Knowledge of his occurence and seirrer
Subsequent treatment just in the Bronze Age
particular importance had. Bronze
however, remains also in the future important
Material in Central Asia. In the neighbouring
Südsibirien dominated, for example
the bronze in the production of weapons,
Jewellery and other utensils
still to shortly before the turn of an era,
before bit by bit the iron predominated.
In former division into periods attempts became
hence, even skythenzeitliche Tagar-
Culture of the Minusinsker washbasin still as
, full bronze" bezeich N e t86. Just the Se
to rider-nomadic groups from the steppe space
seeped after the turn from
2. lash l. Mill. B.C. strengthens from north-east
and. The north from in Central Asia ein87.
there on the end of the Bronze Age to the following
Centuries up to the foundation of the bright nesting broads
However, towns are partly still
worse investigates, and we dispose
no clear image of the cultural relations
at that time. We know above all
not, what the reinforced connections
to the steppe space neighbouring to the north
really caused, whether it to one
Cultural change came, and how this expressed itself.
In the south of Central Asia it seems
Development during the early Iron Age
first still widely consistently remaining
, and seinS8, however, probably only
for relatively short time. DieJahrhunderte
up to the beginning of the urban centres
of the antiquity do not let themselves yet everywhere
adequate bridge.
Many of the bright nesting broads towns in that
Margiana (Merv), in the Zerav5an valley (Afrasiab)
and somewhere else remain in Central Asia
finally, the whole antiquity through to
in Islamic time settles. Also documents for
Metal processing are given from there. Many
of the Medium Asian Tellsiedlungen brw.
, town hill" to the north of Südturkmenistan
and Baktrien seem only comparatively
late einzusetzert, namely in the course of
l. Jt.v. Chr. Dajedoch in most Plät-
86 V. Merhart in 1926.
87 Askarovu.a. In 1992.
"' Cabbage in 1984; Hiebert in 1994.
8e Bernard in 1994.
e {) Mukhamedjanov in 1994, 265following
Zen only the upper layers of the preislamic one
Of early Middle Ages and the Islam time with
of better preserved mucky architecture investigates
became, the cliche cannot be mostly answered,
when local connection really began.
The cultural relations of the bright nesting broads
Period, so of the time of the Alexander's trains,
the Seleukiden and soon afterwards
of originating graeko-baktrischen empire,
let themselves in the Zeravian valley presently only
hard overlook, what with the lack in
to comprehensive excavations hangs together.
Wide investigations, how
they in Baktrien, e.g., in Ow Khanoum carried out
wurden8e, are still absent here.
A better state of knowledge lies only again
for the Ku5an time of the first centuries
A.D. before. After the confusion of the preceding ones
Time, culminating in the inspirations
of rider-nomadic groups like her
'\öeh Chih, formed in weiren parts
Of Central Asia for the first time a bigger political one
and economic unity. This longer
durable stability also led to the north
of the borders of the Kuian empire in Sogdien
to an economic impetus, before
to all in the agriculture, causes by
extensive construction of irrigation canals.
In the so watered areas in Ta5-
Kent oasis in the middle S1'r DarJa, in
Fergana, in Baktrien, but just also in Zeravian-
Valley originated sroße, well organised,
partly also fastened agriculture settlements
beside the towns. More and more nomads
went over to the Seßhaftigkeit and - to modern ones
According to calculations became in Amu
and Sy'r DarJa at the Ku5an time possibly four times
bigger area artificially waters than
today. The economic impetus grasped
but also mining and metallurgy,
particularly gold, silver and iron, but
also nephrite and Lapislazuli were desired,
against which copper and tin in meaning
lost. The Zall of the coin coinage
strongly increased and distant trade to
China, India and Rome reached till then
not known Ausmaßeeo.
Introduction 13
In that late time developed, finally
an organised Fernwesesystem,
decreased to old roots: Seidenstrasse".
Which meaning the distribution
from metal raw materials, e.g., always
of necessary tin and other ores, on this
Because of played, is still totally uninvestigated one;
in any case, it was not alone the silk,
was negotiated here. One of her
to the most important routes led by Zerav-
San valley, only wenise kilometres to the north in
to the tin beds of Karnab, Öangali,
Lapas and Mu5iston past.
The time after the end of the Ku5an empire
brought from the later 4. / to early ones
5 cent. A.D. over and over again inspirations nomadisierender
Völkerschaften from the north
and north-east. Only seized Kidariten
of this space, to itself as heirs
of the Ku5an dynasty looked. To you
followed middle of 5. till the middle of 6. Cent. them
Hephthaliten, with which it to itself probably around
Huns traded, sphere of influence
far after north-east it reached, in the south
not only Baktrien and parts Gandharas,
but also the old Sogdien, so this
Area of the Zeravlan valley controlled,
before they in the course of 6. Cent. between Sasaniden
and once more from north-east to the coming
to alttürkischen associations reamed
became. In the future let themselves above all
Turkstämme in the different parts
Of Central Asia down, before at the beginning
8 cent. with the Erorberung by the Arabs
the islamization of this space begannel,
an event, also the lower time border
of our researches to the tin production
in Central Asia forms. In spite of these political ones
Confusion the time positions itself
5.-8 cent., so after the end Ku5an-
Dynasty up to the beginning of the islamization,
as a widely uniform period
in which it - as a continuation already
in the Kuian time starting trend -
to the other massive Aufsiedlung of the big ones
River valleys and her edge areas to
up in heavier accessible mountain regions
came. At least partly independent ones
State things with own coin coinage formed
itself out, thus, e.g., Sogdien with him
to important urban centres of Afrasiab
and PendZikent, from blossoming life
not least the wonderful mural paintings
report. Similar developments
placed in Chorezm (Khwarizm), Fergana,
UstruSana (in the middle Syr DarJa) as well as
in Ilak and Öaö (TaSkent oasis) eine2. Certainly
if it was an economic period of bloom,
distant trade along that, Seidenstrasse"
there flourished, however, mining and metallurgy
now were, like already dieJahrhunderte before it,
from the exploitation and subsequent treatment
from silver determines. Also after
of the islamization this metal his lost
Pioneering role not.
It is clear, that the search for the tin
a basic and top-flight problem
of the Bronze Age was, as this metal
a crucial role played. Still
if one has to ask for which
Meaning of the tin production also in
it came up to later time, than distant trade
along that, Seidenstrasse" in swing
came, the political basic conditions
the bases frir economic blossom
created and to themselves about those parts of Central Asia
with her rich Zinnerzvorkornmen
State things and great empires spread.
With it are the temporal borders
put, but also culturally and historically
reasonably, for the project
, preislamic tin production in Central Asia"
should be valid.
It was the aim here in the first part
of published project, lagerstättenkundliche
Potential of the Zinnerzvorkorner
Litvinskyu.a. In 1996.
e2 Liwinskyu.a. In 1996.
men in the area of the ZeravSan valley in
look at an early, bronze-temporal
to examine beutung. Beside him
Tin of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
to logical circumstances had to go they
miner's exploitation of the beds
as well as the settlement-archaeological
Legacies of the mining districts
are checked. In addition shut
under leadership of the Eurasia department
of the German archaeological institute in
Berlin (H. Parzinger, N. Boroffka) the institute
for Archäometallurgie of the mining academy
University of Technology of Freiberg (E. Pernicka,
J. Luz) and the institute frir Montanarchäologie
of the German mining museum
Bochum (G. Weisgerber, J. Cierny)
together, around with the archaeological
Institute of the academy of the sciences
the republic of Uzbekistan in Samarkand
(T. Sirinov, Ju. Burjakov, V. Ruzanov, K Alimov)
and the institute of archeology, history
and ethnography of the academy
of the sciences of the republic of TadZikistan
in DuSanbe (J.Jakubov, M. Bubnova,
V. Radililovskij) together in these problems
to arbeitennu. This "t of project with
to the title,] orislamische tin production
in Central Asia" became from Volkswagen
Endowment promoted, which we to big thanks
are obliged.
The area works had themselves on account of
the distribution more richly of Zinnerzvor'
arise and thanks to important tips
to concentrate old mining upon two areas,
we described on top already briefly:
Karnab with Öangali and Lapas between
Samarkand and Bukhara in Uzbekistan
as well as Muiiston in the mountains above
from PendZikent in TadZikistan (fig. 1). Beside
lagerstättenkundlichen and montanarchäologischen
Investigations, of those
Results in the second tape in greater detail
shown werdene4, they had to go in 1997
to begun and till 1999 constant are
Parzinger 1998a; Alimov
rof {ka in 2001.
The tin of the Bronze Age
beiten also insights into the creation of her
the tin mountain constructions to surrounding settlement sceneries
permit. In the ideal case would become
itself also Fundpläze with direct relation
to the tin production allow to ascertain.
besides, to achieved results become in the being given one
the first volume of the final publication
In Karnab as well as in Muiiston
if we were able, besides, from no appreciable ones
Preliminary works go out, archaeologically
seen we entered terra incognita.
Which archaeological cultures we here
to the different periods find
would be able, let itself only on account of quite general
Considerations estimate. Around with
this initial position first of all firm ground
to win, we decided,
in the today's place Karnab to situated ones
and removed not far from the Pingen
Tell on his population sequence zrt investigate.
At the same time became the other one
Surroundings of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali
in lJntersuchungen included and intensely
prospektiert. Besides, we bumped among other things.
on the bronze-temporal miner's settlement
in the Siökonöi-Saj close Karnab, in
to immediate connection with him
the tin dismantling there stood and discovery
as an extraordinary piece of luck
may be valid. In the Hochgebirge situated ones
Mu3iston demanded against it from the outset to
to another action: Uberwiegend
precipitous slopes hardly offered favorable settlement situations,
which is why to itself the area works
on celebrations of well-chosen areas
in the closer like other environs of the tin bed
limited, now and then
were complemented with sounding out excavations.
among other things in 1998; Alimov among other things in 1999; Weisgerber/Cierny 1999; Parzinger in 2000; Parzinger/Boin
Central Asia II.
Settlement-archaeological researches
in the sphere of the tin laser sites of Karnab,
Lapas and Cangali
From Kabul Alimov, Nicholas Boroffka, Jurij FOLLOWING Burjakov and Hermann Parzinger
During the campaigns in 1997-1999 became
in the closer like other sphere of her
Tin beds of Karnab, Lapas and
Cangali to the south of the Zerav5an with field celebrations
a total of 403 archaeological ones
Finding points festgestelltl, which we consecutively
numbered and with the letter
A provided (A001-A403). Were registered
remarkable signs - including
of single modern objects - and shard findings.
