Tuesday, January 04, 2011

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Situation of the Siedlurrg in the G.el:inde \.on Norclwcrsten in. 2 Rlick on dic (lrabulgsschnitte
\ron Nordcn.
\bt. 11. lGrrrah. Siikorrii-Sierllrrrrq. I
46 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Fig. 15. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Topographic plan with situation of the cuts
to yellow, very hard, neogenem loam with
To river pebbles (layer I). About that one follows
Package of different thickness with different ones
Situations of fine or coarse Kjes,
between the partial also mucky tapes
are stored (layer II). Although this
Gravel layers, actually, as natural depositions
of fluent waters are valid
had to go, included between them to lying ones
To Lehmstraten findings and findings
(2. B. Fireplaces 20a-b) 15, in particular
in the area of profile 3/98 (eastern side
Of geologist's cut) and the cuts 2-7,
27 and 28. It let themselves up to five mucky tapes
(= distinguish celebration horizons),
nevertheless, mostly not about him
Cut are to be pursued out. They proved
in each case only so few findings, that one
Development within the settlement in it
is not to be read. Therefore one is allowed zlvar
from an often returning, presumably
seasonal settlement go out, one
Nevertheless, fine chronology does not charge with working out itself,
because the Stratigraphie to kleinrägmig
and the finding material is too scanty. Uber
to this layer package was found different
strong deposition to loess-like
Of loam (layer III). This contains that
to principal population leftovers with fireplaces,
Pits and stone constructions.
Also here several let themselves here and there
Phases recognise (2nd B. Findings from the 3-1 to the 3-3,
Fireplaces l6a B, findings 17-18 and
27-28) which limits, however, once more only very much
and on single objects covered pursued
can become. In the archaeological finding
15 are There the gravel layers between the celebration horizons of natural origin, can be supposed,
the fact that the settlement lay in close vicinity of a brook. The fact, that corresponds to him in the north (here even
with very sudden edges in the slices 11, 13 and 15) and in the southeast the neogenes depositions
in much lower depth than in the central excavation area were cut. A stream course would be able therefore about
from the east to the west the settlement flowed through have, without his exact course in the gravel layers
would be to be fixed. A care with fluent water would be also necessary for the arch processing
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Öangali 4?
rI-13r zr.4
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04 m
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r Tm
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Fig. 17. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement
well no changes are tangible.
the modern one follows this layer III, finally
Humus (layer fV), mostly in
an upper, strongly durchwurzelten (living one)
Horizon and a lower part with
to few or no roots are separated
is able. There comes at some places
still the rezente excavation of the arrangement
of the geologist's cut, so that all together
to observe up to three humus layers
were. They contained almost no old historical ones
However, findings, isolates medieval ones
and modern ceramics.
The most frequent findings are fireplaces. They
exist mostly only of small surfaces
(Dm approx. 20-60 cm, partly ovally) burnt
Of ground with little cinder or Holzkoh-
Overall plan with situation of the findings.
leresten (fig. 17,6/14-16/18-20/22/26/28-
34.41.43-52.55*57). Exceptions are they
Findings 7 (cuts 21), 74 (cuts 1), 36
(Cut 27) and 37 (cuts 13). During
Findings 37 (fig. 17.3; 1B, C) merely unites
Stones and burnt mucky lumps enclosed,
if were the fireplaces 7 (fig. 17.7;
l8, B), 14 and 36 (fig. 17,14.35; 18, A; 19.8)
easily eingetieft and with vertically sunk ones
Stone records umstelltl6.
A little bit less numerously meet Ctruben.
Medieval to modern ones
Pit 42 in cut 12 (Dm 1.00 m, T to
1.45 m) is not considered here further.
With the remaining pits let themselves
bigger and smaller ones make a distinction. To
the findings 13 and count the bigger one
17 (Dm 1.60m), 27 (Dm 1.45m), B (Dm
1.30 m) (fig. IB, E-F), I and 54 (Drn
1.00 m) as well as 35 (Dm 0.95 m). They all became
from layer III eingetieft and besitt6
Ahnlich, but without interpretation: Kangurttut (BzHorpa4oea 1984, 244 Abb.3). After the description would be allowed
comparable fireplaces also in the settlement by Kirova, SüdtadZikistan, have been thought: ÄurezHcxzü/
Co., \orbel-197 2, 42.

48 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. Plans and profiles of well-chosen findings. A
C findings 37. D findings 13. E-F Refirnd 8.
, i:
:, 'tirr".::i:r; qi lir, r:: i
':il:irj.l::: i.i:ii:!:
Fig. 18 Findings 36th B findings 7.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali
Zen in the cross section a level, slightly circular one
Ground. A little one are the pits 5
(with bag-shaped profile, mouth-Dm
0.50 m, the biggest Dm 0.75m), 1 l (the irregular
Profile, Dm 0.60 m), 23 (graded,
Dm 0.60 m and 0.30 m), 39 (circular, Dm
0.60 m), 58 (circular, Dm 0.55 m) as well as
27, 38 and 40 (level circular, Dm 0.40 m).
The smallest pits 59-62 (Dm 0,10-
0.18 m), in the southeast profile of cut 16
lay, are able as post holes appealed
become. Besides, merely they come
Post holes 60 and 61 from layer IIL
Post hole 59 on the border of the layers
II and III is older, and the layer, from
it goes out, still overlays post hole 62.
Nle four reach till a depth from approx.
1.00 m (from the surface) and in layer
II in. From the frame there falls pit 63,
though a level circular profile shows,
however, in the plan is rectangular. Theirs
Narrow side misses 0.35 m, became all together
she grasps on a length of 0.45 m. They
was filled with gravel and proved no findings.
She is not able also stratigraphisch passély
become, because they of the lower area
the layer IVausging and directly in layer
I (in this area the layers are absent
II-III) eingetieft became.
In single cases let themselves, how on top
already mentioned, within the cuts stratigraphische
Sequences already recognise, what
was to be observed in profile 3/98 (fig.
16,8). Thus lie at the north end of the profile
two phases of the findings 16 about one another
(16a-b), findings 18 pit 17 overlays
and at the south end of the profile were found
under a younger celebration horizon
(20c) two fireplaces (20a and 20b) about one another,
in each case from a gravel layer separate,
everybody belongs in layer II. In
Cut 2 (fig. 17) stands fireplace 22
the layer border II, zIII and, besides, deeper
as a fireplace 26 (layers III). In cut 3
if pit 27 by the fireplace 28 becomes direct
overlays (both layers III), during
itself the fireplaces 29 and particularly 30
even deeper in the lower part of layer II
consider. The fireplaces from cut 4
if everybody of the layer III, two is descended though
nevertheless, of it (31-32) lie clearly under
both other (33-34). In cut 5
if the fireplaces 44 and 46 became in that
Layer border II/III invested. About that, in
lower part of the layer III, fireplace was found
45. Followed it, easily after the south
they shifted, in the middle of the layer III
Fireplace 47. Further in the north erschierr
in the upper part of the layer III, finally
the fireplace 43. With it let themselves here within
of a cut a total of four
Celebration horizons ascertain. From him
three fireplaces in cut 6 belong to 48
and 49 in the lower part of layer II,
while fireplace 50 in the upper area
of the same layer package lay. Only with the help of
of the fireplaces let themselves for
the layers II (2nd B. Findings 20a-c) and
III (findings 45, 47 and 43) in each case at least
three celebration horizons make a distinction,
to those still fireplaces to him
To add layer borders I/II and II, zIII
are. Indirectly are able with it at least
eight phases of utilisation of the area opened
already become, which, however - how
on top emphatically - not as a Straten in the whole one
Settlement area allow to pursue, but
only at certain places within them
Establishment a several times returning one
Use book.
By two arrangements the function is unclear.
With one it concerns a flat one
Stone packet from on an average
To 30-cm-long blocks (findings 72) at the north end
from profile 1/98 (fig. 16,812; 17.12),
belongs to the gravelly layer II. This
Stone packet applies at 1.00-m width
on a length of approx. 2.00 m in east west
Direction. She contained few shards and
a core stone from quartz (fig. 54.13),
other arrangement of unsettled use (findings
25) became in the slices 2 and 5
documents (fig. 17.25): She formed one
Channel of 0.50-m width and 0.15-m depth,
in east west direction at approx. 2.50-m length
was received. She existed of hard one,
to rammed down loam with very carefully
spread, very gypsum-containing surface.
Belong to the most important findings
the bigger appendixes 1-4 and 53, probably
as rests of C, ebäuden anzüsprechen are.
Object 53 was able in the slices 7 and
28 are cut only partially
(Fig. 17.53). Besides, it concerns one
big, level pit of approx. 4.00-m length
and to 2u0,40-m depth in the upper part of her
50 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
Layer III, to a half pit house
(Russian poluzemljanka) might have belonged.
Receive a little better, even if partially
destroys by the geologist's cut, was
Construction 1, in profile 1,/98 and in
Cut 1 was grasped (fig. 15.81; 17.1;
19, A).} {ier the north wall and east wall were able
of a building are dug out. In
The north was found a row of four vertically
to put up stone records (total length
1.50 m), with a circular corner
in the east wall from nine stone blocks (total length
2.50 m) passed over. In the east wall
were among other things a big meal stone of granite
(Fig. 64.1) and a stone hammer (fig. 5 B, B)
obstructs. Before the north face lay a round one
Pit (1a, Dm 0.46 m) (fig. 19, Ala). In
Southwest formed two vertically standing ones
Stones about 3.00 m to the south of the west end
the north face a circular corner; in theirs
We put corner a fireplace from
0.30 m of diameter firmly (fig. 19.41b). This
Building would be allowed to do approx. 2 x 3 m been big
is and a small pit in the north face
and a fireplace in the southwest corner
have owned. Because to itself in the southeast corner
no stones considered, the layers
but were undisturbed, would be able here of her
Entrance are supposed. Pit 13
(Fig. 17.13; 18.4) is younger than construction I and
became additional in him eingetieft.
