueunoea 1g89, fig. 41.2. 15e ilIuurxasa in 1974, Abb.5,17-iB (Afrasiab II, 3.-1 cent. B.C.); Ilu4aee 1978, Taf.4,1-10 (Mirzakul-Tepe,
3.-2 cent. B.C.); llyraveuxoea 1,989.26 Abb.5. S.22 on top middle (Umaraminrepe - Yv 4, l. Jh.v. Chr.-
2 cent. A.D.).
160 MaH4e, trurrar, r in 1975, 125following Taf. B, 4 (Aruktau, 1. Jh.v. Chr.-3. Jh.n. Chr.). A little stubbier with Ilunaes
In 1978, Taf. 2,24-25 (Mirzakul-Tepe, 3.-2 cent. V Chr.). Bigger variations come possibly in the first half
l. Mill. A.D. in Kyzylkp before (Ypanon in 1975, fig. 1,7.9). Also later still meet similar forms:
lla.r.unxo in 1985, Taf. 105 middles. With Henpacona1974, Bg fig. 1,1-2 sincl similar pieces among the pots, /
Iküge, type A (KuÄanzeit), arranged.
^.u "" a
In 1971, Abb.5s, 45-47 (Kaunöi culture, step I, 1. Jh.v. Chr.-3. Jh.n. Chr.); EpyceHxo 1972, Abb.2,4g
(Afrasiab, 3.-1. Jh.r '.chr.); Ypanoe in 1975, fig. 1,10-12 (Kyzylkp 1.-3. Jh.n.chr); th44aee 1978, 82following
Taf. 15,11-9; 16, d-38 (Akkurgan, Kulanzeit); Myxaue4xaHoB among other things in 1982, Abb.2 on top I1. Zl-22.27 (Bukhara
III, 1. Cent. V. Chr. l. Cent. A.D.); (Dn.\auoeaq 1,983.38following Taf. I3 (Saitepa, step IV-1.-3. Ih. A.D.); Vlcavu1-
4r'ruoe / Cy "teüNranoe in 1984, Abb.25,2.5; 60 on the p. 145 (Erkurgan, l. Jh.v. Chr. l. Cent. A.D.); Lflnlrxuna among other things
In 1985, Taf. 135below (1.-5. Jh.n. Chr.); llyravennoea1989,26Abb.5. S.24obenrechts (Umaramintepe-yna
4, 1. Cent. V. Chr.-2 cent. A.D.).
162 nyra're" *coea in 1989, 26 Abb.5. S.25 on top on the left and middle on the right (Umaramintepe - Yu 4, 1. Jh.v. Chr.-
. ^ 2. Jh.n. Chr.); llyraueunoeal9B9,100Abb.41,40-41 (Kurgantepe, GrubeKr-El, turn of an era).
'o' ÄeeaHa 1971, fig. 59, I-4.1,37-1411 (Kaunöi culture, steps I-II, l. Cent. B.C. - 5. Cent. A.D.).
r6a Alike possibly with Ka6aHoe i962, Abb.2,9 (Kitab, 2. Jh.r '.Chr l |h. A.D.); Heuqeea in 1969, fig. B, 14;
Ka6asoe 1973a, fig. 12.26 (Afrasiab, 3.-1 cent. r:Chr.); llyraveuxoea in 1989, 118 Abb.45 unren on the left (Bulakbai,
2 cent. V. Chr.-2 cent. A.D.).
134 tins dcr Rronz.ez.eil in Central Asia I
(Abb.95,2), probably as a horse gedeutetwerden
is allowed. Such handles come in
Central Asia very often in denJahrhunderten
around the turn of an era before and support with it
the suggested date of the period
III of Karnabl6! '.
Other findings of this step are Spinnwirtel
(Fig. 94,2-3), Astragale, in one
End were punched at the side (fig.
95,3-5) 166, baking tubs, whetstones from
to dark, fine-grained rock (fig. 96,1.3)
and Reibkugeln (fig. 96.2). Importantly it is more distant
a hemispheric prepared blow stone
with small, central hollow (fig. 96.4).