Single finding points sounded out
we with small cuts or dug them
In a list (Thb.1) become the registered ones
Finding points-4001-, {403 in the surroundings
from Karnab, Lapas and Öangali overview-like
put together. In most
To cases they cannot be interpreted closer.,
Shard dispersions" would be able
point to settlements or settlement places,
Shard findings" call against it
only single few ceramic fragments. As
not less problematically turns out
an exact date of these places,
for we, therefore, as a rule only very much
coarse time attempts can suggest. We
if old historical places, solaus make a distinction,
provided that they for the questions
To prove project important clues
promised. While the tin beds
from Karnab and Lapas to each other neighbouring
are, the area lies before Öu.rguli separately
in the east edge of the Zirabulak mountains, approx.
44krn to the east of Karnab. With excavations
of single objects to achieved results
become crazily to separate chapters further
behandeltz. Own representation
is further to the petroglyphs in Siökonöi-
Saj dedicated.
che of the antiquity (4. Jh.v. Chr.-4 cent. A.D.),
of the early Middle Ages (5.-10 cent.), the Middle Ages
(11.-16. 1H.) as well as the modern times (17.-
20 cent.). During before the prospectus ions
of 1997-1999 only the old Pingen
from Karnab and Cangali as well as the Tell in
Karnab3 and another close Öangali
were known, now is total
other picture, although the Prospektion
on account of the short time - many areas
were committed only once - absolutely
no entire capture of all archaeological ones
Lay a track allowed.
In the area celebrations took except the authors in Karnab S.Baratov (1998), R.Boroffka (1998),
K. Dietrich (1998) undJ. Snow-white (1998) as well as in Lapas and Öangali D. Nösler (1999) divide, for cooperation
we thank here. The Umzeichnungen of the Funcle procured R. Boroffka. - For discussions and tips
if we thank distant N. Avanesova, N. Cholmatov, M. ChuLanazarov, A. Druiinina, M. Isamiddinov, B. Mar5ak,
A. Najmark, V. Ranov, R. Sulejmanov and L. Sverökov. - To preliminary reports and mentions see Alimov among other things.
In 1998; Parzinger 1998a; Parzinger 1998B; Parzinger l99Bc; Weisgerber/Cierny 1999; Parzinger in 2000.
The bronze-temporal settlement Karnab-Siökonöi, spätachaimenidische to medieval Tell of Karnab as well as
iron-temporal to medieval Kurgane in the surroundings of Karnab
The Tell had been appealed by Litvinskij as a possible mountain working-class estate (ÄzreuHcnrlü 1950, 6l),
what had fallen into oblivion in the archaeological institute of Samarkandjedoch, in the meantime, again.
16 tins of the Bronze Age in Mittclasien I
Fig. 1. Siedlungskarnmer Karnab, dug (1-3) and obertä1Jig visible Denkrnäler (4-5). 1 dug Kurgane.
2 Gegrabenc Siedlunssstellen. 3 Gegr:ibener mining. 4 Registricrte Kurganc. 5 registered Tellsiedlungen.
The today's place Karnab lies in a small one
Washbasins, after the broth west to flacherr
Steppe there is open (fig. 1; 1). In
Nordrvesten it becomes by Turytau-
P.rg limits, in the north by this
Cigataitau hill country, to the siidlichen runner
of the Karatau mountains. In the north-east
if a precipitous, etrva east west divides running ones
Mountain range immediately to the south him, ypoultr1e4"
Darbazakyr with the striking one
Incision, Varota" the washbasin, further nordostwärts
if a level one applies then
Steppe scenery, precipitously to those terraces
there rises, on which also the farmland Abdr.rrachman
Kyr lies. To the east and southeast
if the Zirabulak mountains with him limit
to the south next Zijaddin-Bersen this
Area, in northern valleys to itself this
Erzrer.ier of Lapas finds. The Prospektion
erfalSte therefore, primarily, the small one
Settlement chamber around the today's place
Karnab and still reached in the northwest
partial, in addition.
The overview compulsory in the appendix
already makes at first sight clearly,
that the prevailing number of the finding points
to the Middle Ages or the early modern times
belonged and old historical places, to those
our principal attention ealt,
were hardly represented (fig. 2.1-l). Besides
if it concerns in the first I.inie them
Settlement of Karnab-Siökonöi (A276)
(Fig. 1-2; 5) and the mining in Karnab,
Lapas and Cangali, everybody correspondently
in the time mittelbronzezeitlichen
Andronovo culture of the first half
', vpovr.nqe bezeichnet im im Russischen ein, besrenztes Gebiet, \\riistung"
Siedltrngsarchäologische researches in the Umfelcl of Karnab, Lapas and Öangali T7
Abb.2. Settlement chamber Karnab, old historical (1-3) to, antikc" archaeological sites (4-6). I old historical
Funclpunkte. 2 Bronzezeitlicl're settlement Karnab-Siökonöi. 3 Bronzezeitlicl'rer mining. 4, Äntike" Krrrgane. 5, '{ntike
" Tcllsiedlungen. 6., * {ntike" finding points.
of the 2nd mill. B.C. belong. Other monuments
from the Bronze Age or older periods
are absent, and also immediately on them
Andronovo culture the following period is
does book. To the prehistoric findings
(Fig. 2,1) still do not count closer
dateable Silexabschlag (A010) northeast
from Karnab (fig. 10.3) as well as a few
atypical shards (A307), on account of
be of her product vorachaimenidisch dürf '-
ten. An explanation for remarkably few
Fnnde from early periods delivered
the settlement of Karnab-Siökonöi (A276),
where the cultural layer partially under
1 m of infertile loess was buried. A similar one
We found situation with Cangali, where
a however undateable Krrlturschicht
approx. 1.50 m deep lay (A394). A location
hence, of such places is only possible, if
they moulder by chance cut n'urden,
how this was the case with Karnab-Siökonöi
(see below) (fig. 5).
Besides we bumped on in the area
cursorily visible plump stone settlements,
the cwt according to experience of bronze-temporal
Grave arrangements could belong,
which is why we random check-like some of them
examined. The plump stone settlement
However, A2B4 turned out modern.
Further we found in the finding point A3B5
several other stone circles (Dm approx. 2 m)
on a terrace; the excavation delivered
however, also here no proof of bronze-temporal
Arrangements, but immediately
below the humus already followed the grown one
Ground. It would be allowed to do itself therefore either
around not closer dateable Kenotaphe
or - more probably - around modern ones
Constructions act, alike
how finding point A2B4 probably with the nearby ones
Settlement A2B5 hung together.
From achaimenidischerZeit (6.-4 cent. B.C.)
if some shards of a destroyed one come
Kurgan to the west of Karnab (A347)
18 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Fig. 3. Siedlungskamtner I {.ernab, fi'iihmittelalterliche Furrdstellen. I Tellsiedlungcrr. 2 Ftrndpunkte. 3 Kurg*ane
4 petroglyphs. 5, Nter" Bersbau.
(Ahb. 10,1-5) of i'. In addition, is this period
only in the Tell of Karnab and in Rescueable.
r represent (see. and).
The future rvird in Central Asia mostly
as, onlih" bezeichneto and encloses
the bright nesting broad Periodd and the Kuionzeit
(4. Jh.n Chr.-4 cent. A.D.), although this
Zeravian valley, so the old Sogdien, in
Nachfblge of Persian-temporal relations though
to the Alexander's empire, not, nevertheless, to
graeko-baktrischen and to the Kuianreich belonged.
From this time span are for the first time
clearly more finding points represent, what
with also in other regions to noticeable ones
Population increase linked
might be (fig. 2,1-6).
A substantial part of the population duration
of the Tells of Karnab (A001), namely
the periods I/II V date in this time,
what below in greater detail demonstrated rvird. About that
out was able with the Nlah Yor Tepa
(A319) (fig. 1,5; 6), approx. 5 km to the north of
Karnab, another fastened Tell ascertained
lverden, in the archaeological ones
Literature up to now unmentioned one remained. There
to made surface findings analogies find
in the periods Karnab II-IV
(3. Jh V Chr.-Z.Jh. A.D.): Bowls with
of einseknickter wall (fig. 8,1), flattens
Bowls with roughly horizontal edge
(Fig. B,)), kalottenförmiee bowls with varnish stripe
(Fig. 8,1), gefirnißte pot with
The broken off ground, rvic bci to our Fr:rgment often with red Engobe, is very typical: Afrasiab:
Hey vrrlcoa in 1969, fig. 3,4-6; 4,50-58.60-65; Erkurgan, steps II-III: I, Icanu.r, 4uHor: / C, V, reünauoe in 1984,
Fig. 16,12-15 17,12; 20,15-20; 2 l; 60 on the p. 146, l, {itte 1-2.11-13, on top 16-18.34-35. The Töpfchcn with atrsbiegenclem
Rancl meets to, are more seldom, findct abcr eberrfalls in diesel time comparisons:.\tiasiab: Heuqeea in 1969,
Fig. 4,26.28; Erkr.rrgan: Step III: tr'Ic:rr.rH44uHoe / Cy, reür'rarroe in 1984, fig. 16.21; 60 on S. 1t16, on top 42.
To the understanding of the Be5; of reef, u\rrtike" in Ntlittelasien: Lin'inskij in 1982, 29.
Siecllungsarchäologische researches in the Urnf'eld of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 19
Fig. 4. Siecllungskammel Karn:rb. Rlick r, on Norclwesten on clen rnoclernen () r't K:rnr:rb and him r.rmgebcnde
Steppenlanclsch:rft. Zr, r.ischen to clem place and Zirabulirk-and Zijaclclin-Bcrgen irn Hintelgnrnd licscn the tin
Iagersuittcn rnit dern bronze-temporal mining.
to ausbiegendem edge (fig. 8,5.7) r-rncl to pot
with lateral spout (fig. 8,6). To this beginning
if the observation, that also fits almost
no hand-made ceramics in Nlah Yor
Tepa found r'r.urde, zlvar since Karnab
III is booked, but particularly fiir Karnab VI
it is typical. There to korntnen other ones
Oberflächenfünde (Ablt. 2.6; 10,6-9)
Further we bumped further northwesterly,
from Karnrlb sesehen.jerveils on the other side
(A287, A295, A296) and dieseits of her
Öigataitau mountains (A340-A342), on zrvei
Fundhär.rfru'rgen with shards and Kurganen,
teihr, to ice were disturbed. Hinzrt
kornmt next to the east of Karnab
and to the south of the mining district (A089,
A091, A114, A158, A159) (fig. 2,4), where also
a modelgeprel3ter head (fig. 10.1) t:utn
Vrrschein came: also here it would be allowed to do itself
around disturbed Krrrgane act. A fourth one
Concentration of finding points N () rdöstlich
from Karnab, densely to the north of the Stral3e
to Zijadclin (A224, A228, A230, in 4246,
A252), would be able to do the Kurgane 2.5 km to the north
davorr assigned rverden (Ahb. 2,1.6).