Appendix 2 lies approx. 15 m farther southeast
in the slices B and g (fig. 17.2; 20;
21,1) in the east edge of the settlement. The excavation findings
if permits here the differentiation
from three construction phases. Oldest (findings
2-1, fig. 20, A) existed from about
oval arrangement (north-east southwest straightened,
approx. 2,50 x4,00 m largely), easily
in the upcoming ground (gravelly loess)
eingetieft was. In the inside of the south wall
if a round stove (findings 2a stood,
Dm 0.75 m) with the opening after southwest
(Fig. 20, Ac.d). The rising stove wall
existed of loam with stones, was
red burnt and still up to 75 cm high
receive. There in analyses of the stove ground
and contents a tin salary provably
of wur' 7, it would be allowed to do itself around metallurgist's broads
Stove have traded. Two post holes
(Dm 0.25 m) at the south end and in
of the middle of the arrangement (findings Zc-d) belonged
possibly also to the first arrangement.
In the west edge of the construction, under
the stone verge of the second phase of utilisation,
were found nrei downpour drop from
Bronze (fig. 5 1,8. 10) 18.
In the second phase (findings 2-2,
Fig. 20.4) one dressed the arrangement with one
Stone wreath from, in the north-east and
in the southeast was not closed. In
South end of the northeast gap snaps
the external stone settlement for approx. 1.00 m after
inside. The southeast gap was on both
Sides of similar stone rows enclosed,
so that a sort of way originated. Both
might be to be indicated as accesses.
metallurgist's broad stove from the first phase
(Findings 2a) lie exactly in südöstlichenZugane
and becomes partial by his stone verge
überlaeert, is not able any more
have been in use. A new one
Stove of the same construction (findings 2B,
Fig. 20, Aa-ö) with the opening to the north
if one built, nevertheless, on the southern one
Outside corner of the northeast access. He
was also round (Dm 0,70-0,75 m) and
owned rising walls (up to 0.37 Rn
high receive) from loam and stones. To
to this stove small, oval ones would also be able
Pit (35 x 50 cm) 30 cm farther to the north
have belonged (findings 2e), with fine one
Gravel was filled. In particular in the northern one
Inside area of the arrangement became
Meal and Klopfsteine as well as stone hammers
discovers (fig. 20.4).
In the third and last phase (findings
2-3, fig. 20.8) one extended him
Construction in the north, so that he now
3.00 x 4.50 m measured and roughly the north
The south was aimed. Both entrances
were presumably maintained. In the north
if two small fireplaces (findings 2 g lay
and 2h) without special signs. In that
southern corner of the northeast access,
this time, nevertheless, inside of the arrangement,
if a round stove (Dm was once more
0.45 m) with still receives 5 cm high
Of 17 detailed in addition E. Pernicka undJ. Lutz in: The tin of the Bronze Age in Central Asia II (in preparation).
18 tests ZGMA 0289 and 0296. In greater detail in addition E. Pernicka undJ. Lutz in: The tin of the Bronze Age in Central Asia
II (in preparation).
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 51
Fig. 19. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. A plan of hut l. B cut by findings 36.
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Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and öangali 53
nen verge. Ceramics were in particular
in the northwest corner and in the southwest edge
of the dwelling concentrates. To this phase
if an oval pit (Dm 0,40-was allowed also
0.50 m) approx. 0.60 m to the north of the stone verge
have belonged (findings 58). She was with
Gravel fills and proved a metal fragment
of arsenic copper (fig. 51.9) 1see.
The third stone construction (findings 3,
Fig. 17.3; 21.2; 22; 23) lay with the west edge of her
Settlement in the slices 22 and 24. Also
here a total of three phases can be distinguished.
In oldest (findings 3-1,
Fig. 22, A) was a big, oval pit
(B 3.00 m, L more than 4.00 m) in east west adjustment
easily in the infertile gravel eingetieft.
Besides, became in the middle to the south of the Längsachse
the construction still a deeper one
Pit (Dm 0.75 m) dug up, the brown-yellow
Loam included (findings 39, fig. D, q.
About that a fireplace (findings applied
3e, fig. 22, A; 23, Q from approx. 1.00 m
Diameter. In the east part of the arrangement became
an other small pit (findings 3H, Dm
0.50 m, fig. D, q also in the being waiting one
Gravel dug and then with strongly
to gypsum-containing loam fills. About that moved
one a roughly rectangular one
Stone paving (findings 3C, 0.40 x 0.50 m,
Fig. 22, A), in the eastern side by one
vertical stone record of 20-cm height begrenztwurde.
Approx. 20 cm followed above of it
a round fireplace (findings 3B, Dm
0.40 m). To the north of the findings 3e considered
itself an other round fireplace with eingetieftem
Middle section and still approx. 20 cm high
to preserved edge (findings 3a, Dm 0.70 m;
Fig. 22.4). On the third round fireplace
with big stones (findings 3d, Dm 1.00 m,
One pushed fig. 22, A) further to the west in that
Middle axis of the building. Probably
if not all four fireplaces were concurrent
in use, stratigraphisch they belong
Findings 3d and 3ejedoch certainly to one and
the same stage. How to itself findings 3a in addition
holds back, could not be cleared, during
3B etwasjünger might be.
In the second phase (findings 3-2,
Fig. 22.8) the adjustment of her changed
Construction, and she became, as
Hut 2, lined with stones.
Now 3,50x4,00m big construction was the north south
orients. The rectangular outline owned
slightly rounded corners. The stone verge
was substantially more careful than by construction
2 explained and is able as a wall or wall foundation
from approx. 50-cm width calls
become. In the southeast corner, where the stones
so close were not put, would be allowed
probably the entrance have lain. Inside
of the arrangement no fire leftovers were found
or fireplaces. Beside ceramics
if one bumped there into several Rillenhämurcr
and blow stones with hollows (Abb.22, B).
Two also come from this area
Limestone reductions, as it were by-products
in the production of groove hammers,
can be composed again
(Fig. 62,2a.b). The findings were from stones
overcast, presumably as inwards vcrstürzte
Wall parts are to be interpreted.
During the last phase became the arrangement
(Findings 3-3) in the north and in the south
something increases and now took a surface
from 3.50 x 5.00 m (fig. 23, A). The stone settlement
in the wall area was furthermore
50 cm wide. In the southeast one found itself
Entrance, in the distance of 0,60-0,70 m
a stone bolt was offshore. In
of the middle of the building one bumped into one
big, round fireplace (findings 3and the following, Dm
approx. 1.60 m) with some stones in the eastern side.
Beside ceramics also belong stone devices
to the latest phase of utilisation this
In the cuts 19 and 2 l became
finally, still the fourth hut (findings 4)
grasps (fig. 17.4; 24).lhr plan was rounded,
measured 3.00 x 3.50 m and was light in
the gravel of layer II eingetieft (T approx.
0.30 m). In the southern part lay a bigger one
round fireplace (Dm 1.00 m) with one
burnt mucky platform and one
Stone row on the south side (fig. 24, A4a). One
smaller round fireplace (findings 4B,
Dm 0.50 m) was to the north of it
(Fig. 24, A4b). In the north-east edge of the arrangement
if an Ausbuchtung was in the gravel gegrale
Test ZGMA 0297. In greater detail in addition E. Pernicka undJ. Lutz in: The tin of the Bronze Age in Central Asia II (in
54 tins of the Bronzezeil in Central Asia I
Fig. 21. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. I huts 2 from southeast, in the foreground there lies the southeast entrance.
2 north parts of hut 3 (phases 3) from southeast.
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 55
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Fig. 22. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. A plan of the phase 1 r'on hut 3rd B plan of the phase 2 of hut 3.
m O
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C "l of Rn
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Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 5/
Fig. 24. Karnab, Siökonöi settlement. A plan of hut 4th B profile of Hiitte 4
ben, in them the third fireplace with raised one
Mucky edge (like the findings
2a, 2B and 3a) was put (findings 4C,
Dm 0.50 m, preserved height of the edge
5 crle) (fig. 24, A4c). Ceramics were found everywhere
The appendixes 1-4 and 53 are able, at least
for the older phases, than Grubenbzw.
Half pit houses are appealed,
because they in each case in the upcoming ground
or in older layers eingetieft became.
Although pit houses (zemljanki)
and half pit houses (poluzemljanki) 20
from the Tazabag' 1ab-and Andronovo-
Culture are absolutely known, these own
show mostly another plan,
no stone installations on and are considerable
grösser2t. L.diglich in Koköa 15 found
To translate 20 With it lväre the mssische name [o^v3eM^tHxa with which half pit houses are meant,
not very strongly eingetieft rvurden.
2 t I-Plur-r it concerns square to trapezoids plans, on a side ebenfä11s eingetieften,
outwardly early input hall aufiveisen. To the size see the for example MalJangaben
with gepuunoe in 1960, 53 following Taf. 46 (TruSnikovo - 10 x 10 m), 3a4Henpoecnuä in 1966, 220 (two half pit houses
from Arrgka 5 with the masses 10,5x10 and 12,2x7,4 m) and trlr:.a:ua in 1977, 44following (iibliche dimensions approx.
7-11 x 8,5-13 m and depths to 0.9 m).
58 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
itself a dwelling, them after her size
corresponds to those from Karnab, however, without
Stones as well as with the usual rectangular one
Plan and an Eingangskorridor22.
One bumped into stone constructions in that
Settlement of Kangurttut, baktrischen
Late Bronze Age is assigned, but
also Andronovo ceramics proved. With him
Stone constructions from Kangurttut traded
it to itself on the one hand around retaining walls in
Terrassenrand23, lies on the other hand one
Pit house with a verge of stones
before. Besides, Ahnlich like in Karnab was
the entrance as a short hall inwards
directed and from stones eingefasst24.