Comparable blow stones were able in
the bronze-temporal settlement (Karnab-
Siökonöi, see supra) with the arch processing in
Connection are brought.
HoBrzoNr KqnNes IV
This population segment is again
nevertheless, only in cut SI represent, without
architectural rests are delivered. It
concerns one up to 0.60 m of mighty
Package of Planierschichten (fig. 78,23.28),
little materials included. Under it find
itself fragments of cups, how they already
for Karnab III were described
(Fig. 97.2). There there come different ones
Bowls, and, however, that with crease wall
and clear sales do not appear any more.
One more copy, with reminds of them
the broken off upper top only one
weak sales shows and the upper part
also does not turn any more, but openly
is (fig. 97.6). Ns turn out new
of distant crease wall bowls without sales
(Fig. 97.5167 and calotte-shaped pieces
with slightly turning inside at an angle wiped off one
Edge (fig. 97.1) 168, the later one
Types announce. Are to be called
still small pots with very wide, level one
Funnel edge (Abl). 97.3), hand-made,
weitmundige pot with S. profile
(Ahb. 97.8) and a horse figure (fig. 97.1),
the numerous parallels besitztl6s. All together
is able of the Planierhorizont Karnab fV
on account of the preliminary ones and her
the following Fr.rnde in the I. / 2. Cent.
A.D. are dated.
PnBronr knowing V
Also this period is only in cut SI
proved. The accompanying cultivation,
directly on the Planierhorizont Karnab
[V mounts, was not any more as before
Nord-Süd/east west straightened, but
slightly at an angle dazv (fig. 9 B, A-B). In the northwest one
Part of the cut was able to her
Rest of an about east west to straightened ones
Clay brick wall (brick format approx.
B0 x 35 x 13 cm) are exposed (fig.
98, A30), probably from the lying underneath ones
Layer comes, and in to SSW
there a hard Stampflehmmauer connected,
after 1.90 m in a corner to OSO
turned round r.rnd then still on in length of
2 m was received (fig. 98,493). The whole one
East part of the cut became by a massive one
Platform or wall from clay bricks
and Stampflehm taken (fig.
98, A37), middle part in this depth
drrrch a big animal way (fig.
98, A37a) was disturbed. Outside as
also within the wall parts was
a hard, rammed down floor (Abh.
98, A34.31a). Dartiber, but still to this
Two other walls were able to do period severely,
(Fig. 78,38.10) and two floors in
Profile are grasped (fig. 78.41). This
Layer package is concluded by Planierungen,
probably as a foundation for
the connection of the following period
^cor "o
In 1971, Abb.25,33; 29.22 32,57-67 (Kaunöi I-II); llu4aee in 1978, Abb.25, l-2 (Akkurg; in); (you, ranoeu't
In 1983, 3$ff. Taf. I ll and 14 (Saitepa, Stuf'en IV V - 1.-6 cent. A.D.), Taf.5) {{(Aktepa); Maccorr in 1985,
Taf. 113,5-7 (Zartepe); llu.4aen in 1990, Abb.3,1-6 (Zartcpa, 3.-4 cent.). In the Ktrianzeit handles are able also
be formed anthropomorph: Meurnepuc in 1989. I 5'1following
r6ti Ahnlich with MaH4e, uurralr in 1975, 103 Taf.39,7 (grave XXI, 24 of BabaIov, i. Jh.v. Chr.-2 cent. A.D.), but
still later with Coporurr in 1961, 119 Taf. Of I r' (Kurgan 1 of Borkorbaz, 3.-5. 1ln. A.D.).
if acts HeEes, and in 1990, fig. 13,7I-4.17 (Erkr.rrgan, 2.-3 cent. A.D.).
deadly H., p.gou in 1990, fig. 13.15 (Erkurgan, 2.-3 cent. A.D.).
too Cf. also A4rr, roe in 1983, 71 following fig. 3. (Bukhara, since 2.-[H. of r'. Chr.).
Settlement-archaeological Forschunsen in
In the finding property few forms of her remained
preliminary period receive, the repertoire
changed instead of this clearly.