Finally, are still zu'ei archaeological sites rvenig
to the east of the mittelbronzezeitlichen settlement
Karnab-Siökonöi to errvähnen (in 4022,
Fär them, antiquity" Iassen to itself sornit within
of the Untersuchungseebietes two Festunsen
(Karnab as bigger, more meaning ones
and Nlah Yor Tepa as a little smaller)
(A001, A349) uncl r, ier Scherbenstreulrngen
(1: A287, A295, A296; 2: A340-A342; 3:
A089, A091, A114, A158, Al59; 4: A221,
A228, A230, A246, A252) famous make.
The latter may as oflene settlements interpreted
ü'erden, to both fortresses
could have belonged. The mentioned ones
Kurgane had to go with the respective settlements
in connection have stood.
Scherbenstreuunsen and Kurgane to the north
of the Cigataitau mountains belonged against it
probably rather to another Siedlungskarnmer,
because zrvischen to them and the Frtnden
7 D:rs Fragmcnt could have to einern Ossuar gehr) rt, rvie them since clcr, nA.ntike", vorwiegencl zrber in the Friihrllittelalrer
vcnvencletlulclen. See ctrva Grenet 198.1; flroauu among other things l9B5; kV, tr'rvpa IJ HCKYCCTBO 1, in 1991, 217fl. icrveils
rnit rveitcrer Litcratur.
,) (l of tin of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Fig. 5th Settlement chamber Karnab. Look of southeast on the bronze-temporal settlement I {.ernab-Siökonöi (A276)
(Excavation above the Schr.itthalcle) and clas Siökonöi-Sai.
near Allah Yor Tepa a clear one
Gap was to be ascertained.
The Kurgane, in the investigation area
in really big number seem,
are hardly closer without excavations
to date. Preferentially they lie in
Groups or chains close terrace edges.
To the west of Karnab, with Seval Tepa
and to the south of it, they remain rare. Still
further to southwest it shuts
level steppe in, for no time period
Findings produced, as far as we them begingenR.
In the direction of north-east several let themselves
Kurgane on the terrace edges northwesterly
the hall Abdurachman Kyr even from
of the distance recognise, however, they did not become
in detail registers. All together lie
the Grabhiigel as a rule on striking ones
Hills or on the edge from valleys, in
to those on account of the availability of water
the settlement terms were more favorable.
Thus were able in the narrow valley of Lapas,
where we on three days prospektierten,
isolated Kurgane on higher terraces
along the valley sides are ascertained
(Fig. 1,4). An other, bigger group considers
itself in the steppe-like, more level one
Hill country nordrvestlich of it. After
ergrabenen Kurganen (A006, A282,
To judge 4342a, A403) (fig. 1,1), would be allowed
clie Kurgane mainly in them, Äntike", so
in the time span of 4. Cent. B.C. to
to 4. Cent. A.D. belongs. Partially are able
be early-medieval still they
(to 6. Cent.), in isolated cases, they became even
used till Islamic time.
In early Middle Ages (5.-10 cent.), so of her
Zeitvor and immediately after the islamization,
if the population picture changes in that
Region around Karnab clearly. Kurgane become,
as already mentioned, more seldom, isolated
Examples are found in the northwest,
The east and north-east of Karnab (A006,
A403, A2b7, A307, A342) (fig. 3,3). The fortress
Nlah Yor Tepa (A349) seems delivered
and to have been left.
8 This can be caused regional to thrill it istjecloch also on it, r, cisen, that this area by the modern one
Uranprospektion schr strongly durchlrnihlt and is destroyed.
i::*lr? +tlEa*.-.-;:r:!
Siecllunssarchäologische Forschunsen irn sphere of Karnzrb, Lapas and ö:rnsali 2 t
'\bb. {r. Sicdhrngskammer l (arnab. Look from \, firm:urf dic fastened Tcllsiecllung Allah Yor Tepa (A349).
Direction Nordrvesten stielSen we merely
on some Einzelfünde (A303, A305, A311,
In 4312, A335, A339), to itself between him
Turytau-and Öigataitau mountains in parallel with
today's street to Navoi draw and
maybe go over an old Fern$reg
(4bb.3,2). An other one!! 'egstrecke
if findings seem in northeast direction
zrr pretend (A002, A013, A027, A032,
In 4054, in 4060, in 4061); this route leads to the west
round the Darbazakyr chain and
along the terrace edges after northwest
on Abdurachman K1r to and probably
even further. To the north of her
Öigataitau mountains lies next seals
Concentration of finding points (fig. 3,2),
how this alike already frir them, +Antike"
was to be observed. This would be allowed with dor.
to tigen springs also hang together,
a today's shepherd's station supply. In that
Place, where to the north cler StraIJe of Karnab
to Ziaddin in antique time a Kcxrzentration
on finding places Fa estzustellen was,
read only isolated frührnittelalterliche
Shards (A222, A242), a stronger one
Nevertheless, concentration was approx. 2 km
further to the south in a crease of the today's ones
Street to the east of Karnab (A098, A178,
In 4179, A214, A2l7, A269) and maybe points
a Siecllungsverlagerung in.
Possibly already r, l, ährencl him, nAntike",
at the latest, however, in the early Middle Ages
if the fastened Tell of Kurganöa originated
(A117), approx Ilkm southeast from Karnab
(Abb.3,1; 7). Shards of the surface
find in the periods Karnab IV V (Ku-
San time), in particular, however, in Karnab\rI
(5.-7./B.Jh.) good correspondences. To errvähnen
are in particular calotte-shaped
Bowls with varnish stripe (fig. 9,2.4-5),
To pot with short, ausbiegendem edge
(Fig. 9,9), fragments of stock vessels
(Fig. 9.12) wd hand-made ceramics with
red painting (fig. 9.10). Engmundige
The forms which do not represent in the Tell r, on Karnab
are, come (Abb.9,6 B).
On the more level high-level terraces approx. 4.5 km
northwesterly from Kurganöa was a clear one
Finding concentration of this time (4, {082,
A096, A104, A126, A727, A132, A134, A138,
4142) to ascertain (fig. 3,2) Maybe belong
also the Kurgane of the surroundings
(Abh. 1.4) in cliese time, although to itself this
in the end, only by excavations bestätieen
would leave.
A rveiterer early-medieval Frrncl22
Tin of the Bronze Age in Mittelasier-r I
Abb.7. Settlement chamber Karnab. Blickvon north-east on the fastened Tellsiedlung Kurganöa (All7)
burst was alrf of a bigger terrace in the narrow one
To register valley of Lapas (4364).
Also the rock drawings to the north-east of
Karnab (A274) as well as in the steppe before Lapas
(A401, A402) (fig. 3,1) would be allowed in the course
of this period had originated, so far
chronological statements moreover generally
are possible.
All together looked are displayed sornit
to the early Middle Ages clie to both fortresses
r, on Karnab and Kurganöa as well as several of:
fene settlements to the north Cigataitau-
Mountains, to the east of Karnab, southeast Zr, r'ischen
Karnab and Kurganöa and with Lapas
before. Latter wise on a stronger adjustment
to Süder.n hit t, and, nevertheless
the traffic routes after northwest r.rnd
North-east show, that are rch in these directions
further intensive contacts existed.
From islamischu time (Middle Ages l, leuzeit)
if most finding points with come
Shard dispersions, in the whole area
vorkom-erl1u. A more exact date
is able only with the help of the ceramics
are not carried out. A differentiation
medieval and modern
Turntable ceramics are
not possibly, if they comb line or
Stamp pattern aufiveist. Largely
if it was allowed to do itself around modern material
act which was scattered by shepherds.
In particular in many Krrrganen, but
also in the free area, they let themselves
Fragments often again too roughly
to entire vessels compose
(Fig. 10.14). These vessels, it concerns
mainly around jugs, probably served to
Water transportation or became, provided that they
itself in Kurganen or other striking ones
Places found, with special occasions
intentionally zerschlagentt. Hence, they point
merely in, that this area begane
Cf. also the southern Importkelarnik (I'raröi) of this time irn Tell of Karnab.
of tt' Practicing". drinking house 1989 reports a similar finding situation in the Damghan level in Nordtistiran.
still today tt \, {.h. Re Kurgane (more seldom also Tells) are looked as holy odcrr '-uudertätige places (e|tva
Allah Yor Tepa, Seval Tepa). There is the custom to drink at diescn places to smash the Gefäßc rlrrl [iinzen
or to deposit bank notes. Darnit so11en Krankhciten or worries on this place transfer lverden.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Caneali
Fig. B. Settlement chamber Karnab. Allah Yor Tepa (A349), ceramic reading findings. M 1: 3.
24 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Ciilf-Z \z? l//-Yl, q 6
IN '12
Fig. 9th Settlement chamber Karnab. Kurganöa (A117), ceramic reading findings. M 1:3.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the Umfeid of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 25
Offi@ Itr = \\-=------/
tf {T/-
Ofi O.ffi7
Fig. 10th Settlement chambers Karnab (1.3-9.14) and Cangali (2.10-13), reading findings. 1 Karnab, FundpunktA09l. 2
Öangali, FundpunktA393.3 Karnab, FundpunktA010.4-5 Karnab, FundpunktA347.6 Karnab, FundpunktA099.
7 Karnab, finding point A096. B Karnab, finding point A252. 9 Karnab, finding point A158. 10-12 Cangali, Tellsiedlung
A383. 13 Öangali, finding point A395. 14 Karnab, finding point A145. 1.4-14 ceramics, 2-3 Silex. 1-3 m 2:3nd of 4-14
M I:3.
26 tins of the Bronze Age in N {ittclasien I
, \bb. 11th settlement chamber Cangali, utecschichtliche to frühmittelalterlichc Funclstellen. 1 old historical
Finding points. 2, Äntikc "Bis fiühmittelaltcrliche Tellsiedlunscn. 3 Kurgane. 4, u\1ter"" mining.
however, to \\'-urde, are not able as a Siecllun
gsanzeiuer gelvertet become.
As \Ahstungen or smaller to srößere,
for a short time visited settlement places seldom
such Fundpr-rnkte, in which still Gebäudestmkturen
to recognise $ 'to ares. They
are in the distance of 1-2 km to each other
about the whole Clebiet \rerstreut, thus there {3
one is bent, besides, überr'viegend in kieine,
r, orübergehend used shepherd's stations
to think of different time position.