An important role within the finding good
if the ceramics play. Although they strongly by them
Salt crystallisation in the ground unsoundly and
sometimes only as a shade in the ground zLt recognise
was, hundreds of shards were able
are rescued, the numerous forms
- at least partial - reconstruct
leave. The ceramics are excluding hand-made
and with white, sharp edged one
Quartz sand got thin. The chromatic circle
it reaches on the one hand from tan to deep brown,
with different red tones up to brick-red,
and, on the other hand, from light grey to
black. The surface is able intentionally roughed,
untreated, smoothed or polished
be. From the frame only one falls
Shard, outside yellowish and inside pale pink-brown
is (fig. 26.1; 71,1a.0). She comes
from an open disc-rotated vessel,
absolutely as an import from baktrischen
Space are valid of darf2', if a more exact one
Allocation of the small piece to one
of the phases of the baktrischen late Bronze Age
also is not possible.
Although the majority of the Formen26 closed
istund to the pots zugerechnetwerden
can represent, some open vessels are also.
There meet easy calotte-shaped
Bowls and bowls (fig. 25,9.11.12;
25,5) 27, seldom with thickened edge lip
(Fig. 25.7) 28 or scratch decoration and ge-
22\4rusa 1977, 54 Abb.12. (House 9: 3.4 x 5.4 m).
23 B "tt, r.pa4.rea in 1984, 242following fig. I.
2a Bnt o.pa4oea in 1984, 242following Abb.1, walls F-G.
25 Although the form closer cannot be determined, corresponds the product to the materials from DZarkutan
(friendly communication D. Huff, K Kaniuth and M. Anabaptist).
26 Although the Andronovo phenomenon is very widespread, become here predominantly analogies from Chorezm,
Sogdien and Baktrien considers. The areas even further in the north or northwest (rgl. etna r {epuaxon
In 1960; Copoxzu in 1962; KysnnuHa among other things in 1966; Mapry, tan among other things in 1966; Mapry "taH in 1979 among other things) have to go only in isolated cases
are included. Basically must be sent on ahead, that andronovozeitliche settlement ceramics
up to now in no case was presented extensively, in particular not undecorated shards. Thus it is allowed
do not surprise, if for some of the forms or decorations from Karnab no comparative findings named
can become. Hence, with the nearly entire material presentation from the settlement of Karnab increases
the knowledge of the form repertoire of an Aldronovo TazabagJab establishment in Sogdien. In addition
if the picture extensively stamped by grave findings of the Andronovo ceramics must be corrected from that point of view,
the fact that the decorated vessels put out by no means the main part of the material, how this partially with
l4ruua in 7977, 57 tab. 1 was already indicated.
27 bowls with unjointed profile and straight or circular edge are in the graves and in the Siedlungvon
Zzra; 'to find often anbaba (ly, tauoe among other things in 1966, Taf. 1la, l; 116, +6.8-15). They appear against it
in the Andronovo TazabagJab culture rather seldom: Atasu (Mapry, tan in 1979, fig. 133.12), GudZajli CET (ly, r-arr.ron
among other things in 1966, Taf. 25, l), Koköa 3 (Lhvua in 1961, fig. 10.5; 12.5; 14.12 l4r*rwa in 1986, fig. 37.6), Koköa 16 (I4ruua
In 1977, Abb.3B, 4). Ähnüche forms from hand-made, reddish ceramics, became in the settlement of Teguzak
found (llr, xHxoea l98l, fig. 5,5-6). Another copy is still found aufeiner Tlpentafel for
the late phase of the so-called Sujargan culture (To, rcroe in 1962, fig. 18.16. - To the problem of the Sujargan culture
see, however, also 3a4nenpoecxuä in 1966, 214following and Parzinger 1997b). Deep bowls or bowls with straight one
or entering upper top and decoration are also from the graveyard lying further to the west of Taktalaöuk
famously, of the Cerkaskul ' step of the late Andronovo circle (however, with older Abaievo elements and
to mittelbronzezeitlichen dagger forms) is assigned (Kasaxoe in 1979, fig. 4,7; 5,4-5; 6,1.3.5; 7.7). Also, for the rest,
western Andronovo area they seem now and then (Kyaluruua among other things in 1966, Taf. 15.6).
28 a similar bowl with rypischer Andronovo decoration comes from Kangurttut (Vinogradova in 1994,
Fig. 5,2) and Koköa 3 (llruua in 1961, fig. 14.3). A fragment from derAbalevo settlement is comparable also
from Krasnyi Vostok (llprxus1975, fig. 1.12).
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 59
rauhtem lJnterteil (fig. 25.9), as well as conical ones
Bowls (fig. 25,1.2; 26,2.4), dished plates
(Fig. 25,4.6) 2e and a double-conical Miniaturnapf
(Fig. 25, q30. Stätk.r put a tread
Bowls, possibly with turning shoulder
and outwardly to thickened edge
(Fig. 25)) 31, with light shoulder education
and ausbiegendem, at an angle to wiped off one
Fland. (Fig. 25.5) 32, small dished plates cofar
to ausgebogenem edge and wiped off
Lip (fig. 25.10) and big bowls with
appear to curved wall (fig. 26,6-8)
more seldom. Forms with square one,
by a horizontal scratch line, in addition
to stressed belly layout and ausbiegendem
Upper top are only by a fragment
represent (4bb.26,3).
The closed forms let themselves
with the fragmented state of the findings
merely after the creation of the upper top
and the edge divide. First
if some vessels can be selected,
their shoulder inwards inclines. Within
those let themselves to this group
with short, hardly set off cervical zone
and simply gerundetern (fig. 27,4/5/q33
or just to wiped off edge (fig.
27,1-3.6-7.9.10) 34 of others without from
2see From Andronovo-and TazabagJabBereich such forms are very rare: Koköa 3 (I4rzua 1961,
Abb.4,12; nevertheless, 7.3).Hinzu some shards, after the description come perhaps mainly more different
Design are (with red Engobe or of reddish tone), from the early Andronovo settlement of Tugai (Avanessova
In 1996, 120 - but also n. 84 Abb.4l) and from the mixed settlement of Teguzak (llrxnxona
198 I, fig. 5,4) as well as a copy with comb stamp decoration from the settlement of Sortandy-Bulak
(Mapryaau in 1979, fig. 158.1). Undecorated, calotte-shaped bowls and dished plates with easy or just
to wiped off edge are represented rather often in the settlement by Zamanbaba (Iy, tluor among other things in 1966,
-faf. 1Ia, 3.4.6; l2, l-70/17.23.25).
30 small Näpfe, partially with stronger arched wall or more put a tread edge form, come possibly to the TazabaglabSiedlungen
from Angka 5 (tr4rvna in 1977, Abb.54,8), DZanbas 30 (I4ruHa 1977, fig. 47.4), DLanbas33
(tr4rv'ra in 1977, Abb.42,1), Koköa 15 (l4ruua1. S77, fig. lB, 7; 36,5-8), Koköa l5A (Vruua7977, Abb.27, B),
Koköa 16 (I4ruua 1977, fig. 3 B, B) and in the graveyard Koköa 3, grave 20 (l4ruua in 1961, fig. 7,3), before. A similar one
Copy is also found on a type board for the late phase of the so-called. Sujargan culture (To, rcroe in 1962,
Fig. 18.16). In the western area of the Andronovo culture small Näpfe - always undecorated - are over above all
To graves famously (Ky:ruuua among other things in 1966, '|af.7,8; 10.8; 13,14.17.18,27,4). Also under the findings of him, sacrificial places"
in Alekseevka they appear (Kpr-reqoea-Ipaxoea 1948, fig. 51,1-3.9).
31 Eir-r äht-tli.hes profile with the scratch and prick decoration which reminds rather of the Kel'teminar culture (wavy lines),
comes from Zamanbaba (lya-anoe among other things in 1966, Taf. 15.5). For related forms in the field Tazabagjabum
see GudZajli 10 (ly, rarvroe among other things in 1966, Taf. 304,6.8). Cf. also n. 27.
32 EinvergleichbaresExemplarstammtausderSiedlungvonZamanbaba (Iyaxrraoeu.a. In 1966, Taf. 12.15).Mitcharakteristischem
An Andronovo decoration are similar copies from the TazabagJab. To sites of the discovery Gazau (ly "tarraoe
among other things in 1966, Taf. 30A, 3), Koköa 3 (l4rur'a in 1961, fig. I2,3; Llluua in 1986, fig. 38.2), Kumsai (Vinogradova/Pyankova
In 1990, Abb.5,7; Vinogradova in 1991, Abb.3,7; llnaHroea in 1999, Abb.4, l), Pajkent 7 (Acxapoe in 1964,
Fig. 1.25; Acnapoe in 1965, fig. 16.4; ly.r.auon among other things in 1966, Taf.36E, 7) of undVuadil' (lau6ypr / Iop6yuora 1956,
Abb.39,1; Iau6ypr / Iop6yuova 7957, Abb.3, i) provide. Stronger the shoulder zone is profiled with bowls
from Kaptar (Iy-rauoe among other things in 1966, Taf.26,13), Koköa 3 (I4ruua 1961, fig. 4, Il; 5,6.7) and Teguzak (llrauxoea
In 1981, fig. 6,2).
3' See. possibly Angka 5 (tr4ruua in 1977, Abb.53,2.3.7; 54.10), Bajram-Kazgan 2 (I4ruua 1977, Abb.50,4; 51.1),
DZanbas 30 (l4runa in 1977, fig. 47.11), DLanbas34 (l4runa in 1977, fig. 60.1; 61,1-5), GudZajli I and 2 (Iy; uuoe
among other things in 1966, Taf.27A, 6.7), Kavat 3 (l4ruua1977, Abb.55,5-8; 56.7), to the graves of Koköa 3 (tr4rzua in 1961,
Abb.7,2; 12,9-11; 14,, Koköa l5 (I4ruHa 1977, Abb.74,4; 17, l; 18,2.3.5; 22,2.8.11), Koköa 16
(tr4ruua in 1977, fig. 34,6-8; 35,6.8; 36.2; 40,5.7.1I.13), Pajkent 7 (ly, rarraoe among other things in 1966, Taf. 368,1.6) and Tugai
(Avanessova in 1996, fig. 43.4; 44.7 4).