A few still remind of older Tlpen
Crease wall bowls, layout, however
circular one is. Calotte-shaped are new,
open bowls (fig. 100,11.13), to itself
from the weitmundigen bowls of the period
Karnab III allow to derive. Very often meet
calotte-shaped bowls with turning one,
to gefirnißtem edge (Дц&. 100,12.14) "",
as virtually characteristically rare are allowed.
The bulbous pot with thickened one
or briefly to ausbiegendem edge without distinctive ones
Cervical zone from period Karnab III
develop to new variations,
for to itself thickened, inside gekehlter
Edge (Äö0. 99.3) 171 or outside Ham
Sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 135
merartig taken off, waagrechter edge
(Prove fig. 99,4.qt72 as typical.
They all are usually gefirnißt,
if often carry potter or owner brands
(Fig. 99,9-11) and also are able, in addition
scratched wavy lines aufiveisen (fig. 99.3).
Gefirnißte bulbous jugs with are new
Page profile and reinforced edge. The tape handles
sincl edge or a little unteredge-constantly
(Fig. 99,1-4t73. For the first time appear
Fragments of transport bottles
(Russian Q, r.rra) with lateral sink
t of fig. 99.71) 71st hand-made Topl-e to me
to ausbiegendem edge seem furthermore
(Fig. 99.8). Period Karnab V lets itself erwa
the 2.-4 cent. A.D. date.
In other findings meet a horse figure
(Fig. 100.1) 175, a calotte-shaped
TepeHoxrxuH 1950, Abb.69. (Tal1. Barzu IV, 5.-6 cent. A.D.); IlyraueHnoea 1966, Abb.33. Mirte on the left;
34 on top on the right; 53 middles below (Chalöajan, 1. Jh.r '.Chr.*2 |h.n. Chr.); Ka6anoe 1969, Abb.3. (Afrasiab,
2.-3 cent. A.D.); Epycerrxo in 1973, Abb.2,34-35; Ita6aHoe 1973a, 69-71, fig. lb, l.b; (Dv.rauoeu.r 19i3,
Fig. 1. on top on the left (Afrasiab, 1.-4 cent. A.D.); Eypanoe / fla.4a6aee 1973, fig. 6,12-13 (Achmadtepe,
1 cent. of r'. Chr.-3 cent. A.D.); Ka6arroe 1973B, fig. 2,7-2; 3, I-2 (Pirmat-baba-tepe, 4.-6 cent. A.D.); Hexpa In 1974, Abb.2,4.-5 (Schaletr, Tvpen A and E, Kuianzeit); Ilugaee 1,978.37; 82following Taf.2,27-34; 33,2-10 (Mirzakul-
Tepe, 2.-5 cent. A.D.); Taf. 9,12-19; 10,14-29 (Akkurgan, 2.-5 cent. A.D.); Ka6anon 198 I,
Fig. 61,21.24.28 (Koitepa, Mudintepa, Pirrnatbaba-Tepa, 3.-4 cent. A.D.); MyxauegxaHoe among other things 1g82,
Abb.2 below 9-10.17-lB; 3 obcn 14.18; below 8.10.16 (Bukhara fV* \'I, 2.-6. Jh.n. Chr.); (you, taHosuv in 1983,
Bgff. Abb.40; 50,17-28; 60 on S.I43 (Erkurean, 5.-7. Jh.n. Chr); llu.tanno in 1985, Taf.104 on top middle
(1.-3 cent. A.D.); NIaccoH 1985, Taf. 111.41., 13.45 (Zartepa, 1.-4 cent. A.D.); LlkrruxuHa among other things in 1985, Taf. 130
on top (Samarkand, 1.-4 cent. A.D.); 134 on top; 135 middles on top (Romi5 III-\,'II, 2. Cent. r. '.Chr-5. Cent. A.D.);
YcNrauoea among other things in 1985, Tai 96 (Margiana, 1.-3 cent. A.D.); flyraueHxoua in 1989, 17Abb.2. (Alpamyitepe, first ones
Centuries A.D.) 77 following fig. 3 l. See 79 below on the left and on top rechrs, p. 80 middle on the left (Krrrgantepe, middle ones
and upper layers), 107following fig. 51st Middle on the left (Bulakbzri, 1. Cent. i. Chr.-3 cent. A.D.); IIuprzH i990,
Abb.2,7-8 (Erkurgan, 5.-6 cent. A.D.); Novikov in 1996, Taf. 1,26-28; 2,31-33; 3.14 (Zar-Tepe, 1.-4 cent. A.D.).