As exceptions from this are valid a boiling
Iungsstelle 4 krn in the NNO of the today's village
Karnab (4285), where house and garden surfaces
were to be distinguished and more stable ones
Konstmktionen (Brr.rnnen in the point 4284)
clie \A / asserversorgung protected, sou'ie
Stove arrangements and house leftovers nordrvestlich
from Karnab in the area the hall, Varota"
(4019). Investigations in clen finding points
A275-1 Lrnd A275-2 proved in each case
several fireplaces, stoves and clie
Rests of a pit house. After the dug out ones
Cliese structures would be allowed to do ceramics
friihestens belong the 11.-12 cent.,
although in the surroundings in the surface
also isolated older Scherberr
(3.-7 cent. A.D.) registers ü. Lrrden. One
\veitere settlement place A2B5 is able by
Surface material in 19. Ih. dates
werden12, while the stove arrangements trnd
the matching buildings after are legends
older villager from forties and
of ftinfziger years cles 20. Cent. came and
served for the lime burning.
The main focus of the archaeological prospectus ions
lay unambiguously in the sphere of her
Tin beds of Karnab and l, apas. He
12 The village lhrnab exists after oldest (lrabinschriftcn cles hcutigcn of cemetery minclestens since cler N, would suffer
cles 19. Cent.
Siedlunssarchäologische researches in the sphere from Karr-rab, Lapas and Cangali 27
Fig. 12. Siedhrrrgskammer CiangJali. Look r, om, old" Berebau in the Noldr'r'esten in the valley of Caneali.
g; änzend in addition N "urde alrch the area from
Carrgali besansen (fig. 11-12), rvofür, nevertheless
only \, venige days were available.
There further no potent old historical ones
Archaeological sites could be ascertained,
to those this Pro.jekt urgently dedicated
was, renounced n'ir it, one
or anclere with Öangali registered place
with the help of Sondagen even more thoroughly
to examine. The Gnrndgertist for
the Entwickluns from spätachaimenidischer
Time till the Middle Ages offered anyway the Stratigraphie
of the Tells of Karnab. \Areitere researches
in this direction were for them
Question of the plan unimportant.
In sporadic old historical findings
with Cangali (fig. 11.1) are a Silexabschlag
(A393) (fig. 10.2) and possible one
Shards in Burguljuk kind (4395)
(Fig. 10.13) to nennenl3. To these materials
belonging establishments were
not to ascertain, however, any more. With him
to registered ground monuments it acts
itself, primarily, around the Tellsiedlungen
injustice Öut-tguli (A383) (fig. 1)) and Kargaly
l:t Eyp.a,
(Fig. 11.2). There come a single one
Kurgan (A3BB) and a small Kurgangruppe
(4400) (Abh. 11.3) with Cangali.
Tell of Cangali (Abl). 13) r'var after identity card
of cler surface findings (fig. 10,10-12) in
the outgoing Krr5an time and in the early one
Middle Ages besieclelt; the material corresponds
etr, va to the periods Karnab V-\4. All remaining ones
Funcle in the valley between Öangali and
Kargaly are medieval to modern.
Are legends about the Siedlunssintensität leave
itself on account of the short Prospektionszeit
discuss not more thoroughly, although
at different places (A386, A394,
A39B) constructions or cut ones
Layers registers rn.r-rrden, where today none
Establishment exists. All together looks
if one probably goes out from it
are able, that the area around Cangali rvahrscheinlich
at all times substantially closer
settles rvar as this today is known,
what alike also in the settlement chamber
from Karnab the case sewesen should be.
2B tin of cler Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Fig. 13th Settlement chamber Cangali. Look of the east on bef'estigte Tcllsiedhrng of Öangali (A383)
Tab. l. List of the prospektierten archaeological sites in the sphere of the Zinnlagcrstätten \.on Ilarnab, Lapas urrd Cangali
(FXit {= Fnihmittelalter, NIA = Middle Ages, NZ - modern times).
Site of the discovery
Object type
GPS co-ordinates date picture
A00t Karnab. Tell 39'55.1 58', 65" 35.039', Ärrtikc"
Cf. report
4002 Ikrnab. Shard dispersion on a Telrasse 39'55.009 ', 6Ir '34.921 FMA N, IA
4003 Karnab. Shard dispersion in the level 39 "54 773', 65" 34,780', M.A., / NZ
4004 Karnab. Schcrbenstreuunsö 39'54.693 ', 65'34.694 ', N / LA,/NZ
4005 Karnab. Shard finding 39'54.302 ', 65'34.504 ', MA
4006 Karnab. Group of three Steinkurganen
(Drn approx. 2 Rn) in the Terrasscnrand.
39 "54,300', 65" 34.321 FMA \rg1. Report
4006a Karnab. Approx. 130 Rn rvestlich from 4006, z'lr'ei
Stein-Erde-Kurgane (Dm approx. 9 and 16 m),
Shard findings
39'51.372 ', 65" 31,250', l, ntike"
(1.-4. Ih.)
4007 Karnab. Stone aggregation and shard findings
in the Terrasscnrand (Krrrgan-:)
39 "5.1. I 20', 65" 33.895', MA / NZ
A008 Ikrnab. Steinansamrnlungen in the level 39 "54.056', 65'33,790',
4009 Karnab. Shard findings 39'54.059 ', 65" 33.71 l', NtrA., / NZ
4010 Karnab. Silcxklinge 39 "53.583', 65" 33,370', prehistory fig. 10.3
A0l1 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.527 ', ti11" 33.326', MA//NZ
A0l 2 Near to cirque. Shard findings 39 "53.363', 65" 33.1f39', MA,/NZ
A0l3 Karnab. Scherbenfirncle 39'53.300 ', 65" 33.097', FN'LA.
Site of the discovery
Object type
GPS co-ordinates Datienrng picture
A0l4 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.205 ', 65'33.074 ', MA / NZ
A0l5 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52.913', 65'32.707 mA / NZ
4016 Karnab. Shard findings 39'52.848 ', 65'32.683 ', N, 4.4., / NZ
A017 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52.71q', 65" 32.489', MA / NZ
AOlB Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52.629', 65" 32.366', {/NZ
Karnab. Stove arrangements (Iklk) (Dm 4-6 m,
H 2-3 m), stone quarry, slags, ceramics
39 "52.421', 65" 32.195', NZ
4019B Kzunab. Stove arrangement (I {alc.) (Dm 3.4 m,
H 3 m), pit houses
(3,15-3,3 rl.x3,6-4,75 m), slags, ceramics
39 "52.395', 65" 32.1 16', NZ
4020 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52.285', 65'32.286', MA / NZ
4021 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "51.794', 65'31.766', MA / NZ
4022 Karnab. Shard findings 39'51.555 ', 65'31.556 ', Äntike"
4023 Karnab. Shard findings 39'51.330 ', 65'3r.352', x4 {/NZ
1i024 Karnab. Scherbenstreuungö 39 "51.266', 65'37.271 I\.tr {/NZ
, A.025 Karnab. Shard findings 39'51.265 ', 65" 31.287', I \{, 4. / NZ
4026 Karnab. House plan (rectangular, approx.
7,5x71 m), ceramics
39'52.557'65" 32.012', NZ
A.027 Karnab. Shard dispersion 39 "52.494', 65" 31.687', FMA N, tr {
4028 Karnab. Shard findings 39'52.406 ', 65'32.512 ', N, and the following, A./NZ
4029 Karnab, iron ore 39 "52.433', 65" 32.01 6',
4030 Karnab. Shard findings of aufeiner terrace in
a brook loop
39 "52.454'65'3 1.696', MA//NZ
4031 Karnab. Stove arrangement (I (alc.) (Dm 1.5 m,
H 1.5 m), towards from A030
39 "52.465', 65" 31.77 \', MA,/NZ
4032 Karnab. Shard findings 39'52.302 ', 65'31.756 ', FMA
4033 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52.227', 65" 31.703',] \, {A,/NZ
4034 Karnab. Stone aggregation (Kurgan?) 39 "52.1 85', 65'31.718',
4035 Karnab. Scherbenstreuunpo 39'52,051 ', 65'31.601 NZ
4036 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "51.733', 65" 37.177' MA / NZ
A037 Karnab. Shard findings 39'51.379 ', 65'30.819 ', MA / NZ
AO3B Karnab. Shard findings 39 "51.245', 65'30.701 NZ
4039 Karnab. Shard findings 39'52.665 ', 65" 31.994', MA / NZ
4040 Karnab. Shard findings 39'52.838 ', 65'31.994 ', MA / NZ
4041 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52.97q', 65" 31.853', MA / NZ
1i:042 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "53.25r', 65'31.672', MA
(11.-12 cent.)
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Öangali 29
Tab. 1 (continuation)
30 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Site of the discovery
Object type
GPS co-ordinates date picture
4043 Karnab. Stone aggregation on area hilltop
39'53.288 ', 65'31.661 '?
AO44 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "53.343', 65'3I.760', MA / NZ
4045 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.38 I 65" 31.782', MA / NZ
A046 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.615 ', 65'32.r04', MA / NZ
AO47 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.648 ', 65" 32.777 N, [A/NZ
AO48 Karnab. Stone aggregation (Dm 1.50 m)
(Kurgan?), shard findings
39'53.785 ', 65'32.254 ', MA / NZ
4049 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.749 ', 65" 32.257', MA / NZ
4050 Karn, ah. Shard findings on Terrassenran d 39 "53.953', 65" 32.868', MA / NZ
A05t Karnab. Stone aggregation (Kurgan?), house plan,
Shard findings
39 "54.37 \', 65'33.547, Äntike"
(1.-4 cent.)
N, I, A.