'* with Anulogien in the TazabagJabFundorten Bol' 5oj Tuzkan - different stations (Iy; rxnon among other things in 1966,
Taf. 298.6; 31,1.2; 38A, 1; 388.7), DZanbas 33 (l4r:uua in 1977, fig. 42.4), DLanbas 34 (l4ruua in 1977, fig. 60.9),
GudZajli grave l and station 4 (Acxapoe in 1962, fig. 1,3; Iy.tauoe among other things in 1966, Taf.25,2; 294.2; 298.4), Kaptar
(lya-arrroe among other things in 1966, Taf.26,10), Kavat 3 (tr4ruua in 1977, Abb.55,2), Kirova (Äurerluculä/Co.-norbes in 1972,
Fig. 20E, 12), Koköa 3 (l4ruua in 1961, fig. 4,4;5,8;7,5;9,3.I1;1.0,1I;72,6.7;14,2.8.18), Koköa l5 (l4ruua7977,
Fig. 17.3; 18,6.9; 19.7; 24,4-7), Koköa 15A (klruna in 1977, Abb.27,5.7), Koköa 16 (l4ruua in 1977,
Fig. 39,4.5.11-I7.79-2I; 40.12), Kyzylkyr l1 (Acxapoe in 1962, fig. 1,2; Iyaluoe among other things in 1966, Taf.37,2), Pajkent 6
(Acrapoe in 1964, fig. I, 15.27.27; ly.rauoe among other things in 1966, Taf.36A,, Pajkent 7 (ly, rxuor among other things in 1966,
Taf. 36E, 2.l0), Teguzak (llranxoea in 1981, fig. 6,1; llr.auxona in 1982, fig. 4. on the top left and middle; llrxuxoea
In 1999, fig. 4,5.16), Tugai (Avanessova in 1996, Abb.44,19) of undVuadil' (lau6ypr / lop6yuosa7957, Abb.3,14). With
to similar upper top, but stronger profiIierter shoulder also in Koköa 15 (l4runa in 1977, Abb.20,4).
60 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
stamped cervical zone, with inward more arched
Wall and inside at an angle to wiped off one
Edge separate (Abb.27,11.12135. One
Copy of these move pots was with one
Row of vertically arranged ones
oval Knubben under the edge decorates
(Fig. 27.11). Big vessels resemble the latter
with also inward arched wall,
but with outwardly more thickened
Edge lip (Abb.28,8.9) 36. Appear more often
Vessels with only slightly set off one
to conical neck and outside more thickened
Edge lip (fig. 28,1-7; 29,2-8) 37, to those
Pots with high cone neck and more thickened
Edge lip are close (fig. 29,1.9-11) 38.
Egg-shaped also show an entering upper top
Pots with set off state ground
on and the both booked here
Copies rib-like strengthened
Edge show, from the sculptural garnish moulding
vertically down go off
(Fig. 30,1.2). An other group form
Vessels with roughly cylindrical one
Upper top, edge lip, however, outwardly
is thickened, so that the edge all together
easily ausgebogen works (fig. 32,1.5-B;
33,1-7) 3see, with such a vessel were
Neck and shoulder by fine broom line
roughed (Abb.32,1). Some are further
Unique pieces with inward inclined one
or roughly to vertical upper top to
call. Besides, it concerns one
Pot with spherical body, level ground
and sharply to set off, slightly conical one
Neck, in a simply circular one
Edge concludes (fig. 31.1) 40, some
Fragments of vessels with roughly
to vertical neck and easily ausgeboge-
35 comparable forms, partially with rich scratch decoration, became in Turkmenistan in Patma-saj
(MaH4e "u'urrau 1966a, fig. 1,1) and in the Margiana in Togo locomotive I as well as in Taipdepe I found and with that
Srubnaja culture associated (Maczuon in 1979, fig. 6.33; P'iankova in 1993, I l5 following fig. 5,1-6). From that
'fazabag'jab culture are published some pieces from the graveyard by Koköa 3 (llruua in 1961, fig. 4,7;
9,10.12; 10.3). In Baktrien a similar vessel with outside sloping edge and Andronovozier comes from VachS
(llr.rnxoea in 1999, fig. 4.20). From grave 9 of Da5ti Kozi is a copy with wide Kannelierung Obertei-
Ies illustrated (Eocronryxap in 1998, fig. 30.11). Another with running around strip from Ta5guzor (llr, xHxona
In 1999, fig. 4.21) stehtwohl already closer derAmirabad culture (cf. Parzinger 1997b).
36 Ahnlich in GudZajli 4 and 12 (Iyaxuoe among other things in 1966, Taf.26,8; 298.2), Kirova (ÄzrnuncxprülCo, row, it 1g72,
Fig. 19E, 3), Koköa15 (l4ruua in 1977, fig. 17.4) undKoköa16 (tr4rvua7977, Abb.38,9).WeitereExemplare
with stronger distinctive cervical zone are from Bajram-Kazgan 2 (Lhuua in 1977, Abb.50,1.3), DZanbas 34 (l4rla:r.a
In 1977, Abb.60,2), \{avat3 (l4ruua in 1960, fig. 14.5), Koköa 3 (\4ruua in 1961, fig. 5,1.3; l4ruua in 1986, fig. 38.6),
Koköa 15 (l4ruua in 1977, fig. 17, 2; 20.8) and Koköa 16 (l4ruua in 1977, fig. 33.2; 34,2.4.11) publishes. Another
of reddish tone comes from Teguzak (lft, rHxoea in 1981, fig. 5,1).
37 you are rather frequent in the TazabagJatrKultur: Angka 5 (Llruua in 1977, fig. 54,2.3), Bol'öoj Tuzkan 3 (ly, tanon
among other things in 1966, Taf.388,, DZanbas 33 (llruua in 1977, Abb.42,5), DLanbas 34 (l4ruua in 1577,
Abb.59,, GudZajli 1 l (Acxapoe in 1962, Abb.1,3-5; Acxapoe in 1965, Abb.la, 1.7; lyarvoe among other things in 1966,
Taf. 31,8.10.15), K {rak-Kum, settlement 16 (ÄzrezHcxrzü 1956, fig. 1st Middle; 2 on top on the right), Kangurttut (Vinogradova
In 1994, fig. 5.12), Ibvat 3 (l4rwwa in 1977, Abb.55,4), Kirova (Ar.rrezucxuü/Co.toeree 1972, fig. 198.2;
208,13), Koköa 3 (l4ruua in 1961, Abb.4,5; l0, G-8; 14,5.16; tr4r:zll.a in 1986, Abb.37,8), Koköa 15 (\4ruua1977,
Fig. 14,1.2;).5,1.3.4; 16,2.6.7; 20.9; 27,3-5; 22.7; 23.3), Koköa 15A (Aruua in 1977, Abb.27, l-3; 28,3.6.8), Koköa
16 (I4rvua 1977, Abb.40,1), Kyzylkp 11 (Acrcapon in 1962, Abb.1,1; Acrapoe in 1965, Abb.2; Iya; ruon among other things in 1966,
Taf. 37, l) and Pajkent 6 (ly, rauon among other things in 1966, Taf. 36.4,2.9).
38 from TazabagJab connections in Angka 5 (tr4ruwa in 1977, Abb.l2, l; 54.1), DZanbas 30 (tr4ruua in 1977,
Abb.47,2.5.7-10), finding point 1601" (Llruua in 1977, Abb.b7, I.3), Koköa 3 (I4ruua 1961, Abb.7, l3; 14.6;
trlrutta in 1986, fig. 33.2), Koköa 15 (\4ruua in 1977, fig. 21,6.8) and Koköa 16 (tr4ruua lS77, Abb.34,1.3.6; 36.4;
40,2). Ahnhch, however, costronger to ausbiegendem edge also in Tepai Kamar (I4caxos 1983, fig. 5,5).
3e in the TazabagJab culture: Angka 5 (l4ruua in 1977, Abb.52,3), Bajram-Kazgan 2 (l4ruua in 1977, Abb.5l, 3),
GudZajli, different stations (Acrapoe in 1962, fig. 1,4.5; Acxapoe in 1965, fig. 1a, 3; ly "uuoe among other things in 1966,
Taf.24,7.2; 26.3; 28A, 1; 288,1.3; 31.12), Ibvat 3 (\4ruua in 1977, Abb.55,3), Kirova (Azrezncxaü/Co., roer, ee
In 1972, Abb.20A, l; 208.13), Koköa 3 (l4tuua in 1961, fig. 5,10.12: '10,2.9.12; l2, l; l4r:zsa in 1986, Abb.33,4), Koköa
1.B (l4ruua in 1977, fig. 1.6,1.3; 17,7-9), Koköa 15A (I4ruHa 1977, Abb.28,1.5), Koköa 16 (tr4ruwa in 1977,
Fig. 37.6; 38.2; 39,6.18), Kyzyl Arvata (Kyaruaua in 1964, fig. 2,4), Kyzyl Goty (Kysr, uuga in 1964, fig. 2,3), Machankulja
(ly "t.ruoa among other things in 1966, Taf. 16.1), Malyj Tuzkan 2 (ly.nauoe among other things in 1966, Taf.2BA, 4), Pajkent6 (Acxapoe
In 1964, fig. 1.15; ly, tauoe among other things in 1966, Taf. 364.6) and Sancyz (Kysr.vuna in 1964, fig. 2,1).
nn with.twur softer one shoulder neck-practices. guttg in the TazabagJab sites of the discovery of Angka 5 (l4ruua in 1977,
Abb.54,4), Koköa 3 (l4ru:e^a in 1961, fig. 4, \; I4ruua 1986, Abb.38,5), Koköa 75 (l4ruua in 1977, Abb.21,7) and
Koköa 16 (tr4ruua in 7977, fig. 40.4).
Settlement-archaeological researches in
ner, more around (fig. 31,2.4.6.q4r or after
inside of wiped off edge lip (fig.