However, the T1p is very long in use: trIcar 5.*8 cent. A.D.); Myxar, re4; NanoB among other things in 1988, 148following fig. 1,9; 3,9-13; 7,5-7; 11,11-15; 12,8.12 (Pajkend,
4 cent. of r'. Chr.-B.Jh. A.D.); Ka6anon 1992, fig. 5,25.27 (Afrasiab, 3.-4 cent. A.D.).
YpuaHoea 1956, Abb.20,2 (Varachia, 4. Jh.n. Chr.); Llcaron in 1977, 122following Abb.34,2 (PendZikent,
4.-5 cent. N Chr.); llcaua44rzuon / Cv, reünranoe in 1984, fig. 25.5; 60 on the p. 145 on top 33 (Erkurgan, l. fh. V. Chr.-
1 cent. A.D.). Ahnlich also with llvraqenr {oea in 1966, fig. 66. (Chalöajan, 3.-4 cent. A.D.).
llyra.reHnona in 1966, Abb.61 below on the left (Chalöajan, 2. Cent. N. Clhr.); ÄeeuHa 1971, Abb.59,41 (I (aunöi I,
1. Cent. and Chr.-3 cent. A.D.); Ka6aHoe 1973B, fig. 2,5-6 (Pirmat-baba-tepe, 4. Cent. A.D.); Eypanonlfl3salaeu
and the following 973, fig. 6,8 (Achmadte pe, 1. Cent. V. Chr.-3. fh. A.D.); Hexpacona in 1974, fig. 1,8 (pots, tip Il Kuianzeit);
Ntlyxar, Ie4; riauoB among other things in 1982, Abb.2 below 15.31; 3 obcn 32 (Bukhara IV V of 2.-, 1 cent. A.D.); llu, rznxo in 1985,
Taf. 105, on the right and below (3.-4 cent. A.D.).
Ka6aHoe 1973B, fig. 2, 1 (Pirmat-baba-tepe, 4. Cent. A.D.); here Kuianzeit); N {yxar'te4; xatroe among other things in 1982, Abb.2 on top 20 (Bukhara III, 1. Jh.r '.Chr. l. Jh.n. Chr.); llu, nunxo
In 1985, Taf. 105 middles on top and middle (3.-4 cent. A.D.).; Maccos in 1985, Taf. 111.21 (Zartepa, 1.-, 1 cent. A.D.);
.flro4un among other things in 1985, Taf. 159 on top (Chorezm, 1.-4 cent. A.D.); Novikov in 1996, Taf. 3.16 (Zar-Tepe,
l.-4 cent. A.D.). Miscellaneous, teilrveise to the clever forms similar to ours comes in the GräberfeldvonAruktaLrvor
and are able in 3. fh.v. Chr-2 |h. A.D. ciatiertwerden (MaH4e, Pr Rsurra in 1975, 125following Taf.3-6).Insgesamt
later (1.-4 cent. A.D.). r.erden these graves with Aurezncxuü/Cegon 1984, 134 einseordnet. See
also the graves of Tulchar: Man4c, rr, rulau 1966B, 137following Taf. 3-16.
Äeeuua in 1971, fig. 59,133-136.296-298 (I (.:iunöi I Financial Accounting, 1. Cent. V Chr.-5. fh. A.D.); llh.nnxHsa among other things in 1985,
Taf. 135 middles on the right (Romii V-\T, 2.-4 cent. A.D.).
Cf. also llyra.reHxoea in 1962, 161 following fig. 28-29 (Gebietvon Merr', since 2. Cent. V Chr.); llyraveuxoea in 1966,
233following fig. 108-109 (Chalöajan); A.Irr, toe in 1983, 71 following fig. 3. (Bukhara, since 2. Cent. B.C.); MaccoH 1985,


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