4052 Karnab. Kurgangruppe (Dm 13 and 2 m) on
Area spur, shard findings
39 "54.562', 65" 33.543', MA,/NZ
4053 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "54.442', 65'33.305', MA / NZ
4054 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "54.273', 65'32.918', FMA
4055 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "53.441 65" 32.044', I \, {A./NZ
4056 Karnab. Scherbenstreuunsö 39'53.009 ', 65" 32.081 mA / NZ
A057 Karnab. Scherbenstreuunsö 39 "53.957', 65'32.534', FN {A., / MA
4058 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "53.678', 65" 32.216', N, trA., / NZ
In 4059 Near to cirque. Shard findings 39'54.018 ', 65" 32.691 mA / NZ
4060 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53,100'65'32. Of O13', FMA
4061 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "54.288', 65" 33.137', FMA
4062 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "54.177', 65" 33.26O', NZ
4063 Karnab, shard findings 39 "52.795', 65'32.t25' MA,/NZ
4064 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "53.304', 65'32.07} ', MA / NZ
A065 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.910 ', 65" 32.802', N, tr {/NZ
4066 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.856 ', 65" 32.239', MA / NZ
A067 Karnab. Shard findings 39'54.1 59', 65" 32.848', MA / NZ
4068 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.154 ', 65" 32.022', N, 4.4. / NZ
4069 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "54.041 65" 32.568', MA//NZ
A070 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "54.478', 65" 33.393', MA / NZ
A071 Karnab. Shard findings 39'54.r04', 65" 32., 161 mA,/NZ
AO72 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "54.085', 65'33. Of I IO', MA / NZ
A073 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "54_430', 65'33.1 36', x.trAlNZ
A074 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "54.426', 65" 33.752', \, trA./NZ
Tab.1 (continuation)
Site of the discovery
Object type
GPS co-ordinates date picture
4075 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.966 ', 65'32.189 ', MA / NZ
A076 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "54.27@, 65'32.847 ', MA / NZ
A077 Karnab. Stone aggregation on Geländerükken
39 "54.497', 65'33.809',)
A078 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.798 ', 65'32.398 ', MA / NZ
A079 Karnab. Shard dispersion and iron ore 39'41.702', 65'33.605', MA / NZ
4080 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "47.726', 65" 33.811 mA / NZ
A08l Karnab. Shard findings 39'47.683 ', 65" 34.044', MA / NZ
AOB2 Karnab. Shard dispersion 39 "47.626', 65" 34.193', +Antike"
(1.-4 cent.),
4083 Karnab. Shard findings 39'48.986 ', 6B '34.798', MA / NZ
4084 Karnab. Shard findings 39'49.313 ', 65'34.670 ', N [A./NZ
AOB5 Karnab. Shard findings 39'49.870 ', 65" 34.267', MA / NZ
4086 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.077', 65'32.912', MA / NZ
A087 Karnab. Shard findings 39050. I 28', 65 "32.892', MA / NZ
AOBB Karnab. Shard findings of 39'50.1 1 O', 65'32.756 ', MA / NZ
4089 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.153 ', 65'31.496 ', "A, ntike"
(1.-4 cent.)
N4A. / NZ
In 4090 lGrnab. Shard dispersion 39'49.871 65" 34.649', antiquity"
(1.-4 cent.)
A09l Karnab. Kurgan (?), by topographic ones
Sharp destroyed, shard findings, head relief
39'50.101 ', 65" 32.295', "A.ntike"
(r.-4 cent.)
Fig. 10.1
4092 Karnab. Shepherd's station, shard findings 39 "49.624', 65" 34.662' NZ
4093 Karnab. Shard findings 39'4B.281', 65'35.030 ', MA / NZ
4094 Karnab. Shard findings 39'49.442'65" 34,670' MA,/NZ
4095 Karnab. Shard findings 39'47.722 ', 65" 34,640' MA / NZ
4096 Karnab. Shard findings 39'47.695 ', 65'34.597 ', fig. FMA 10.7
A097 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.1 71 ', 65" 31.37 \', MA / NZ
AO9B Karnab. Shard dispersion on hilltop
(destroyed Kurgan?)
39 "50.05r 65" 34.014', FMA-NZ
4099 Karnab. Ät.... House plan nearby
a modern shepherd's station, shard dispersion
39'47.553 ', 65'34.044 ', MA / NZ of fig. 10.6
4100 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50,000'65'34.368', MA / NZ
4101 Karnab. Kurgan from earth and stones
(Dm B m) to the north and above.4092
39'49.883 ', 65'34.606 '?
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 31
Tab. l (continuation)
32 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Site of the discovery
Object type
GPS co-ordinates Datienrng picture
Al02 Karnab. Stone aggregation (ca 1x0,8 m,
39 "48.511 65'35.151)
A l03 Karnab. Shard findings 39'49.083 ', 65" 3,1.81O', MA / NZ
Al04 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "47.732'65" 33.748', FMA?
Al05 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "47.822', 65'34.648', MA / NZ
OW 06 Karnab. Stone aggregation (Kurgan?) 39 "47.808', 65'34.774')
A107 Karnab. Stone aggregation (Kurgan?), shard findings
39 "47,820', 65" 34.761', MAlNZ
4108 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "48.605', 65" 34,680', MA / NZ
Al09 Karnab. Shard dispersion 39'48.678 ', 65'34.671 FNtr {-Ntr {
4110 Karnab. Area unevennesses (house leftovers?),
Shard dispersion
39 "49.352', 65" 34.711 MA
Alll Karnab. Scherbenfirnde 39'49.488 ', 65" 34.554', MAlNZ
Al12 Karnab. Shard findings 39'49.689 ', 65'34.544 ', MA / NZ
4113 Karnab. Kurgan from earth (Dm 6.5 m) 39 "50,140', 65'33.623'?
A114 Karnab. Stone aggregation (Kurgan?)
(Dm 6-8 m) and Scherbenstreuuns
39'50. I 18', 65 "32.428', *Antike"
(1.-4 cent.)
Al15 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50 196', 65'31.857', MA / NZ
4116 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.185 ', 65'31.621 N. {A./NZ
A1l7 Kurganöa. Fastened Tell (Dm approx. 60-80 m) 39'44.527 ', 65" 36,440', "antiquity"
(r.-4 cent.),
MA (1 l. Cent.)
Fig. I
Al18 Kurganöa. Kurgan of stones (to 60 cm)
and earth (Dm 6 m), compared with the Tell
39 "45,010', 65" 36.572', NZ
In 4119 Kurganöa-side valley. Square well shaft,
struck in the rock.
39 "45.07} ', 65'36.755')
A l20 Kurganöa-side valley. Rock roof-Abri with Trokkenmauerwerk
39'45.089 ', 65'36.648 ', MA / NZ
A12l between Kurganöa and Karnab. Shard dispersion
39'45.296 ', 65" 36.545', MA / NZ
Ll22 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Scherbenfirnde
39 "46. OF O33', 65" 36.477', MA / NZ
Lt23 between Kurganöa and Karnab. The dilapidated
Pit house
39 "45.932', 65'36,100', NZ?
1'124 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Area unevennesses
and stone settlements (former ones
Shepherd's station) on a brook terrace
39 "45.999', 65'35.601', MA / NZ
1^125 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Striking ones
Area unevennesses on the edge of 15 m
high Terrassenkante
39 "46.674', 65" 34.594', MA / NZ
Tab. I (Fortsetzune)
settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 3z
Site of the discovery
Object type
GPS co-ordinates date picture
At 26 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Shard dispersion
39'46.778'65" 34.436', FMA,
N, {4. (16. Cent.)
Between Kurganöa and Karnab. Shard findings
39 "47.799', 65" 33.931', FAS \, {VMA
At 28 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Shard findings
39 "47.329'65" 33.822', MA//NZ
Al29 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Shard findings
35 "46.07? ', 65" 35.524', MA / NZ
In 4130 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Shard findings
39 "45.339', 65'36.505', MA / NZ
In 4131 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Shard findings
39 "46. Of O22', 65'36,090', N.trA./NZ
In 4132 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Shard findings
39'46.009 ', 65" 36,240', FMA-NZ
Al 33 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Shard findings
39'46.350 ', 65" 35.189', NtrA,/NZ
L734 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Shard findings
39 "46.107', 65" 34.999', FAS \, 4, {MA
Al35 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Shard findings
39,046.762'65.34.659', MA,/NZ
In 4136 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Shards
39 "46.1 15', 65'35.545', MA,/NZ
/.137 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Shard findings
39'46.939 ', 65" 34.226', MAINZ
A138 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Shard findings
39 "47.397', 65'33.712', F\.tr {/MA,
Al39 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Shard findings
39 "45.138', 65" 36.597', MA / NZ
In 4140 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Scherbenfirnde
39 "46.109', 65'35.696', Äntike"
(1.-4 cent.)
In 4141 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Stone earth
Hill (Kurgan?) from 1-m height. More fashionably
Stone heaps about that, shard findings
39'45.603 ', 65" 36.597', N, {{/NZ
At42 between Kurganöa and Karnab. Scherbenfirnde
39 "46.022', 65" 35.759', FMA/MA,
4143 Karnab. Stone group with a lateral one
straight stone. In 23 m of distance one
next (Kurgane?)
39 "46.005', 65'36.195',)
p.l44 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "49.366', 65" 33.27D', MA / NZ
Al45 Karnab. Shard dispersion 39'48.995 ', 65" 32.384', MA / NZ of fig. 10.14
4146 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "49.295', 65" 32.718', MA / NZ
A.147 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "49.077', 65" 32.467' MA,/NZ
A148 Karnab. Around slammed shard 39'49.788 ', 65" 32.1r5'?
Tab. I (Fortsetzuns) -
34 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Site of the discovery
GPS co-ordinates date picture
Al49 Karnab. Kurgan from earth and stones
(Dm 6 m), in the terrace edge
39 "48.828', 65'32.19O',)
A1 50 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.082 ', 65'33.528 ', MAlNZ
A15t Karnab. Kurgan from earth and stones
(Dm 9-10 m, H 1 m) on the edge of a level one
Terrace. Shard findings
39 "49.291 65'33.299 ', N, {4. / NZ
Al52 Karnab. Two rows of parallel, stone ones
To wall foundations. Stone size
40-50 cm, length in each case 1,2-7,7 m, distance
4 m, NW Se straightened
39 "49.267', 65" 33.247)
Al53 Karnab. Dilapidated shepherd's station 39 "49.714', 65" 33.236', NZ
Al54 Karnab. Shard findings 39'49.077 ', 65" 33,040', MA / NZ
4155 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "48.849', 65'32,630', N, trVNZ
At56 Karnab. Stone aggregation on level terrace
(Kurgan?) (Dm approx. 2 m)
39'49.136 ', 65" 32,530')
A757 Karnab. Shard findings 39'49.458 ', 65" 32.448', \, tr {/NZ
4158 Karnab. Moulder durchwrihlter Kurgan (?)
on mountain top, shard dispersion
39 "49.702', 65" 32.1 83', Äntike"
(1.-4 cent.)
Fig. 10.9
Al59 Karnab. Topographic point (concrete) on
Mountain top, shard dispersion (more destroyed
39 "49,940', 65'31.683', "A, ntike"
(r.-4 cent.)