31,3) "', very much an engmundiges vessel to me
inwards to thickened edge (fig. 31.5) 43
as well as fragments of two pots with roughly
to cylindrical neck, from those
he fine, vertical broom line tracks
carries (fig. 31.7), other sharply in
a spherical body passes over (fig.
31,9) 44.
A big group exists of vessels
with ausbiegendem edge. Besides, let themselves
Pots with very short neck and in the cross section
of triangular edge lip select
(Fig. J4,1-3) 45. Pots connected are able to do this
become, they a similar edge form
show, however, a high, easily
conical neck own (fig. 34,4.5). It follow
then that with softly ausschwingen-
Sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 61
to him and outwardly thickened edge
(Fig. 35,1-9) 46; besides, a copy shows one
fine, horizontally running around Besenstrichrauhung
(Fig. 35.6). This form goes
fluently to such, upper top
stronger ausbiegt, and also here the edge
outwardly thickens (fig. 36,3.4.6) 47,
at an angle wiped off (fig. 36,1.2.5) 48 or
be simply circularly (fig. 37,1-5.8-14) ae
is able. With such a fragment one is
deliberate Aufrauhung of the surface
to observe by means of Schlickerüberzug
(Fig. 37.4), with another sits below
of the edge a small, round Knubbe
(Fig. 37.13).
Pots with funnel-shaped upper top and
to circular cervical shoulder layout own
also far very wide edges.
Edge lips are able simply circularly (Äöö.
n1 Attgku 5 (l4ruua in 1977, Abb.52,4.5; 53,4-6; 54,6.7), Bajram-Kazgan 2 (l4ruua in 1977, Abb.50,6; Bi,,
DZanbas 30 (Llruua1977, Abb.47,1.3.6), DZanbas 34 (l4ruua1977, Abb.59,5.8), finding point 1601" (I4rvHa
In 1977, Abb.57,4-7), Kirova (Äzrnuscrzä/Co., toeree in 1972, fig. 198.4; 20E, lS), Koköa 3 (I {ruua in 1961,
Fig. 12.2; tr4ruua in 1986, fig. 33.5; 35,2.3; 37.2; 38,1.4), Koköa 15 (tr {rurua in 1977, fig. 16.9), Koköa 15A (Zrrrua
In 1977, Abb.27,5), Koköa 16 (trLruua in 1977,
Koköa 19 (Lbuua in 1977, fig. 57, 8.9), Teguzak (llrau-
, KoBa l98l, Abb.6,4), Vach5 (llrauxoea in 1999, Abb.4,7) of undVuadil' (lau6ypr / lop6yuoea in 1957, Abb.3,2.19).
a2 a Total of one rather rare form, from the TazabagJab to sites of the discovery of DZanbas 30 (Lbuna 1g77,
Abb.47,13), DZanbas34 (l4rvna1977, Abb.60,7) undKoköa15 (tr4ruua1977, Abb.l6,5) belegtist. vessels from own N' äh.tli.h very entering upper top, however, with bigger mouth diameter,
Koköa 3 (l4ruua in 1961, fig. 4,6; 5.8; Llrusa in 1986, fig. 37, I), Koköa 15 (klruua in 1977, Abb.l6,8) and Teguzak
(fft, anxoea in 1981, fig. 6,3; llraHr aa related forms, indeed, mostly without sharp layout, are found in DZanbas 33 (tr4runa1977,
Abb.42,2), Kirova (Azrezncr In 1986, Abb.33,7), Koköa 75 (\4ruua in 1977, Abb.23,2), Koköa 16 (IlIruHa 1977, Abb.3B, 1) and KlzylkJr 11
(ly.unon among other things in 1966, Taf.308,1.2). Comparable pots with similarly sharp cervical shoulder layout are in
Zamanbaba well represent (Iy "tanon among other things in 1966, Taf. 6,1.2; 9.1; 12,11-14.18; l3, l-4; 14 on the right, 4.8-10).
a5 see comparisons from the archaeological sites, to the north of Aichabad" (Kysnruua in 1964, fig. 2,7.8), GudLajli 4 and 7
(Iy-tauoe among other things in 1966, Taf.29A, l; 298.7), Kajrak-Kum, settlement 16 (of Ar.neuncn:z^il' in 1956, Abb.2 on top on the left and
Middle), Koköa l6 (I {runa in 1977, Abb.34,5; 36, I; 37,2.3.5-8), Klzyl Arvata (Kysr, rrauua in 1964, fig. 2,5), Kyzyl Goty
(Ky:rr.rzHa i964, fig. 2,2), Pajkent 6 (Iy.tauoe among other things in 1966, Taf. 36A, 3), Vachi (flrxnrcoea in 1999, fig. 4, B) and
Of Vuadil' (Iav6ypr / lop6yuosa in 1957, fig. 3,9).
a6 Tazabag'jab culture: Of Bol' 5oj Tuzkan 2 (Iy.rxuoe among other things in 1966, 'taf.278,3), GudZajli - different stations
(Iy "rxrvroe among other things in 1966, '|af.27A, 9; 278.2; 28A, 6; 29A, 7), Kangurtur (Vinogradova in 1994, Abb.5, b.6), Koköa 3
(l4ruua in 1961, fig. 7,6; 14.9), Koköa 15 (l4ruwa in 1977, fig. 19,2.3; 22.1) and Mallj Tuzkan 1 (Iy; urvroe among other things.
In 1966, Taf. 278.4).
a7 Tazabag'jab culture: Kangurttut (Bzuorpa4ona 1984, fig. 7,2.8), Koköa 3 (llru:na in 1986, fig. 35.4), Koköa 15A
(l4ruua1977, Abb.228,2), Teguzak (llr, anxoea1982, Abb.4 obenrechts; llr, anxoea1999, Abb.4,17).
a8 A rather rare form in derTazabag'jaFKultur: Kaptar (lyaxrvroB among other things in 1966, Taf.26,14), Kirova (AurezncxnülCo.
toebee 197 2, fig. 208.16. I 7).
ae in Tazabaglab very often: Angka 5 (I4ruua Ig77, Abb.52,2.6-9; 53.1), Bajram-Kazgan 2 (l4ruua 1g77,
4bb.51,5), Bol'Soj Tuzkan 4 and 5 (Iyaarrron among other things in 1966, Taf.31,3.5), DZanbas 33 (l4ruwa in 1977, fig. 42,3.6.7),
Gazau (ly'rslzoB among other things in 1966, Taf. 30A, 1), finding point 1601" (I4rnua 1977, fig. 57.2), G:udLajli - different ones
Stations (Acrapoe in 1965, fig. 1a, I.6.7; ly.uuoe among other things in 1966, 'taf.26,4.9; 28A, 6; 288,2.7; 31,9.13.18), Kavat 3
(l4ruuz in 1977, Abb.55,1; 56,5.6), Koköa 3 (l4ruua in 1961, fig. 7,7. I2 9.7; 10,1.4.10; 72.4; 14.7; tr4.rusa tg8i,
Abb.33,1.3.8; 3B, 1.4.7; 37,4.5.9; 38.3), Koköa 15 (tr4rvua in 1977, fig. 14.3; 16.4; 17,5.6; 78,7.4; t9, B; 20.1-Z;
21,7.2), Koköa l5, {(Wruua1977, Abb.27,3:28,7), Koköa 16 (Aruua1977,Abb.33,L.4;34,5;35,5.7;40,3.6.9),
Muminabad (Acxapoe in 1970, fig. 3,1), Orechov in 1940 (O6o, nayeea in 1955, fig. 62.2), Tugai (Avanessova in 1996,
Abb.44, l-3.5), Vachi (fluHxoea in 1999, Abb.4,6), Vuadil' (lau6ypr / lop6yuoea in 1957, fig. Z.LZ).
62 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
37,6.7) 5o, just wiped off (fig. 3 B qbr? outside at an angle cut-off (Abb.40,5) 52
or be outside-thickened after (fig. 39, 1.6*10;
40,1.2.6; 45.1) 53. A copy of this form
carries waagrechte comb stamp impressions under
to the edge and a level Besenstrichrauhung
on the remaining vascular body
(Fig. 41, 1).Ein other Stückweist in the neck one
if horizontal row from comb stamp impressions doubled
on, about in the same ones
Technology explained hatched Dreiekke
stand which reach up to the edge
(Fig. 40.6). With a pot sitztunter demverdickten
Edge a row from small, round
To impressions (fig. 39.9). Finally, is still
to call a copy, body with
spread, horizontal Kanneluren provide
is and on his shoulder a scratch brand
siat (fig. 39, q54. Another variation from
To funnel neck pots has a short neck,
of the scharfvom ball-bulbous bodies set off
is; the edges are rounded or outside
at an angle wiped off (fig. 40.7; 41,1-4;
45)) 55. leave with a piece of this group
itself another three sloping scratch lines on that
Shoulder recognise (fig. 41.3), with an other one
if a single long Ritzlinre runs
from the shoulder at an angle about the whole one
Body (4bb.41,4).
A comparatively engmundiges vessel
with high neck and easily ausgebogener
Edge lip can be called mug
(Fig. 38.1) 56. The piece is horizontal with
running around, double to triple ones
Scratch line in the cervical shoulder layout
decorated, on the also scratched, at an angle
hatched triangles stand. To stubby ones
Two other ones might probably also tipple
Fragments with ausbiegendem edge
(Fig. 38,2.3) and a wall shard
(Fig. 44.1) 57 have belonged.
Some edge forms of pots fall out
to the usually usual frame. It concerns
besides, around copies, outside arched and
inside gekehlt are, (Abb.42,2.3.7-9) 58, around
a fragment with thickened on top sharp more running up
Lip (fig. 42, q5e as well as around two
Pots with wide, collar-like to thickened one
The edge which is set down sharply by the neck
Ground fragments book set off ones
Stand areas (fig. 30,2-10; 38.7; 44.7; 50.5;
uu Da5ti Kozi (I4caroe / lloreuxlzrra in 1989, Abb.7; Eocrouryxap in 1998, Abb.27; 28,10.11; 30.10; 36.6), Koköa 3
(Ll'ruua in 1961, fig. 9,1), Koköa 15 (l4ruua1977, fig. 15.2), Tepai Kamar (I4caxos 1984, fig. 6,10.11.21).