Al60 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "49.094', 65'32.573', MA,/NZ
AI6I Karnab. Shard findings 39 "49.677', 65" 32.224', MA / NZ
4162 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.345', 65'33.636', MA,/NZ
4163 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.635', 65" 34005', N.4, q./NZ
Al64 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.702'65'34.005 ', MAlNZ
Al65 Karnab. Shard findings 39'49.890 ', 65'31.88O', FMA/MA
Al66 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.674 ', 65" 34.262', MA / NZ
A167 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.7r4', 65" 34.27", MA / NZ
4168 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.888 ', 65" 34.133', NtrA./NZ
4169 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.836 ', 65" 33.968', MA / NZ
4170 Karnab. Shard dispersion 39'50.954 ', 65" 33.87", MA,/NZ
AlTl Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.465 ', 65'33.t37', MA / NZ
At72 Karnab. Schertrenfunde 39'50.348 ', 65'33.22 2S.', MA / NZ
At73 Karnab. Shard dispersion 39'50.511 6B" 32.bt2', MA / NZ
AT74 Karnab. Group of area depressions (pit houses
and cattle pens?), shard dispersion
39 "50.603', 65" 32.306', MA / NZ
At75 Karnab. Shard dispersion 39'48.988 ', 65" 32.332', \, 4, A./NZ
Tab.1 (continuation)
Site of the discovery
Object type
GPS co-ordinates Datierwrg picture
Al76 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.441 65" 33.768', MA / NZ
4,177 Karnab. Shard dispersion 39 "50.401 65" 33.795', MA / NZ
A178 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.602 ', 65" 33.792' MA,/NZ
Al78a Karnab. Desolate shepherd's station, shard dispersion
39 "50.745', 65'34.086', FMA, N {{/
A179 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.810 ', 65'34.106 ', FMA
AlBO Karnab. Shard findings 39.50.785', 65'34.21q', Nf, A./NZ
4181 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.924 ', 65" 33,620', SpätMA/NZ
4182 Karnab. Scherbenfirnde 39 "50.765'65" 33.554', MA / NZ
A183 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50678 ', 65'33.413 ', MA,/NZ
A184 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.649 ', 65'33.339 ', MA / NZ
A t85 Near to cirque. Shard findings 39'50.610 ', 65'33.173 ', I \, {4,/NZ
Al86 Karnab. Dilapidated shepherd's station, shard findings
39 "50.557', 65" 33.152' MA / NZ
Al 87 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.4|2', 65" 32.956', MA,/NZ
AIBB Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.31 3', 65'32.726 ', MA / NZ
4189 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.406 ', 65'32.1 66', MA / NZ
4190 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.61 I 65'32.035', MA / NZ
4191 Karnab. Oval area depressions (pit houses?)
39 "50.744', 65" 33.447',)
A1 92 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.107'65'36.35O', MA / NZ
A193 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52928', 65'36.351 mA / NZ
Al94 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52,730', 65'36.564', I \, tr\/NZ
Al95 Karnab. Shard findings 35 "52.57r', 65" 36.743', MA / NZ
4196 Karnab. Shard findings 39'52.583 ', 65" 36.783', MA / NZ
A197 Karnab. Small mound with few stones
(Dm 1.5 m, H 0.3 m) (Kurgan?)
39'52.340 ', 65'36.804 ',)
Al98 Karnab. Shard findings 39'52.1 Federal Railways', 65" 36.753', N, LA./NZ
Al99 Karnab. Shard dispersion 39 "52.159', 65'36,670', MA / NZ
4200 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52.016', 65" 36.647', "antiquity"
(1.-4 cent.)
A20t Karnab. Faithfully to shard unpö 39'51.959 ', 65'36.678 ', MA / NZ
4202 Karnab. Shard findings 39'51.90bread unit, 65'36.687', MA / NZ
4203 Karnab. Shard dispersion 39 "51.822', 65" 36.661', MA / NZ
A204 Karnab. Stone aggregation with a big one
Stone and to several smaller ovally in that
Eastern side (Dm approx. 2 m) (Kurgan), shard dispersion
39 "57.733'65'36.655 ', MA,/NZ
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 35
Tab. I (continuation)
36 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Site of the discovery
Object type
GPS co-ordinates date picture
4205 Karnab. Geländedel len, shards findings 39'51.605 ', 65'36.61 I MAINZ
4206 Karnab. Area depressions, shard findings 39 "51.562', 65" 36.478', MA / NZ
L207 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "5 1.502', 65" 36.37ever, MA / NZ
4208 Karnab. Desolate shepherd's station. Shard dispersion
39 "51.214', 65'36.1 38', MA,/NZ
4209 Karnab. Shard findings 39'51.399 ', 65'35.989 ', MA / NZ
A2l0 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "5r.334', 65'35,950', MA / NZ
4211 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "51.249', 65'35.805', MA / NZ
1'272 Karnab. Shard findings 39" 50.948', 65 "35.436', MA, iNZ
Azt3 Karnab. Shard dispersion 39'50.906 ', 65" 35.202', MA,/NZ
A2t4 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.825', 65" 35,080', FMA, / MA
A2t5 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.721', 65" 34.762', MA / NZ
A2l6 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.70O', 65" 34.541', MA / NZ
A217 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.717', 65" 34.248', FMA MA
A2IB Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.825 ', 65" 32.467', MA / NZ
4219 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52.202', 65" 34.524', MA / NZ
A^220 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "57.67 \', 65" 33.227', MA / NZ
L221 Karnab. Scherbenfirnde 39'52.982 ', 65'34.984 ', MA,/NZ
L222 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52.446', 65'34,590' FMA MA
4223 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52.731 65'34.196 ', MA,/NZ
Aez4 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52.947', 65" 34.845', Äntike"
(1.-4 cent.)
1'225 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53,210', 65" 35.191', MA,/NZ
4226 l (arnab. Scherbenstreuun g 39 "52.701', 65" 34.477 I \, tr {/NZ
A227 Karnab. Area depression in the slope, Scherbenfirnde
39'51.831 ', 65" 33.67z', X, 4.4,/NZ
4228 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52,320', 65" 34.521 ',' antiquity" (1.-4 cent.)
1^229 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "53.057', 65'35.087', MA / NZ
A.230 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52.644'65" 34.634', antiquity"
(1.-4 cent.)
A23l Karnab. Stone heaps (Dm l0 m, H 1.5 m) in
to a stripe (width 20 m) with different one
Growth (old street route?)
39 "51.27 \', 65'32.267'.A, ntike"
(1.-4 cent.)
L232 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.738 ', 65" 31.934', MA / NZ
4233 Karnab. Shard dispersion on that, route"
39 "51.634'65" 33.038', MA / NZ
Tab. I (continuation)
Site of the discovery
Object type
GPS co-ordinates date picture
1.234 Karnab. Shard dispersion on that, route"
(see, A' 231)
39'51.556 ', 65" 32.921', MA / NZ
L235 Karnab. Stone aggregation (5 x 2 m) (Kurgan?)
39 "536.38', 65" 36.21 8',
4236 Karnab. Desolate cattle pens 35 "52.087', 65'34.77z'?
M, 37 Karnab. Lined up area hollows in the slope
(Dm in each case 3-7 m) (stove arrangements?)
39'51.821 65'33.566'?
4238 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.994', 65" 32,230', MA / NZ
4239 Karnab. Shard findings 39'51.451 65" 33.046', MA / NZ
4240 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.809 ', 65'32.109 ', MA,/NZ
N, 4 t Karnab. Shard findings 39'51.759 ', 65" 34.054' MAlNZ
1^242 Karnab. Schertrenfi rnde of 39 "b2.757', 65" 35.203', FMA?
1.243 Karnab. Shard findings 39'52.982 ', 65" 35.544', MA / NZ
1'244 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.014', 65'35.509', MA / NZ
1^245 Karnab. Scherbenfirnde 39 "52.352'65" 34.636', MA / NZ
/ ^246 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52.464', 65'34,740', "A.ntike"
(r.-4 cent.)
A247 Karnab. Round deepening Dm 12 x l0 m)
Shard dispersion
39 "51.478', 65'33.066', MA / NZ
L248 Karnab. U-shaped deepening in the slope,
Shard findings (=, {254)
39'57.702'65'33,860', MA / NZ
4249 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.183 ', 65'35.678 ', MA / NZ
L250 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.190 ', 65'35.733 ' mA / NZ
L251 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.923', 65'32.175' MA / NZ
1.252 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52.823'65'35.298 ', antiquity"
(1.-4 cent.)
Fig. l0, B
4253 Karnab. Area deepening 39 "51.807', 65'34.122',)
1^254 = 1^248
1^255 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "52,290', 65'36.692', MA / NZ
1^256 Karnab. Stone aggregation (Dm 1.3 m)
39 "52.047 65" 36.446',)
A257 Karnab. Stone earth Kurgan (Dm 14 m,
H> 1 m) with funnel (Dm 2 m) in the middle,
Shard findings
39 "51.91O', 65'36.258', FMA MA
A25B Karnab. Shard findings 39'51.965 ', 65'36.339 ', MA//NZ
1.259 Karnab. 2-m-wide stone ring (Dm 25-30 m)
around a hollow (T 1.3 m). In the west edge one
oval stone heap N (6 x l1 m), shard dispersion
39'51.679 ', 65" 36.253', MAlNZ
4260 Karnab. Shard findings 39'5r.775', 65" 36,210', MA / NZ
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 37
Tab. I (continuation)
38 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Site of the discovery
Object type
GPS co-ordinates date picture
A26l Karnab. Several area unevennesses
without clear connection
39'51.725 ', 65" 36.039',)
1^262 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "51.673', 65'36,040', MA / NZ
4263 Karnab. Shard findings 39'51.62O', 65" 35.904', r4, A./NZ
A^264 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.865 ', 65'35.206 ', MA / NZ
4265 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.777'65'34.694 ', ItrA,/NZ
4266 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.722 ', 65'34.301 mA / NZ
A267 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.632', 65" 33.353', MA / NZ
A268 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.693 ', 65'33.626 ', MA / NZ
4269 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "57.47@, 65" 35.876', FMA/MA
1c70 Karnab. Shard findings 39'5 1.852', 65" 36.254', MA,/NZ
4271 Karnab. Shard dispersion 39 "52.095', 65'36.584', MA,/NZ
1c72 Karnab. Scherbenstreuunsö 39'51.225 ', 65" 35.5r7', MA, iNZ
1c73 Karnab. Shard findings, Fulmenite 39'50.798 ', 65" 3 1.89O', MA / NZ
Karnab. Rock drawing, group III 39 "5 1. I 37', 65" 31.939', \.4, {Cf. report
A275-1 Karnab. Fireplaces in a Geologen-Prospektion.
Excavation (cut l) proved several
Fireplaces and ceramics
39'51.088 ', 65" 31.61 2', MA
(10.-1l cent.)
4275-2 Karnab. Fireplaces in a Geologen-Prospektion.