51 rather seldom from Tazabag' jaLZusammenhängen publishes: Gazau (ly.nanoe among other things in 1966, Taf. 30A, 4.5), Koköa
15 (tr4ruua in 1977, fig. 19,1.4).
u2 Merely from Da5ti Kozi, grave 3, is published an analogy (Zcaroe/llorerraxuna in 1989, fig. 5.14).
u3 Da5ti Kozi (lllcaxoe/florel'rzna in 1989, Abb.4,14.15 Alimov among other things in 1998, Abb.30; EocroHryxap 1998,
Abb.25,2.3.8; 26.2), Koköa 15 (I4rr+ra 1977, fig. 14.5), Nikiforovskich zemljach" (O6o.t4yeea 1955,
Fig. 62.1), Orechov in 1940 (O6o.rayeea 1955, fig. 62.3), Teguzak (llr'aurona in 1982, fig. 4, below on the left; flrsuxoea
In 1999, fig. 4, lB), Tepai Kamar (tr4canoe in 1983, fig. 5,1-4'6)'
5a comparable forms which are also decorated with Kanneluren on the shoulder come from Kumsai, grave 21
(Vinogradova/Pyankova 1990, fig. 5,6; Vinogradova in 1991, fig. 3,9), Tandyrjul (Vinogradova in 1991, Abb.25,1;
llr.sHnoea in 1999, fig. 4,9) and Tepai Kamar (I4canoe 1984, fig. 6.22).
55 Few comparative malices are from Daöti Kozi (I4caxon / lloreuxuna in 1989, Abb.4,6; Eocronryxap in 1998,
Abb.23,7; 31.26), Tepai Kamar (I4caxoe 1984, Abb.6,26) and Vuadil' (lau6ypr / lop6yuova1957, Abb.3, l7 -
with circular edge?) publishes. Moreover, similar vessels are frequent in Zamanbaba (Iy, ttuoe among other things in 1966,
Taf. 11,7.2.7; 1 4 on the left, I.2.4.5, on the right 1.2.7)
56 Ahnliche profiles were found in Angka I (To, tcroo in 1948, Abb.19,3; cf. also Tolstow in 1953), Bol' 5oj Tuzkan 3
(Acrapon in 1965, fig. 16.2; ly "vrr'roe among other things in 1966, Taf. 38E, ll) and Koköa 3 (l4ruua in 1961, fig. 7.11). Weitmundiger
if are copies of mugs from Koköa 3 (L4'ruua 1961, fig. 9, 'tr-6) and Koköa 15 (l4ruua in 1977, fig. 19.6).
u7 Ged.ntrg.ne, put a tread mugs (or small bowls) are in the TazabagJab culture not seldom: Angka 5
(\lruua in 1977, Abb.54,5), DaSti Kozi (EocroHryxap 1998, Abb.32,24), DZanbas 34 (I4ruua 1977, Abb.60,5.6),
GudZajli 11 and 12 (ly, rauon among other things in 1966, Taf. 26,6.7; 31.14), Ibngurttut (Vinogradova in 1994, fig. 5.15), Kavat 3
(llruua l9? 7, fig. 56,3.4), Koköa 3 (I4ruua 1961, fig. 7,4; lt [ruua in 1986, fig. 33,6.9; 37.3), Koköa 15 (Aruua
In 1977, Abb.20,6.7; 21.9. L0), Koköa 16 (l4ruua in 1977, Abb.34,7-10; 38,7.10), Machankulja (Iy-ulaoe among other things in 1966,
Taf. 26.5), Pajkent 7 (Acnapoe in 1964, fig. 1.26; Iy.ur.ron among other things in 1966, Taf. 366,5.8), Tepai Kamar (l {canon in 1984,
Fig. 6.24), Tugai (Aranessova in 1996, fig. 44.6).
58 Ahnliche gekehlte edge forms are further western for the Abalevo culture Tl? isch (llprxuu in 1971, fig. 7,3;
8.5-B; 14,2.4; 22,4.5; 27,9.70; 30.3; 31,2.3; 33,2.3; llpaxzH in 1975, fig. \, 1.3; 3,2-5.9.15; Ilp.rxun in 1977,
Fig. 5,7. I 0; 6.3; 7,; 21,1.2. B; 7'1 I).
5e Tu Fo.m seems in the AbaSevo culture further in the west (llpaxau in 1971, fig. 5,3; 74.71 22,), 0).
Settlement-archaeological researches in the sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Cangali 63
51,2.3) Puts a tread on 60, sometimes rather strongly
(Abb.40,461 as well as in the dull corner set ones
(Fig. 31.1; 32.1; 41,5.7; 50,7.9-11;
51,4.5) 62 or circularly in d.en ground passing over ones
Walls (fig. 41,8-11; 50.8) 63.
As a special form is valid the drag of a cup-like
Of vessel with überkragender base plate
and short, cylindrical foot,
inside is hollow (fig. 40.3). It is rare in
to the vascular drags a special surface treatment,
as for example broom line
(To observe fig. 50.10).
With most vessels with ausbiegendem
Edge is a circular cervical shoulder
To assume layout, as well as several
Wall shards confirm (fig. 43,1-4;
44,2.5.6; 45,5.9; 47.13; 48.5). Some fragments
if point, nevertheless, still other shapings
in: Besides, it concerns cone neck fragments
with a swell
(Abb.44,464 or necking-in in the middle section
(Abb.44J) 65 as well as around a form with
to clearly set off neck (fig. 45.1) 66.
Handles are booked in no case, possibly
if Schnurösen had her function
assumed, provided that it to itself, besides, not around
Repair places commercial-deadly. Moreover became
- exclusively after the fire - holes
in the vascular wall bored (Abb.31,1;
45,6-10; 48.6).
Decorations, the vascular forms certain to itself
allow to assign, we mentioned
already. If the Schlickerrauhung also belongs to it
of the vascular surfaces, how this
with a bowl (fig. 25.9) and with one
Pot (fig. 37.4) d.er case ist68. Roughened
if the vascular surface became further by
fine broom line (Abb.31,7; 32.1; 35.6;
39.1; 50.10). To the sculptural ornaments
if Knubben (Abb.27,11 count; 37,1r6e
or strips (fig. 30, 1.2; 47, 1.2. In 1470.
6 t
Set off stand areas are in the TazabagJab culture almost tlpisch: Da5ti Kozi (Zcar In 1989, fig. 4,6.14.15; 5.14: '7; Alimov among other things in 1998, fig. 30; EocroHryxap 1998, fig. 25,2.3.8; 26.2; 28.71; 30,10.11;
32.24; 36.6), Däanbas 34 (l4ruua in 1977, Abb.60,4.8.10), GudZajli 4 (ly.nauoe among other things in 1966, Taf.29A, 5), Kavat 3
(Vruua1977, Abb.55,2.3; 56,3.4.7), Koköa 3 (l4runa 196 l, fig. 4,1-3.7-10; 5,1-;; 9, I-6
1,0,7.4-5.9-\2; l2, l-4.8-13; 14,1.4.8-18; I4rusa 1986, Abb.33, l-9; 35,2-4; 37,11.3-6.8; 38,1-5), Koköa 15
(Llruua in 1977, fig. 15.1; 16.9; 19,6.7; 20.8; 23,2.3), Koköa 16 (tr4ruua1977, Abb.33,3.5), Kumsai (VinogradovalPyankova
In 1990, Abb.5,4.7; Vinogradova in 1991, Abb.3,7. B; Ilr, gnroea in 1999, Abb.4,1-3), Nikiforovskoj
zemlja" (O6o.t4yeea 1955, fig. 62.1), Orechov in 1940 (O6o.tayeea 1955, fig. 62.3), Tandyrjul (lft, xHnoea in 1999,
Abb.4,9), Teguzak (Ilr, lHxoea in 1981, Abb.6,7), Tepai Kamar (I4caroe 1983, Abb.5,1-6; I4canoe 1984,
Fig. 6,21.22.24), Vuadil' (laru6ypr / Top6yuona 1 957, fig. 3,3.9. 1 0. 1 8. 19).
Daöti Kozi (Eocrogryxap in 1998, fig. 27; 28.70), Koköa 3 (l4rulg.a in 1961, fig. l0, B), Kumsai (Vinogradova/Pyankova
In 1990, fig. 5,5; lls.sHxoea in 1999, fig. 4.10), Tepai Kamar (tr4caxos in 1984, fig. 6.10).
Koköa 3 (l4rvua in 1961, fig. 4.12; 5,7,7.11; 9,8-10; 10,; 72.5; 14.2; \4ruva in 1986, fig. 35.1), Koköa 16
(L4luua lS77, Abb.34,9; 36, b), Tugai (Avanessova in 1996, fig. 43,1.9-12; 44,15.20).
Koköa 3 (llruua in 1961, Abb.4,11; 5.10; Llrutta in 1986, Abb.37,2), Ißirov (fh, auxona in 1999, fig. 4,4), PajkendT
(Acrapon in 1964, fig. 1.25; Acxapoe in 1965, fig. 16.4; ly.truoe among other things in 1966, Taf. 368.7), Teguzak (flraHxoua in 1981,
Fig. 6,1; llb.rnxoea in 1999, fig. 4,5)
Similar thickening in neck or shoulder in Bajram-Kazgan 2 (l4rurta in 1977, Abb.5l, 4), DZanbas 34
(Vruua in 7977, Abb.59,6), Koköa 15 (I4ruua 1977, Abb.22,9.70), Koköa 15A (Vruua in 1977, Abb.28,4) and
Koköa 16 (tr4ruua in 1977, fig. 38.3; 39,7-9).