Excavation (cut 2) proved
Pit house and several fireplaces as well as
39'51.046 ', 65" 31.599', MA
(10.-1l cent.)
p^276 Karnab. Bronze-temporal settlement
39 "51.329', 65" 30.761', prehistory
(Bronze Age)
Cf. report
A277 Karnab. Slags, charcoal, shard dispersion
39 "5 l. I 78', 65'30.47B', 1e. Cent.
4278 Karnab. Sound occurence with good, tan one
and grey-green tone
39'51.803 ', 65" 30.296'?
Karnab. Steinkurgan (Dm 5 m, H 0.2 m)
Shard findings
39'52.1 06', 65'31.461 ', 12. Cent.?
4280 Karnab. Steinkurgan (Dm 5 m, H 0.3 m) 39 "52.208', 65'30.495',)
A2BI Karnab. Steinkurgan (Dm 7 m, H 0.5 m) 39'52,368 ', 65" 30.1 36',)
p^282 Karnab. Steinkurgan (Dm l0 m, H 0.7 m) 39 "52.339', 65'29.886',) Cf. report
4283 Karnab. Steinkurgan (Dm 6 m, H 0,3-0,4 m) 39'52.247 ', 65'29.832 ',)
4284 Karnab. Stone settlement. With excavations became
a well shaft with a next one
Water channel (Arik) exposed. The finding property
(Ceramics, glass) are moulder.
39 "52.767', 65'28.926', 19.-20 cent.
4285 Karnab. Old settlement place with rechteckisen
Structures (houses, to field halls), from
Plateau from are clearly visible, shard dispersion
39 "52.393', 65" 28.817', 1e. lh.
Tab. I (continuation)
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 39
Site of the discovery
Object type
GPS co-ordinates date picture
Near to cirque A2B6. Scherhenfunde 39 "56,800', 65" 25.071 mA / NZ
A2B7 Karnab. Shard findings 39'57.405 ', 65" 25.445', *Antike"
(1.-4. Ih.)
A2BB Karnab. Kurgan from earth and stones
(Dm approx. 7 m, H approx. 0.7 m). To the west of it
other Kurgane.
39 "57.41", 65 "25.512',)
4289 Karnab. Kurgangruppe (at least 4)
(biggest one: 10x 12 m, H 1.5 m; smallest one:
10x l0 m, H 0.7 m)
39'57.501 ', 65'25.639 ',
4290 Karnab. Stone earth Kurgan (approx. 10x 12 m,
H 1.5 m)
39 "57.623', 65'26,040'?
4291 Karnab. Shard findings 39'57.259 ', 65" 26.296', FMA/MA
1^292 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "57.089', 65'26.352', MA / NZ
1'293 Karnab. Shard findings 39'57.023', 65'26.361 mA / NZ
1^294 Karnab. Shard findings 39'56.973 ', 65'26.285 ', MA / NZ
4295 Karnab. Mound with modern stone small heap
on it (border mark of shepherds)
(6 x 7 m, H 0.6 m), shard findings
39 "56.765', 65" 26.347', *Antike"
4296 Karnab. Scherbenstreuungö 39'56.763 ', 65'26.681, "A, ntike"
, \297 Karnab. Building structures in the valley,
Shard findings
39'56.649 ', 65" 26_57O', MA / NZ
4298 Karnab. Stone structures and mucky structures,
Slags, shard dispersion
39'56.690 ', 65'26.518 ', MA / NZ
4299 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "56.371 '., 65'26.655', MA / NZ
4300 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "56.246', 65'26825', MA / NZ
A30 l Karnab. Shard findings 39'56.088 ', 65" 26.872', MA,/NZ
1^302 Karnab. Shard findings 39'55626 ', 65" 26.823', MA,/NZ
4303 Karnab. Shard findings 39'55.566 ', 65" 26.826', FMA, / MA
4304 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "55.448', 65'26.887', NtrA,/NZ
4305 Karnab. Stein-Erde-Suukturen and caves
in a rock slope, slags, shard dispersion
39'54.916 ', 65'27. OF O36', FMA-NZ
4306 Karnab. Shard findings 39'54.506 ', 65'27.757 mA / NZ
4307 Karnab. Steinkurgan (Dm approx. 7 m, H 0.8 m),
to the east besides a stone circle (sunk
Kurgan?) (Dm approx. 7 m), shard findings
39 "b7.645'65" 25.954', prehistory,
4308 Karnab. Kurgan pair, stones and earth
(Dm12m, H1m)
39 "57.749', 65" 26.014', I
4309 Karnab. Area depressions, perhaps sunk ones
Graves (Dm l-1,5 m, T 0,2-0,3 m)
39 "57.768', 65'26.t24',)
A3l0 Karnab. Shard findings 39'56.968 ', 65'26.1 1 3', MA / NZ
Tab.1 (continuation)
40 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Site of the discovery
Object type
GPS co-ordinates date picture
A3l1 Karnab. Area unevennesses with more modern
Shepherd's station, shard dispersion
39'56.875 ', 65'26.1 60', FMA, MA, NZ
A3t2 Karnab. Settlement tracks, shard findings 39 "56.802', 65" 25.957', FMA-NZ
4313 Karnab. Spinnwirtel from glazed shard 39'56.468 ', 65'25.876 ', SpätMA
4314 Karnab. Kurgan of small stones
(Dm 5 m, H 0.5 m)
39 "54.457', 65" 27.403',)
4315 Karnab. Steinkurgan (Dm 8 m, H 0.5 m) 39'57.577 ', 65'25.800 ',)
4316 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.973', 65'31.435', \, and the following, A./NZ
A3T7 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.891 ', 65'3\.462' mA / NZ
4318 Karnab. Erdkurgan (?) (Dm 12 m, H 0.9 m)
with central funnel (Dm 4 m)
39'50,807 ', 65'31.203 ',)
4319 Karnab. Steinkurgan (Dm 8 m, H 1 m)
with depression in the middle, shard findings
39 "50.76r', 65" 3r.144', MA / NZ
4320 Karnab. Shard findings 39'50.698 ', 65" 31.722', MAlNZ
Near to cirque A32I. Shard findings 39 "50.755'65'31.446 ', MA / NZ
L322 Karnab. Shard dispersion 39 "50.732'65" 31.584', FMA, MA
L323 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "50.983', 65" 31.673' MA / NZ
L324 Karnab. Scherbenstreuunsö 39'51.026 ', 65'31.806 ', MA / NZ
L325 Karnab. Shard findings 39'51.213 ', 65" 37.!; 24' MA / IIZ
Of A' 326 Karnab. House leftovers (2 rooms), shard findings
39 "51,420', 65" 28.776', SpätN4, A.
Ls27 Karnab. Erdkurgan (Dm 7 m, H 0.7 m) 39 "51.748', 65'28,850'?
In 4328 ILernab. Shard findings 39'54.735 ', 65'27.857 ', SpätMA
4329 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "54.416', 65" 28,470', MA
4330 Karnab. Shard findings of 39 "b4.372', 65" 28,720' MA / NZ
A33l Karnab. Wide valley with numerous building leftovers,
Slags, shard findings
39'54.309 ',
39 "54.344',
65 "28.57 t',
65'28.569 ',
L332 Karnab. Slags, shard findings 39 "54.244', 65'28.582', MA,/NZ
4333 Karnab. Perfectly circular embankment ditch arrangement
(Dm 25 m)
39 "54.117', 65'28.695'?
A^334 Karnab. Shard findings 39 "54. Of O26', 65'28,739', MA,/NZ
4335 Karnab. Numerous building structures from
Loam and stones, area unevennesses,
Shard dispersion
39'54.108 ',
39 "54,130',
65 "28.551',
65'28.447 ',
. A, ntike",
4336 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.83@, 65" 28.183', SpätMA/NZ
A337 Karnab. Shard findings 39'53.665 ', 65" 28.27O', MA / NZ
A338 Karnab. Slags, shard dispersion 39'53.59O', 65'28.593 ', MA / NZ
4339 Karnab. Dilapidated shepherd's station with older ones
Building structures, shard dispersion
39'53.280 ', 65" 29.033', FMA,
Tab. I (continuation)
Site of the discovery
Object type
GPS co-ordinates date picture
4340 Karnab. Steinkurgan (2 x 1.2 m) 39 "52. Of B93', 65'28.637'?
Karnab. Erdkurgan (Dm 16-17 m, H 0.8 m)
approx. 100 m to the south of another Kurgan
(Dm 5 m), shard findings
39 "52.822', 65'28.548', "antiquity",
1e.-20 cent.
Karnab. Kurgan from earth and stones
(Dm 10 m, H 0.5 m), below of it stone ring
around a depression (Dm 7 m, T 0.3 m),
Shard dispersion
39'52.380 ', 65" 28.626', MA,/NZ Cf. report
4343 Karnab. Shard findings 39'52.080 ', 65" 29_47 \', MA / NZ
A^344 Karnab. Shard findings 39'51.841 65'29.71 bread units, MA / NZ
1.345 Karnab. Hall Seval-Tepa, Kurgangruppe a:
from earth, Dm 20 m, H 2 m; B: 30 m in IN SUCH A WAY
from a, from earth, Dm 10 m, H I m; C: 60 m in
SO from B, from earth, Dm 15 m, H 1.5 m,
Shard findings
39'51.014 ', 65" 28.31 l', *Antike"
4346 Karnab. Ovaier Kurgan from earth (55 x 35 m,
39'51.139 ', 65" 2767@,)
A347 Karnab. Kurgangruppe (3-4 Kurgane),
by a geologist's cut as much as possible
are destroyed, avei stone rows were still
recognizably, shard findings
39'50.033 ', 65" 28.27q', Achaimenidisch
(6.-4 cent.
v. Chr.)
Fig. 10, 1-5
A348 Karnab. Shard findings 39'49.452'65" 27.754', Äntike"
1.349 Karnab. Fastened Tell Allah Yor Tepa
(Dm approx. 80 m) with ring embankment and more centrally
39'53.087 ', 65" 29.454', "antiquity",
Fig. 8
4350 Karnab. Area unevennesses (constructions) on
a terrace to the west of A349, shard dispersion
39'53.050 ', 65'29.196 ', rAntike",
A35t Lapas. Shard findings in a geologist's cut
39 "46.498', 65" 41.848', MA / NZ
A.352 Lapas.
Stone circle on area spur (cure 39 "16.406', 65'4r.778')
4353 Lapas. Meal tub in a geologist's cut
on the foot of a cliff face
39 "46.738', 65'41.05@?
A^354 Lapas. Level recumbent stone group aufeiner
Hilltop (Kurgan?)