A similar fragment comes from Pajkent 6 (ly, tauoe among other things in 1966, Taf. 364.11).
Cf. in general the form with n. 38 and Koköa 16 (l4rvua in 1977, fig. 40.2).
The holes not always are in edge nearness (fig. 32, G8.10; 35.6), what a use for grounds
makes rather incredibly. See as comparisons, e.g., Angka 5 (l4ruua in 1977, Abb.52,9; 54.6), DZanbas 33
(tr4rnna in 1977, fig. 42.3), Düanbas 34 (l4ruua in 1977, fig. 59.2), GudZajli - different stations (Iy "uruoe among other things.
In 1966, Taf.26,4.13), Koköa 15 (Aruua7977, fig. 18,1.6), Koköa 15A (Wruua in 1977, Abb.2B, 1), Koköa 16 (tr4ruua
In 1977, fig. 34.1; 40.8), KyzylkJr I I (Iy, r, xuoe among other things in 1966, Taf. 37, I) and Pajkent 7 (ly.taruoe among other things in 1966, Taf. 36 E, l0).
Schlickerrauhung is seldom published from bronze-temporal contexts of Central Asia. Single examples find
itself in Ust '-Naryrn and Truinikovo (r {epurznoe in 1960, Taf. 37.17; 57.16).
Sculptural decoration points in general to a rather late time position, however, comes already in'Iazabag'jal> Zttsammenhängen
before: Koköa 75 (Aruua in 1977, fig. 18,3.4), Koköa 16 (l4ruua in 1977, fig. 36.3). Ihubbenreihen like
to Karnab come further in the settlements Beibulak, Bazar-kaly, Koköa l5 and l6, Jakke-Parsan and in the graveyard
Koköa 3 before (tr4rzua in 1977, Abb.64, l-8). In Kazachstan Knubbenreihen are possibly in Kanaj (Yepnzxoe in 1960,
-taf. 17,5.72), Ust '-Narlnn (9epnzxoe 1960, Taf. 30,4.9) and TruSnikovo (9epHunoe 1960, Taf. 57.21) represent.
To running around strips, in particular in the cervical shoulder layout, mark the Amirabad culture (Parzinger
1997b). In edge nearness, as for example in Karnab, they appear in several time periods: Angka 5 (Aruua lg77,
64 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
There Kanneluren, mostly honzontal step
in neck, shoulder or belly right
and narrowly to groove-like (Abb.46,2;
47,3-13; 48,3-071oder broadly (fig. 48,1.2; 49,
Lg) '2. Seldom they run schräs (fig. 50.1)
or vertically (fig. 50,2.3). Also depressions
(Fig. 50,4-5) meet not too often.
Eingetiefter decoration is able further scratched or
be stamped. Beside several fragments
with scratch lines, to itself not more to
To motives allow to complement (fig. 25,2.9; 26.3;
32.3; 41.4; 45,1-5.7; 46,3.7), are sloping line bundles
or line up (Abb.41,3; 46,1.2.
4. 5) 7
Fi see C H grätmus Te r o d he Zick Zack lines
(Fig. 3 B) 7
4, schraffi erte ace; rnmetrische
Triangles (fig. 38.1; 46.6) 75, a T:förmige
Fig. 53,1-7), bazaar 2 (\4rnua in 1977, fig. 70.1), Barak-tam 19 (tr4ruua in 1977, fig. 70.2), DLanbas 266 (IrIrHna
In 1977, Abb.70,8.9), GudZaili 4 (Iy.uuoe among other things in 1966,-Iaf.29A, 4), Koköa 3 (tr4ruua in 1977, Abb.70,3.4), mausoleums
4 and 5a of the Tagisken north (I'h'Hua 1,977, Abb.70,5-7). Also in the Bronze Age Kazachstans they are not seldom:
YepHzxoe 1960, Taf.31,12.13 (Ust '-Naryn); 43.7 (Malo-Ikasnojarka); 55.75'57.20; 58,3.4 (Truinikovo).
See a moreover tonne-shaped vessel with strips on the shoulder from Kirova (ÄrareIzucxzü/Co., loeree
In 1972, fig. 198.3).
71 A rather rare decoration in the Tazabag'jab culture: GudZaili 4 (Iy, tavoe among other things in 1966, Taf. 29A, 4). To one
Copy with high, kannelurverziertem neck from Karnab (fig. 38, O see possibly Da5ti Kozi (EocroHryxap
In 1998, fig. 28.11) and Tepai Kamar (tr4canoe in 1984, fig. 6.11). In DZanbas 34 (l4ruua in 1977, fig. 60,5-7.9; 61.2)
if the Kanneluren are hatched mostly inside. Further to the north, possibly in Alekseevka, appear narrow ones
Kanneluren rather seldom (Kpunqona-Ipaxoea 1948, Abb.57,6; 58.9). In Ostkazachstan they often meet
with other ornamental technologies aufi Ibnaj (9epuIlron 1960, fig. 15.5; Taf. 17.2), Malo-Krasnojarka (Yepnzroe
In 1960, Taf.40,1.4), Truinikovo (9epuzxon 1960, Taf.53,7.18). Narrow, groove-like Kanneluren are
also in the AbaSevo culture often (Approx.; rr, nuroe in 1954, fig. 7,3-6; Tlpxxuu in 1971, fig. 2,1; 7,2.8; 8,3-5.13.74;
10,5;71,3;16,7.4;77,1-5;27,10.12-14;34,3.5;37,1; flprxrlH in 1975, fig. l, l 3.8.9; 3,; llpaxzn
In 1977, Abb.7,17 9.7; however, 18.5), the form repertoire differs clearly from that from Karnab.
72 Mostly together with other decorations possibly in GudZajli grave 5 and station 9 (Acxapoe in 1962,
Fig. 1,4.5; ly "tar, roe among other things in 1966, Taf.24,1.2), Koköa 3 (I4ruua 1986, fig. 33.5), Kumsai (Vinogradova/Pyankova
In 1990, Abb.5,5.6; Vinogradova in 1991, Abb.3,9; flr.suxoea in 1999, Abb.4,10) and Tandpjul (Vinogradova in 1991,
4bb.25,1; lls-sHKoea 1999, Abb.4,9). Wide Kanneluren, indeed, always in combination with Ritzungen,
already seem in Tugai (Avanessova in 1996, fig. 43.10; 44, \7.19). Further in the north are some fragments
with wide Kannelur from Alekseevka publishes (Kpzeqoea-fpaxoea in 1948, fig. 50.1; 51.8; 57.10; 58.6;
64), and also in Andronovo contexts Ostkazachstans they are represented: Ibnaj (9epurlKoe 1960,
Taf.77,10.17), Truinikovo (9epHuxoe 1960, Taf. 53.13; 54.3).In of the Aba5evo culture are wide, facet-like
Kanneluren more seldom (flp "axr.rH in 1977, fig. 6,3; 7.17; 9.6, 15.7; l8,6).
73 I.r d. TazabagJab culture of the Andronovo circle rather typically: Angka 5 (l4tuna in 1977, Abb.53,3),
Auöin11 (Capuauu4u 1975, Abb.2,1-5), Bajram-Kazgan2 (tr4ruua in 1977, Abb.50,2; 5 I, 2.4), Bol'SojTuzkan3
and 5 (Acrapoe in 1965, fig. 16.5; Iyrauoe among other things in 1966, Taf. 31.6; 38A, 2), DZanbas 30 (l. Lruua1977, Abb.47,1.3.7),
Gazau (Iy "uuoBu.a. In 1966, Taf.30A, 5), Koköa3 (l4tuua in 1961, Abb.4,5.7:5, I0.1I; 9.8; 10.5; 14,4.12; Irlrusa
In 1986, Abb.33,2); Koköa 15 (I4rnua 1977, fig. 17.6; 18.6), Koköa 16 (l4ruua in 1977, Abb.39,9), Kyzylkum, finding points
S04 and S05, Pajkent 6 (ly, scarce, roe among other things in 1966, Taf. 364,2.3). Perhaps, it concerns with the fragments
from Karnab also around parts of loose fish bones or fir branch motives, how they in the Andronovo circle
are frequent: Koköa 15 (\4rvua1.977, Abb.74,5; 15.4; 16,5.7.8; 17.5), Koköa 16 (I4rzHa 1977, fig. 40.9), Kyzylkyr
ll (Acxapoe in 1962, fig. 1,2; Iy.rauoe among other things in 1966, - |af.37,2), Orechov in 1940 (O6o.r, ayeea in 1955, Abb.62,2.3),
Pajkent 6 (Acxapoe in 1964, fig. 1.20; Iy, rauoe among other things in 1966, Taf.36A, 7), cf. also the following n. 61.
7a fish bones and fir branches belong to the most frequent and rypischsten motives of the Andronovo circle:
Angka 5 (l4ruwa1977, Abb.52,8; 53,4.5:54,4.5.8), Auöin 1 (Capuauu4z 1975, fig. 1,1-8), Bajram-Kazgan2
(Arvua in 1977, Abb.50,3.4; 51.7), Bol' 5oj Tuzkan 3-5 (ly.r, auoB among other things in 1966, Taf.31,; 38A, 1.2; 3bread unit,
I/4/7.72.13), Daiti Kozi (Alimov among other things in 1998, fig. 30; Eocrouryxap in 1998, fig. 3 I, 27), DLanbas 33 (I4rvua 1977,
Abb.42,5.6), GudZajli - different stations (Acxapoe in 1965, fig. 1a, 6; Iy, r-arraoe among other things in 1966, Taf.26,1.5;
27A, 1.9: 27E, 1.2; 28A, 5.6; 288,6.8; 29A, 7.3.7; 298,1.4.7; 31,10-, Itujrak-Kum, settlement 16 (Aursu:
ucxuit in 1956, Abb.2), Kangurttut (BuHorpa4oea 1978, Abb.3, l.1l), Ibptar (lya "aMoB among other things in 1966,
Taf.26,10-14), Kavat 3 (\4ruua in 1977, Abb.55,7.8; 56.8), Koköa 3 (l4ruua in 1961, Abb.7,7; 9,4-6.77:10,2-8;
12,; 14.6; I4rv, ua in 1986, fig. 33,3.8; 35.4; 37,; 38,2.6), Koköa l5 (l4ruua in 1977, fig. 14.2; 19.2;
21,1.3.4; 23.2), Koköa l5A (tr4ruua L977, Abb.27,7.5), Koköa 16 (l4runa7977, Abb.34,3.6; 35,1.8; 36.2; 37,1.2:
39,14.21; 40.3), Malf Tuzkan (Iyanuoe among other things in 1966, Taf.27B, 4; 28A, 4), Pajkent 6 (Acxapoe in 1964, fig. 1.19;
ly.rxuon among other things in 1966, Taf.364,, Pajkent 7 (ly.ravoe among other things in 1966, Taf.36E, 2-4.9), Tepai Kamar (tr4canoe
In 1984, fig. 6.27). See also n. 74rnd the contribution vonJ. Cierny and G. Weisgerber in: The tin of the Bronzezeitin
Central Asia II (in preparation) (mining in Öangali and Karnab).
75 scratched, hatched triangles are typical in the Andronovo Tazabag'jab culture and are pronounced
often: Angka 1 (To.rcroe in 1948, fig. 19.3; cf. also Tolstow in 1953); Angka 5 (l4rv:e.a in 1977, Abb.52,6.9), Auöin
11 (Capuaurz4u 1975, fig. 2,6-8), B4jram-Kazgan 2 (I4runa 1977, fig. 51.3), Bol' 5oj Tuzkan 4 (Iy, taruoe among other things.
Settlement-archaeological researches in
Brand (Abb.4g, q76 and Einstichrelhen (fig.
To call 3 g, g) 77. Stempelung became mostly
explained with comb-like instruments,
only in a case there come clocked in ones,
counterconstant triangles before
(Fig. 39.2) 78. With the comb one led horizontal ones
Rows (fig. 39.1) 7e, fish bones
(Fig. 39,3-5) 80 and triangles (Abb.40, O8r
Belongs to the ceramic objects
still not completely more pierced
Spinnwirtel (fig. 51.6). Others became from
Shards made, while one them to run
Sphere of Karnab, Lapas and Öangali 65
to the discs struck, sharpened and pierced
(Fig. 32,2-482.
Metal findings stepped in the slices B
and 14 on, namely afir western edge
from dwelling 2 and in to the north of in it
next area. On the west side
of this construction lay between
to the stones two bronze downpour drops
(Fig. 51,8.10) 83. A little to the north of the building
was found in a gravel-full pit
(Findings 58) the fragment of a metal
of arsenic copper (Abb.51,9) 84. In
the cultural layer in the south part of the cut
In 1966, Taf.3l, 3), Da5ti Kozi (tr4caxoe / llorer.rxuua in 1989, Abb.4,6; Bocrouryxap in 1998, Abb.23,7), DZanbas 30
(l4runa in 7977, fig. 47, lll), finding point 1601 "(tr4ruua in 7977, fig. 57.6), Gudzajli - different stations
(Acxapoe in 1962, fig. 1,3-5; Acxapoe in 1965, fig. 1a, 1.7; ly.tar'aon among other things in 1966, Taf.24,1.2; 25.2; 26,4.7.9; 288,3.7;
294.4; 31,8.9.13), Kangurttut (Vinogradova in 1994, Abb.5,1.12), Kavat 3 (l4ru:eLa 7577, Abb.55,1.3), Koköa 3
(L\ruua in 1961, Abb.4, B; 7,6.12 14,15.16; l4ruua in 1986, Abb.37,5; 38.3), Koköa15 (\4ruwa1977, Abb.l5,2;
17,4.9; 20,1-3; 22,4.6), Koköal5A (Arvua1977, Abb.28,7.8), Koköal6 (tr4tuua in 1977, Abb.34,4; 40.6), Muminabad
(MaH4e^brrrraM 1966a, fig. 37; Acxapoe in 1970, fig. 3,1), Pajkend 6 (Acxapon in 1964, fig. 1,21.27;
ly.r.auoe among other things in 1966, Taf.364,4.8.9), Pajkent 7 (Acxapoe in 1964, fig. 1.25; Acxapoe in 1965, fig. 16.4; Iy.tar'aoe
among other things in 1966, Taf. 368,7.10), Tachirbaj (Capuauu4u 1975, fig. 4,7.4.6-8), Tepai Kamar (tr4caxoe in 1983, fig. 5,4;
tr4caroe in 1984, fig. 6.26), Zamanbaba - settlement (Acxapoe in 1965, fig. 16.3; Iy "tarrroe among other things in 1966,-t^f. 37, 3).
76 bronze-temporal scratch brands were published from Kangurttut (Vinogradova in 1994, 38 fig. 7,6.7).
77 l (lau6ypr / lop6yuoea in 1957, fig. 3,6. I 0. 12. l5)
78 single rows of stamped triangles are found in, finding point 1601" (l4ruua in 1977, fig. 57, 1.5.6), GudZajli
3 (ly.ranoe among other things in 1966, Taf.27 A, 2), Kaptar (Iy.r.ruoB among other things in 1966, Taf. 26.12), Koköa 3 (l4ruua in 1961, fig. 7.12; 22;
14,4.10), Koköa l5 (VIrraa1.977, Abb.20,9), Koköa 16 (tr4ruHa 1977, Abb.39,7.10), Tachirbaj (Capuauu4u
In 1975, fig. 4,6), Teguzak (llr, xHxoea in 1981, 259 fig. 6,3.4; llnturcoea in 1999, fig. 4.19) and Vach5 (flsaHxoea
In 1999, fig. 4.11). Counterconstantly they are booked possibly from Kirova (/lvtsuucxuülCo, roer, ee in 1972, fig. 208.7).
7e S.hr often as a boundary line of other motives. Isolates, like in Karnab, ehva in Angka 5 (l4ruua in 1977,
Fig. 54.9) and Kirova (AzrouHcxnü/Co., toeree in 1972, fig. 19A, 4)'
8o Wi. Tu scratched (n. 74) are also the fish bone motives explained with comb stamp almost tlpisch
for the Andronovo circle: Angka 5 (l4ruwa in 1977, Abb.52,3.4.7), Bol' 5oj Tuzkan 2 (Iy, tarraoe among other things in 1966,
Taf.2t5, 3), Daiti Kozi (I {caxoe/lloreMKuHa 1989, Abb.4,15; Eocronryxap in 1998, Abb.25,8; 26.2), Dianbas 30
(l4ruua in 1977, fig. 47,5.8.9), GudZajli different stations (ly "rar'aoe among other things in 1966, Taf. 26.8; 28E, 1; 298,3.5),
Kajrak-Kum, settlement l6 (AurelrHcxuä 1956, fig. l), Kangurttut (Buuorpa4oea 1978, fig. 3.10; Vinogradova
19-94, Abb.5,9-11.17), Kavat 3 (trbuua in 1977, Abb.55,5; 56,, Kirova (Äureuucnraü/Co.rosree 1972,
Abb.20E, 1B), Koköa3 (tr|ruua1961, fig. 14.3), Koköa15 (Llrvuaf977, fig. 14,1.3; 15.3; 16.6; 19.3'5; 27,2.5)'
Koköa 16 (tr4ruua1,977, Abb.38,1.5; 39.20; 40.4), Machankulja (ly "tarraoe among other things in 1966, Tat.26,2), Tepai Kamar
(I, Icaxoe in 1983, fig. 5,2.6).
81 G. rurrso tlpisch for the Andronovo circle like the scratched, hatched triangles are those, with comb stamps
were explained: Angka 5 (\4ruua in 1977, fig. 52.5; 53,2.6.7: 54.3), finding point 1601" (Ilruua
Of Ig77', fig. Si, Z1, 6ataZaiti 9 and 12 (Iy.rarraoe among other things in 1966, Taf.26,6; 28A, 2), Kangurttut (Buuorpa4oea 1978,
Fig. 3,3.6; Vinogradova in 1994, fig. 5,2.13), Kavat 3 (Vlruua in 1977, Abb.55,2), Kirova (AurelrHcnuü/Co.toesee
In 1972, fig. 19E, 1.2; 208,, Koköa 3 (I4rvua 1961, fig. 10.9; \lrvsa in 1986, Abb.37,9), Koköa 15
(Aruua in 1977, fig. 14.4; 17.2; 18.1; 19,1.6; 20.8; 22,3.5), Koköa 16 (Llrvtna in 1977, fig. 35.3; 36.1; 37,4.6), Kumsai,
Grave 19 (Vinogradova/Pyankova 1990, Abb.5,7; Vinogradova in 1991, Abb.3,7; flr.sHxoea in 1999, Abb.4,1)'
Teguzak (flr, auxoea in 1982, Abb.4 on the left and middle; llr.qHxosa in 1999, Abb.4,16), Vachi (flranxona in 1999,
t2 G.ößer. Ceramic discs and those with holes can have served on the edge also as a lid: Koköa 3
(I4rvua 1961, fig. B, 9; l4rt. [Yes in 1986, fig. 35.5; 37.7; 38.6). Zr to smaller discs from ceramic fragments,
only partial with Durchbohrung' see also gepuurcoe in 1960' Taf in '18, '25, '27, '28; 28'16'20-23; 4r '25'26;
83 rehearse ZGX, {{0289 (Abb.3S, S) and ZGMA 0296 (fig. J&10). In greater detail in addition E. Pernicka undJ. Lutz in:
The tin of the Bronze Age in Central Asia II (in preparation).
8a ZGMA 0296 rehearses. In greater detail in addition E. Pernicka undJ. Lutz in: The tin of the Bronze Age in Central Asia II (in
66 tins of the Bronze Age in Central Asia I
if one bumped into a long bronze ingot
(Fig. 51.11; 71.2) 85, in an easy one,
open mould made wur-
, 86


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