39'46.959 ', 65'40.480 ',)
4355 Lapas. Granite block (rock foreign to place) in
to a geologist's cut
39 "47,390', 65'40.088'?
4356 Lapas. By Geologenschurf cut ones
Schlitzpinge, stone hammers
39'47.388 ', 65'40.053 ', Ureeschichte
A357 Lapas. Stone hammers in a Geologenschurf
39 "47,390', 65'40,000' prehistories
A35B Lapas. Stone hammers in a Geologenschurf
39 "47.437', 65'39.994', prehistory
4359 Lapas. Stone hammers in a Saj 39 "47.433', 65'39.983', prehistory
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 4 l
Tab.1 (Fortsezung)
42 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Site of the discovery
Object type
GPS co-ordinates date picture
4360 Lapas. Stone rows to the north of the street, from
to a Geologenschurf cut. Shard dispersion
39 "47.427', 65'39.834', MA / NZ
4361 Lapas. Shard findings 39'46.396 ', 65'41.865 ', MA / NZ
4362 Lapas. Shard findings 39'46.358 ', 65'41.80 l of MA / NZ
4363 Lapas. Rock sample from a geologist's cut
39 "46.799', 65'40.657',)
4364 Lapas. Shard findings on a terrace 39 "46.799', 65'40.281 FMA-NZ
4365 Lapas., saint's grave". Oval stone settlement
from Kalksteingeröllen
39 "47.132', 65" 39.949', NZ
4366 Lapas. Rock sample (slag) 39 "47,220', 65'39.8B8',)
L367 Lapas. Compared with shard dispersion from
to a modern tunnel
39'47.226'65'39,850', N. {4',/NZ
A36B Lapas. Stone hammers in a Saj 39 "47.427', 65'39.889', prehistory
Of A' 369 Lapas. Numerous stone hammers and shard dispersion
39 "47.412', 65'39.886', MA / NZ
A370 Lapas. Umwallte terrace. Numerous stone hammers
39'47.439'65'39,910', prehistory
1.371 Lapas. Stone hammers. Arch test 39 "47.448', 65'39.891', prehistory
A372 Lapas. Approx. 4 x 3 m surface with one
Verge from dry stone walls. One
Stone hammer
39 "47.461 65" 39.883', prehistory
1\3 I-J Lapas. Steinhämmeq rock sample 39 "47.482', 65'39.866', prehistory
Lapas. Shard dispersion 39'47.541 65" 39.701', MA / NZ
A375 Lapas. Quartz way in a Geologenschurf 39 "47 _501', 65" 39,667',)
A376 Lapas. Slags (?) rehearses 39 "47.724', 65'39.672'?
A377 Lapas. Geologenschurfin one black one
Discoloration of approx. 6-m length and 2-m depth
it was cut
39 "47.745', 65'39.671)
A37B Lapas. Oval Steinkurgan (Dm approx. 14 m,
H 1.40 m). In the middle a funnel (Dm approx.,
2.5 m)
39'47.879 ', 65'39.515 '?
A379 Lapas. Steinkurgan (Dm approx. 12m) with
39 "47.882', 65" 39.464',)
A3BO Lapas. Steinkurgan (Dm approx. l0 m, H 0.40 m) 39'47.888 ', 65" 39.423'?
A38l Lapas. Steinkurgan (Dm approx. 10 m, H 0.35 m)
close in 4382
39 "47.844', 65'39.515',)
4382 Lapas. Steinkurgan (Dm approx. l1-12 m,
H 0.40 m)
39 "47.848', 65'39,540',
4383 Öangali. Fastened Tell. Ceramics in that
39'48.170 ', 65'59.913 ', FMA MA
(5.-11. 1H.)
Fig. 10.10
to 12
Tab. I (continuation)
Site of the discovery
Object type
GPS co-ordinates date picture
4384 Slpchi (between Ingiöka and Tim). More fastened
39 "39.456', 65" 58.707', FMA MA
(4.-11 cent.)
A3B5 Karnab. Several stone circles (Dm approx. 2 m)
on a terrace below.A342a. With
of the excavation one of it became immediate
under the humus merely the grown one
Ground (till 0.50-m depth) found
39 "52,240', 65'28.735',)
4386 Öangali. Saj profile with several get dark
Layers. The lowest layer 2 m under that
today's surface. Charcoal and ceramics
39 "48.t07', 65" 59.864', MA
4387 Cangali. Shard dispersion in the Saj (not
39 "47.885', 65" 59.386', MA / NZ
4388 Öangali. Slightly oval Erdkurgan
(Dm 3.70 m, H approx. 0.50 m)
39 "47.668', 65'59.284',)
4389 Cangali. Shard findings 39 "47.925', 65'58.546', MA / NZ
4390 Cangali. Shard findings 39 "47.982', 65'58.448', MA / NZ
A39l Öangali. Shard findings 39'48.109 ', 65'58.1 84', MA / NZ
1.392 Cangali. Shard findings 39'48.1 79', 65'56.990 ', MA / NZ
4393 Cangali. Silexabschlag 39 "48.306', 65" 56.889', prehistory fig. 10.2
4394 Öangali. In the Saj profile two dark layers
on a length of approx. 50 m. Depth under that
Surface approx. 1.50 m. Upper layer l0 cm,
lower layer 40 cm thick, in between gravel.
No findings
39'47.873 ', 65'5B.BBB')
4395 Cangali. In the way to Kargaly. Scherbenfirnde
39 "48.457', 66'00.286', prehistory
(Iron Age)
Abb.10, l3
4396 Cangali. Shard findings in a Geologenschurf
39 "48.236', 65'59,880', FMA-NZ
A397 Cangali. Shard findings in the Saj. Nichtverrollt 39'47.989 ', 65" 56.842', MA / NZ
4398 Öangali. With Kargaly. Rectangular stone settlement
with rounded corners (L 13.5 m,
B 10 m). From big granite blocks (to
0.95 m), strongly from lichens covered.
Few ceramics
39'48.080 ', 65'56.839 ', MA,/NZ
In 4399 lkrgaly. Fastened Tell with modern one
Cemetery in the local edge
39'48.238 ', 65'56.007 ', FAS \, {{MA
4400 Cangali. Several small hills with central ones
Depressions (looted Kurgane?)
39 "48.497', 66'00.373',)
A40t Lapas. Rock drawings 39 "49.873', 65'38.341?
4402 Lapas. Rock drawings 39 "49.753'65" 39.27ever,)
1-403 Abdurachman Kp. Kurgan 39'55.158 ', 65" 35.039', FMA Cf. report
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 43
Tab. I (end)
(N.B.und H. P.)
44 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
With the area celebrations in 1998 became
approx. 2 km to the north-east of the place Karnab and
about 1 km to the north of the tin bed one
old historical archaeological site in the northwest edge
of the Siökonöi-Saj (A276 - N 39o51.329',
E 65 "30.761') identified, by one
about the north south straightened Geologenschurf
it had been cut. In
to the years 1998 and 1999 became the place
d.ann nearly completely freigelegtla.
The settlement lies with a terrace edge,
in the east and the south by the valley
of the Siökonöi-Saj it is limited. To the north
if one closes itself up to the Cigataitau mountains
level steppe scenery in (fig. 14.1).
A deep geologist's cut, possibly SSW-NNO
running, the terrace shares and cuts
the settlement (fig. 14.2; 15). Ewa 20-24m
to the west of the geologist's cut and in parallel
in addition there runs a modern country lane; in his
Of it this became an area and to the west
Area by machine application strongly changes.
Even further to the west follows another
Geologenschurf, again about in parallel
First as well as to the country lane (fig. 15).
In the first geologist's cut, by them
old historical settlement ran, became
l99B with the area celebrations as it were
by chance the rest of a stone construction
(Fig. 17.1) notes. In the same year became
the profiles (east profiles = profiles 1/98
and 3/98, Westprofrl = profile 2/98) on both
Sides of the fleece fez dug away and cleaned,
further we laid on the eastern side
Cut 1, in profile 1/98 straightened
and possibly B, B0 x 3.40 rngroß was (fig. 15). In
then follower's year 1999 it came to the wide ones
Exposure of the surface between
to the Siökonöi-Saj and the modern country lane
(Fig. 14.2; 15). On this occasion, became cut I
by two part cuts (1a and lb) enlarged,
around the connection with the grid net to
98 receive, itself on the profiles l / and
3/98 covered and about the whole area
it was laid (fig. 15). After the south closed
itself the slice 2, 3, 4 and 27 in. In parallel
in addition applied southeast offshore
the slice 5, 6,7, 17, 12 and 28 as well as
8, 9, 13 and 14; the last row in the southeast
existed only more of three surfaces 10,
l5 and 16. In the western subrange of the establishment
between Geologenschurf and
We laid country lane in two parallel rows
the slice 77,19,21.23 and 25 (in the Geologenschurf)
as well as 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26
(in the country lane) in. Northwesterly of the country lane,
on the edge of the modern disturbances,
if surface 29 was opened, to the east
Siökonöi-Saj, finally, still Schniu 30. Seen
from the surfaces 1a and lb as well as
29 were (5x15m) all cuts 4x5m
largely and by profile footbridges of I m of width
of each other separate. These footbridges became
later only more diminished where it to itself
to the entire exposure of findings
for necessary proved (between cut I and profile
l/98 as well as between the slices B and
9, 19 and 21.22 and 24).
In the western Sondage (cut 29)
if we found exclusively infertile ground.
Settlement tracks of the Bronze Age are able for
this area are excluded.
Surface to the east of the Siökonöi-Saj (cut 30)
proved till a depth of 1.00 m of sandy-gravelly
Layers with strongly verrollter more medieval
or modern ceramics, with those
it to itself probably around young depositions
of the Siökonöi brook acted. The Graburrgen
were broken off at 1.00-m depth,
because bronze-temporal settlement leftovers not
more were to be expected.
Zun SrnerrcRAPHrE
The Stratigraphie is right basically in the whole one
Settlement area (fig. 16).
The infertile subsoil exists of orange
1* A.rß. to the authors took K Alimov, S. Baratov, R. Boroffka, AND Brosseder, K. Dietrich, T. Güelütürk, V. Nabokov,
D. Nösler undJ. Snow-white in the excavations share. The Umzeichnungen of the findings and findings became
from R. Boroffka made. We owe for discussions and tips among other things N. Alanesova, N. Cholmatov,
M. ChuZanazarov, V. Ranov and L. Sverökov. For help by the consideration of Chinese literature is
B. Powder and M. Wagner owed.
Siedlunssarchäologischc Forschunsen irn Umfcld of Karrzrb, Lapas uncl Öangali 45
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